Anatomy_Concepts_Ch6-9 Flashcards
comparison of the male and female pelves: female
general structure and functional modifications: tilted forward; adapted for childbearing; true pelvis defines the birh canal; cavity of the true pelvis is broad, shallow, and larger<br></br>bone thickness: bones lighter, thinner, and smoother<br></br>acetabula: smaller; farther apart<br></br>pubic arch: broader (80-90); more rounded<br></br>sacrum: wider; shorter; sacral curvature is accentuated<br></br>coccyx: more movable; straighter<br></br>greater sciatic notch: wide and shallow<br></br>pelvic inlet (brim) wider; oval from side to side<br></br>pelvic outlet: wider; ischial tuberosities shorter, farther apart, and everted
comparison of the male and female pelves: male
“general structure and functional modifications: tilted less far forward; adapted for support of a male’s heavier build and stronger muscles; cavity of the true pelvis is narrow and deep<br></br>bone thickness: bones heavier and thicker, and markings more prominent<br></br>acetabula: larger; closer together<br></br>pubic arch: arch is more acute (50-60)<br></br>sacrum: narrow; longer; sacral promontory more ventral<br></br>coccyx: less movabel; curves ventrally<br></br>greater sciatic notch: narrow and deep<br></br>pelvic inlet (brim): narrow; basically heart-shaped<br></br>pelvic outlet: narrower; ischial tuberosities longer, sharper, and point more medially”
general structure of synovial joints
articular cartilage<br></br>joint (articular cavity)<br></br>articular capsule<br></br>synovial fluid<br></br>reinforcing ligaments<br></br>nerves and vessels
types of synovial joints
nonaxial (adjoining bones do not move around a specific axis)<br></br>uniaxial (movement occurs around a single axis)<br></br>biaxial (movement can occure around two axes; thus the join enables motion along both the frontal and sagittal planes)<br></br>multiaxial (movement can occur around all three axes and along all three body planes: frontal, sagittal, and transverse)
the joint capsule of the knee is reinforced by several capsular and extracapsular ligaments, all of which become taut when the knee is extended to prevent hyperextension of the leg at the knee.
- the extracapsular fibular and tibial collateral ligaments are located on the lateral and medial sides of the joint capsule, respectively. the fibular collateral ligament descends from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula. the tibial collateral ligament runs from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial condyle of the tibia. besides halting leg extension and preventing hyperextension, these collateral ligaments prevent the leg from moving laterally and medially at the knee.<br></br>2. the oblique popliteal ligament crosses the posterior aspect of the capsule. actually it is a part of the tendon of the semimembranosus muscle that fuses with the joint capsule and helps stabilize the joint.<br></br>3. the arcuate popliteal ligament arcs superiorly from the head of the fibula over the popliteus muscle to the posterior aspect of the joint capsule
What ligaments help prevent hyperextension of the knee?
fibular and tibial collateral ligaments<br></br>oblique popliteal ligament<br></br>arcuate popliteal ligament
Cartilages in the adult human body include:
cartilage in the external ear<br></br>cartilages in the nose<br></br>articular cartilages, which cover the ends of most bones at moveable joints<br></br>costal cartilages, which connect the ribs to the sternum (breastbone)<br></br>cortilages in the larynx (voice box), including the epiglottis, a flap that keeps food from entering the larynx and the lungs<br></br>cartilages that hold open the air tubes of the respiratory system<br></br>cartilage in the discs between the vertebrae<br></br>cartilage in the pubic symphysis<br></br>cartilages that form the articular discs within certain movable joints, the meniscus in the knee for example
functions of bones
support<br></br>movement<br></br>protection<br></br>mineral storage<br></br>blood cell formation and energy storage<br></br>energy metabolism
classification of bones
long bones<br></br>short bones<br></br>flat bones<br></br>irregular bones
bone markings categories
projections that are the attachment sites for muscles and ligaments<br></br>surfaces tha tform joints<br></br>depressions and openings
intramembranous ossification
During week 8 of embryonic development, mesenchymal cells cluster within the connective tissue membrane and become bone-forming osteoblasts. These cells begin secreting the organic part of bone matrix, called osteoid, which then becomes mineralized. Once surronded by their own matrix, the osteoblasts are called osteocytes. The new bone tissue forms between embryonic blood vessels, which are woven in a random network. The result is woven bone tissue, with trabeculae arranged in networks. This embryonic tissue lacks the lamellae that occure in mature spongy bone. During this same stage, more mesenchyme condenses just external to the developing membranous bone and becomes the pereosteum. The trabeculae at the periphery grow thicker until plates of compact bone are present on both surfaces. In the center of the membranous bone, the trabeculae remain distinct, and spongy bone results. The final pattern is that of the flat bone.
endochondral ossification, increasing length in long bones
a bone collar forms around the diaphysis<br></br>cartilage calcifies in the center of the diaphysis<br></br>the periosteal bud invades the diaphysis, and the first bone trabeculae form<br></br>diaphysis elongates, and the medullary cavity forms<br></br>epiphyses ossify, and the cartilaginous epiphyseal plates separate diaphysis and epiphyses
healing of a simple fracture
hematoma formation<br></br>fibrocartilaginous callus formation<br></br>bony callus formation<br></br>bone remodeling
four largest sutures
coronal suture, where parital bones meet the frontal bone<br></br>squamous suture, where each pariental bone meets a temporal bone inferiorly<br></br>sagittal suture, where the right and left parietal boones meet superiorly<br></br>lambdoid suture, where the parietal bones meet the occipital bone posteriorly
general structure of vertebrae
the anterior portion of the vertebra is the disc-shaped body. the body is the weight-bearing region of the vertebra<br></br>the vertebral arch forms the posterior portion of the vertebra. it is composed of two pedicles and two laminae. the pedicles are short, bony walls that project posteriorly from the vertebral body and form the sides fo the arch. the two laminae are flat, bony plates that complete the arch posteriorly, extending from the transverse processes to the spinous process. the vertebral arch protects the sinal cord and spinal nerves located in the vertebral foramen<br></br>the large hold encircled by the body and vertebral arch is the vertebral foramen. successive vertebral foramina of the articulated vertebrae form the long vertebral canal, through which the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots pass<br></br>the spinous process is the median, posterior projection arising at the junction of the two laminae. it is an attachment site for muscles and ligaments that move and stabilize the vertebral column.<br></br>a transverso process projects laterally from each pedicle-lamina junction. as with the spinous process, the transverse processes ar eattachment sites for the muscle and ligaments<br></br>articular processes protrue superiorly and inferiorly from the pedicle-lamina junctions and form movable joints between successive vertebrae: the inferior articular processes of each vertebra join with the superior articular processes of the vertebra immediatly inferior. successive vertebrae are joined by both intervertebral discs and by these articlar processes. the smooth joint surfaces of these processes are facets<br></br>notches on the superior and inferior borders of the pedicles form lateral openings between adjacent vertebrae, the intervertebral foramina. spinal nerves from the spinal cord pass through these foramina
sternum landmarks
jugular notch<br></br>sternal angle<br></br>xiphisternal joint
carpals, proximal row (lateral to medial), distal row (lateral to medial)
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
“infant’s head during delivery”
“As labor begins, the infant’s head enters the pelvic inlet, its forehead facing one ilium and the back of its head facing the other. If the mother’s sacral promontory is too large, it can block the entry of the infant into the true pelvis.<br></br>Both the coccyx and the ischial spines protrude into the pelvic outlet, so a shaply angled coccyx or unually large ischial spine can interfere with delivery. Generally, after the infant’s head passes through the pelvic intlet, it rotates so that the forehead faces posteiorly and the back of its head faces anteriorly. This is the usualy position of the head as it leaves the mother’s body. Thus, during birth, the infant’s head makes a quarter turn to follow the widest dimensions of the true pelvis.”
“talus, calcaneous, cuboid (lateral, ““cube-shaped””), navicular (medial, ““boat-like””), medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms (anterior, ““wedge-shaped””)”
joint classification
functional classification: movement allowed (synarthroses, amphiarthroses, diarthroses)<br></br>structural classification: material that binds the bones together and the presence or absence of a joint cavity: fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial joints
types of fibrous joints
sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses
types of cartilaginous joints
synchondroses, symphyses
major ligaments extending from the forearm bones to the carpals to reinforce the wrist
palmar radiocarpal ligament (anterior)<br></br>dorsal radiocarpal ligament (posterior)<br></br>radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint (lateral)<br></br>ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint (medial)
external ligamentous thickenings of the hip joint capsule reinforce the joint
iliofemoral ligament<br></br>pubofemoral ligament<br></br>ischiofemoral ligament
anterior area of knee joint is covered by three broad ligaments that run inferiorly from the patella to the tibia
“patellar ligament, flanked by the medial and lateral patellar retinacula (““retainers””)”