Anatomy_Key Terms_Ch25 Flashcards
primary sex organs
or gonads, are the testes in males and the ovaries in females
sex cells produced by the gonads, sperm in males and ovum (egg) in females, that fuse to form a fertilized egg
accessory sex organs
all other genitalia in both sexes, including the internal glands and ducts that nourish the gametes and transport them toward the outside of the body, and the external genitalia
”"”witnesses””, or testicles, paired, oval, located in the scrotum”
”"”pouch””, sac of skin and superficial fascia that hangs inferiorly external to the abdominpelvic cavity at the root of the penis”
dartos muscle
”"”skinned””, a layer of smooth muscle in the superficial fascia responsible for wrinkling the scrotal skin (under cold conditions)”
cremaster muscles
””” suspender””, bands of skeletal muscle that extend inferiorly from the internal oblique muscles of the trunk responsible for elevating the testes. under hot conditions, these muscles relax, so the scrotal skin is flaccid and loose, and the testes hang low to increase the skin surface available for cooling (sweating); this also moves the testis farther away from the warm trunk”
tunica vaginalis
serous sac that partially encloses each testis within the scrotum
tunica albuginea
”"”white coat””, just deep to the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis lies the fibrous capsule of the testis<br></br>the one in females is much thinner than the one in males”
seminiferous tubules
”"”sperm-carrying””, one to four in each of 250-300 lobules, coiled, the actual ““sperm factories”””
straight tubule
posteriorly, the seminiferous tubules of each lobule converge to forme a _ that conveys sperm into the rete testis
rete testis
”"”network of the testis””, a complex network of tiny branching tubes, lies inthe mediastinum testis, a region of dense connective tissue in the postrior part of the testis”
pampiniform plexus
”"”tendril-shaped””, venous network in the scrotum, the veins of this network absorb heat from the arterial blood cooling it before it enters the testes and thereby keeping the testes cool”
spermatogenic cells
in the process of forming sperm which begins at puberty
myoid cells
smooth-muscle-like, several layers surround seminiferous tubules, contract rhythmically
interstitial cells
loose connective tissue between the seminiferous tubules contains clusters of _, spherical or polygon-shaped cells that make and secrete the male sext hormones, or androgens
luteinizing hormone (LH)
hormone from the anterior part of the pituitary that stimulates testoterone secretion and controls its effects on the entire male reproductive system
”"”beside the testis””, where sperm mature, comma-shaped organ that arches over the posterior and lateral side of the testis”
duct of the epididymis
highly coiled duct that completes the head and forms all of the body and tail of this organ
luminal surface of this epithilium bears tufts of long microvilli, which are not cilia and do not move
ductus deferens
”"”carrying away””, or vas deferens, stores and transports sperm during ejaculation”
ampulla of the ductus deferens
”"”flask””, distal end of the ductus deferens expands as the _ and then joins with the duct of the seminal gland to form the short ejaculatory duct”
ejaculatory duct
runs within the prostate, where it empties into the prostatic urethra
spermatic cord
a tube of fascia that also contains the testicular vessels and nerves
inguinal canal
an obliquely oriented trough in the anterior abdominal wall
superficial inguinal ring
medial opening of the inguinal canal, V-shaped opening in this aponeurosis
deep inguinal ring
an opening in the fascia deep to the abdominal muscle, the transversus abdominis, where the ductus deferens and testicular vessels enter the pelvic cavity
sperm plus the secretions of the accessory glands and accessory ducts
seminal glands/seminal vesicles
lie on the posterior surface of the bladder, secretion constitutes about 60% of the volume of semen
encircles the first part of the urethra just inferior to tho bladder, consists of 20-30 compound tubuloalveolar glands of three classes (main, submucosal, and mucosal glands)
fibromuscular stroma
the prostate glands are embedded in a mass of dense connective tissue and smooth muscle
inflammation of the prostate
bulbo-urethral glands
situated inferior to the prostate, within the urogenital diaphragm, produce a mucus which neutralizes traces of acidic urine in the urethra and lubricates the urethra to smooth the passage of semen
”"”tail””, male organ of sexual intercourse, delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract, with scrotum make up the external reproductive structures of the male”
glans penis
penis consists of an attached root and a free body that ends in an enlarged tip called the _
or foreskin, the skin covering the penis is loose and extends distally around the glans to form a cuff
erectile bodies
thick tube covered by as heath of dense connective tissue and filled with a network of partitions that consist of smooth muscle and connective tissue
corpus spongiosum
”"”spongy body””, midventral erectile body surrounding the spongy urethra, enlarged distally where it forms the glands penis, and proximally where it forms a part of the rot called the bulb of the penis”
bulb of the penis
secured to the urogenital diaphragm and is covered externally by the sheetlike bulbospongiosus muscle
corpora cavernosa
”"”cavernous bodies””, paired dorsal erectile bodies make up most of the mass of the penis”
crura of the penis
”"”legs””, proximal ends of the corpora cavernosa in the root, each crus is anchored to the pubic arch of the bony pelvis and is covered by an ischiocavernosus muscle”
perineum (male)
”"”around the anus””, contains the scrotum, the root of the penis, and the anus; diamond-shaped area between the pubic symphysis anteriorly, the coccyx posteriorly, and the ischial tuberosities laterally, floor is formed by the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm and the superficial perineal space”
“formation of sperm, occurs within the seminiferous tubules of the testes throughout a man’s life, from puterty until death”
sperm stem cells
type A (sperm daughter cells)
remain at the basal lamina to maintain the germ cell line
type B (sperm daughter cells)
move toward the lumen to become primary spermatocytes
primary spermatocytes
the cells undergoing meiosis I within the seminiferous tubules
secondary spermatocytes
two from each primary spermatocytes, each undergoes meiosis II and prodeces two small cells called spermatids
spermatids differentiate into sperm, each spermatid undergoes a streamlining process as it fashions a tail and sheds superfluous cytoplasm
sperm cell
has a head, a midpiece, and a tail
head (of the sperm)
contains the nucleus with highly condensed chromatin surrounded by a helmetlike acrosome
”"”tip piece””, a vesicle containing enzymes that enable the sperm to penetrate and enter an egg”
midpiece (sperm)
contains mitochondria spiraled tightly around the core of the tail
tail (sperm)
elaborate flagellum
the primary male sex hormone produced by the interstitial cells of the testes
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
from the anterior pituitary gland, with testosterone controll spermatogenesis
basal compartment
extends from the basal lamina to the tight junctions and contains the spermatogonia and ealiest primary seprmatocytes
adluminal compartment
”"”near the lumen””, lies internal to the tigh tjunctions and includes the more advanced spermatocytes and the lumen of the tubule”
menstrual cycle
reproductive cycle which averages 28 days in length
paired, almond-shaped, located on the lateral sides of the uterus, lie aginst the bony lateral walls of the true pelvis in the fork of the iliac vessels
mesentery of the ovary is part of the broad ligament
broad ligament
a large fold of peritoneum that hangs from the uterus and the uterine tubes like a tent
suspensory ligament of the ovary
lateral continuation of the broad ligament, attaches the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall
ovarian ligament
a distinct fibrous band enclosed within the broad ligamen that anchors the ovary to the uterus medially
germinal epithelium
simple cuboidal epithelium covers the tunica albuginea
ovarian cortex
houses the developing gametes
”"”egg cells””, developing gametes while in the ovary”
follicles (reproductive system)
”"”little bags””, all oocytes occure within saclike multicellular structures called _ which enlarge substantially as they mature”
ovarian medulla
loose connective tissue containing the largest blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels of the ovary; these vessels enter the ovary trhough the hilum, a horizontal slit in the anterior ovarian surface where the mesovarium attaches
uterine tubes
aka oviducts aka fallopian tubes, receive the ovulated oocyte and are the site for fertilization
infundibulum (reproductive system)
”"”funnel””, and open funnel at the lateral region of the uterine tube opens into the peritoneal cavity”
”"”fibers, a fringe””, margin of the infundibulum is surrounded by ciliated, fingerlike projections that drape over the ovary”
ampulla (reproductive system)
”"”flask””, medial to the infundibulum is the expanded _, which forms half the length of the uterine tube and is the site where fertilization usually occurs”
isthmus (reproductive system)
”"”a narrow passage””, medial third of the uterine tube”
”"”mesentery of the trumpet””, short mesentery that supports the uterine tube, a part of the broad ligament”
surgical removal of a uterine tube
inflammation of a uterine tube
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
widespread infection that originates in the vagina and uterus and spreads to the uterine tubes, ovaries, and ultimately the pelvic peritoneum
lies in the pelvic cavity anterior to the rectum and posterosuperior to the bladder, functions are to receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized egg throughout pregnancy
tilted anteriorly, uterus is _ at the superior part of the vagina
inclined posteriorly
fundus (uterus)
rounded region superior to the entrance of the uterine tubes
isthmus (uterus)
slightly narrowed region inferior to the body
narrow neck of the uterus below the isthmus, inferior tip of which projects into the vagina
cervical canal
communicates with the vagina inferiorly via the external os (os=mouth) and with the cavity of the body superiorly via the internal os
”"”mesentery of the uterus””, largest division of the broad ligiment anchors the uterus to the lateral pelvic walls”
transverse cervical (cardinal) ligaments
run horizontally from the uterine cervix and superior vagina to the lateral pelvic walls, thickenings of the fascia of the pelvis
round ligaments of the uterus
each of which starts as a contiuation of the ovarian ligament on the superolateral aspect of the uterus, descends through the mesometrium and inguinal canal, and anchors in one of the labia majora of the external genitalia, binds the uterus to the anterior body wall
prolapse of the uterus
unsupported uterus sinks inferiorly until the tip of the cervix protrudes through the external vaginal opening
”"”around the uterus””, the outer serous membrane, is the peritoneum”
”"”muscle of the uterus””, the bulky middle layer, consists of interlacing bundles of smooth muscle that contract during childbirth to expel the baby from the mother’s body”
”"”within the uterus””, the mucosal lining of the uterine cavity. it consists of a simple columnar epithelium containing secretory and ciliated cells underlain by a laminy propria connective tissue. if fertilization occurs, the embryo burrows into the endometrium and resides there for the rest of its development”
functional layer
thick, inner _ (of the endometrium) undergoes cyclic changes in response to varying levels of ovarian hormones in the blood and is shed during mensruation
basal layer
the thin _ (of the endometrium) is not shed and is repsonsible for forming a new functional layer after mensruation ends
uterine glands
endometrium contains straight tubular _ that change in length as the endometrium thickens and thins
uterine arteries
arise from the internal iliac arteries in the pelvis, ascend along the sides of the uterine body, send branches into the uterine wall, and divide into arcuate arteries that course through the myometrium
radial arteries
reach the endometrium, where they give off straight arteries (basal arteries) to the basal layer and spiral arteries to the functional layer
spiral arteries
undergo degeneration and regeneration during each successive menstrual cycle, and they undergo spasms that cause the functional layer to shed during menstruation
”"”sheath””, thin-walled tube that lies inferior to the uterus, anterior to the rectum, and posterior to the urethra and bladder, receives the penis and semen during sexual intercourse and is the passageway for the birth of an infant”
vaginal orifice
“vagina’s external opening”
”"”membrane””, mucosa elaborates to form an incomplete diaphragm”
external genitalia
“aka vulva (““covering””) aka pudendum, structures include the mons pubis, labia, clitoris, and strucuters associated with the vestibule”
mons pubis
”"”mountain on the pubis””, fatty, rounded pad overlying the pubic symphysisc, has pubic hair”
labia majora
two long, hair-covered, fatty skin folds extending posteriorly from the mons, female counterpart or homologue of the scrotum
labia minora
”"”smaller lips””, two thin, hairless folds of skin enclosed by the labia majora”
”"”entrance hall””, recess enclosed by the labia minora, houses the external openings of the urethra and vagina”
“aka frenulum of the labia (““little bridle of the lips””), ridge at the extreme posterior point of the vestiblule where the right and left labia minora come together”
”"”hill””, just anterior to the vestible, a protruding structure composed largely of erectile tissue that is sensitive to touch and swells with blood during sexual stimulation, homologous to the penis”
prepuce of the clitoris
fold of skin formed by the anterior junction of the two labia minora that hoods the clitoris
bulbs of the vestibule
lie along each side of the vaginal orifice and directly deep to the bulbospongiosus muscle, form the basis of the female sexual response
perineum (female)
diamond-shaped region between the pubic arch anteriorly, the coccyx posteriorly, and the ischial tuberosities laterally
”"”egg generation””, ova are produced in a process called _, includes the chromosome-reducetion divisions of meiosis”
“stem cells which give rise to the female’s lifelong supply of oocytes, which are arrested in an early stage of meiosis I around the time of birth”
primary oocytes
“remain ““stalled”” in meiosis I for decades until they are ovulated from their follicle”
secondary oocyte
primary oocyte finishes meiosis one under the influence of the LH surge that signals ovulation and enters meiosis II as a _, but then arrests again and does not finish meiosis II until a sperm penetrates its plasma membrane
egg after the completion of meiosis II
polar bodies
oogenesis typically produces four daughter cells: the large ovum and three smaller cells called _ which contain primarily DNA (little cytoplasm) and degenerate quickly
ovarian cycle
menstrual cycle as it relates to the ovary, has three successive phases: follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase
primordial follicles
consists of an oocyte surrounded by a single layer of flat supportive cells called primordial follicular epithelial cells
follicular phase
start of the ovarian cycle, lasts two weeks, 6-12 primordial follicles start to grow initiating the _
primary follicle
when a primordial follicle starts to grow, its flat follicular cells become cuboidal and the oocyte grows larger, now the follicle is called a _
granulosa cells
follicular cells after they multiply to form a stratified epithelium around the oocyte
zona pellucida
”"”transparent belt””, glycoprotein coat, a protective shell that a sperm must eltimately penetrate to fertilize the oocyte”
follicular theca
”"”box around the follicle””, a layer of connective tisue condenses around the exterior of the follicle”
fluid-filled cavity formed as clear liquid gathers and coalesces between the granulosa cells
vesicular/antral follicle
“follicle after the antrum (““cave””) forms”
corona radiata (reproductive system)
”"”radiating crown””, coat of granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte”
mature ovarian follicle
one follicle reaches its full size of 2cm and is ready to be avulated
“occurs about halfway trhough each ovarian cycle, one oocyte exits from one of teh woman’s two ovaries into the peritoneal cavity and is swept into a uterine tube”
corpus luteum
”"”yellow body””, the part of the follicle that stays in the overy after ovulation collapses and its wall is thrown into wavy folds, consists of the remaining granulosa and theca layers”
luteal phase
corpus luteum persists through the _ of each ovarian cycle
corpus albicans
”"”white body””, if there is no implantation, the corpus luteum dies after 2 weeks and becomes a scar”
uterine cycle
menstrual cycle as it involves the endometrium
mammary glands
modified sweat glands that are present in both sexes but function only in lactating females when they rpoduce milk to nourish an infant in response to hormonal stimulation
central protruding area from which an infant sucks milk
”"”a small open area””, ring of pigmented skin surrounding the nipple”
suspensory ligaments of the breasts
run from the underlying skeletal muscles to the overlying dermis and provide support for the breasts
lactiferous ducts
(lactiferous=milk carrying), lie within and deep to the nipple
lactiferous sinus
just deep to the areola, each lactiferous duct has a dilated region where milk accumulates during nursing
acrosomal reaction
the release of digestive enzymes from their acrosomes
cortical reaction
granules in the oocyte secrete enzymes into the extracellular space beneath the zona pellucida, these enzymes alter the zona pellucida and destroy the sperm receptors preventing any other sperm from binding to and entering the egg
occurs at the moment the chromosomes from the male and female gametes come together within the ovum
the act of burrowing into the endometrium
”"”nourishment generator””, a layer that will soon provide the embryo with nourishment from the mother’s uterus”
”"”cellular part of the trophoblast””, the inner layer where cell proliferation occurs”
”"”the part of the thophoblast with fused cells””, the outer layer were cells lose their plasma membranes and fuse into a multinuclear mass of cytoplasm”
cleftlike spaces then open within the syncytiotrophoblast and quickly fill with materal blood that leaks from degraded endometrial blood vessels
extraembryonic mesoderm
the proliferating trophoblast gives rise to a layer of _ on its internal surface
”"”membrane””, the extraembryonic mesoderm and trophoblast layres together, folds into fingerlike choriconic villi”
chorionic villi
contact the lacunae containing materal blood
body stalk
“embryo’s body connects to the chorion outside of it through a _ made of extraembryonic mesoderm, forms the core of the future umbilical cord”
decidua basalis
“part of the mother’s endometrium adjacent to the complex chorionic villi and umbilical cold”
decidua capsularis
endometrium opposite the decidua basalis, on the uterine-luminal side of the implanted embryo
”"”cake””, decidua basalis and chorionic villi together make up a thick disk at the end of the umbilical cord which continues to nourish the feturs 6 more months until birth”
the events that expel the infant from the uterus
dilation (first stage)
“begins with the first regular contractions of the uterus and ends when the cervix is fully dilated (about 10 cm diameter) by the baby’s head, longest part of labor, lasting 6-12+ hours”
expulsion (second stage)
lasts from full dilation to delivery, or actual childbirth
placental (third) stage
dilevery of the placenta is accomplished within 15 minutes after birth of the infant
testicular cancers
arise most commonly from the rapidly dividing early-stage spermatogenic cells
prostate cancer
slow-growing cancer that arises from the main glands in that organ
ovarian cancer
typically arises from cells in the germinal epithelium covering the ovary, fifth most common cause of cancer death in women
endometrial cancer
arises from the endometrium of the uterus (usually from the uterine glands) and is the fourth most common cancer of women (after lung, breast, and colorectal cancer)
Papanicolaou (Pap) smear
most effective way to detect cervical cancer in its earliest (precancerous) stage
breast cancer
second most common cause of cancer deaths in women, typically arises from the smallest ducts in the lobules of the breast
X-ray image of the breast
radical mastectomy
removal of the entire affect breast plus all underlying muscles, fascia, and associated lymph nodes
removal of the cancerous mass plus a small rim of surrounding tissue
gonadal ridges
masses of intermediate mesoderm which form buldges onthe dornal abdominal wall in the lumbar region, just medial to the mesonephros (an embryonic kidney), during week 5
mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts
future male ducts, develop medial to the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts, the future female ducts
sexually indifferent stage
gonadal ridge and ducts are structurally identical in both sexes
genital tubercle
small projection on the external perineal surface during the sexually indifferent stage
urethral groove
serves as the external opening of the urogenital sinus, runs between the genital tubercle and the anus, flanked laterally by the urethral folds (genital folds) and the labioscrotal swellings
vaginal process
fingerlike outpocketing of the peritoneal cavity, month 3 pushes through the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall to form the inguinal canal
congenital inguinal hernias
most common hernias, when the vaginal process does not close at all and this open path to the scrotum constitutes the route for an inguinal hernia into the vaginal process
”"”governor””, fibrous cord which extends caudally from the testis to the floor of the scrotal sac and is known to shorten”
period of life, generally between ages 10 and 15, when the reproductive organs grow tot heir adult size and reproduction becomes possible
secondary sex characteristics
features induced in the nonreproductive organs by sex hormones
when few follicles remain in the ovaries and ovulation and mensruation cease
or gonads, are the testes in males and the ovaries in females
primary sex organs
sex cells produced by the gonads, sperm in males and ovum (egg) in females, that fuse to form a fertilized egg
all other genitalia in both sexes, including the internal glands and ducts that nourish the gametes and transport them toward the outside of the body, and the external genitalia
accessory sex organs
”"”witnesses””, or testicles, paired, oval, located in the scrotum”
”"”pouch””, sac of skin and superficial fascia that hangs inferiorly external to the abdominpelvic cavity at the root of the penis”
”"”skinned””, a layer of smooth muscle in the superficial fascia responsible for wrinkling the scrotal skin (under cold conditions)”
dartos muscle
””” suspender””, bands of skeletal muscle that extend inferiorly from the internal oblique muscles of the trunk responsible for elevating the testes. under hot conditions, these muscles relax, so the scrotal skin is flaccid and loose, and the testes hang low to increase the skin surface available for cooling (sweating); this also moves the testis farther away from the warm trunk”
cremaster muscles
serous sac that partially encloses each testis within the scrotum
tunica vaginalis
”"”white coat””, just deep to the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis lies the fibrous capsule of the testis<br></br>the one in females is much thinner than the one in males”
tunica albuginea
”"”sperm-carrying””, one to four in each of 250-300 lobules, coiled, the actual ““sperm factories”””
seminiferous tubules
posteriorly, the seminiferous tubules of each lobule converge to forme a _ that conveys sperm into the rete testis
straight tubule
”"”network of the testis””, a complex network of tiny branching tubes, lies inthe mediastinum testis, a region of dense connective tissue in the postrior part of the testis”
rete testis
”"”tendril-shaped””, venous network in the scrotum, the veins of this network absorb heat from the arterial blood cooling it before it enters the testes and thereby keeping the testes cool”
pampiniform plexus
in the process of forming sperm which begins at puberty
spermatogenic cells
smooth-muscle-like, several layers surround seminiferous tubules, contract rhythmically
myoid cells
loose connective tissue between the seminiferous tubules contains clusters of _, spherical or polygon-shaped cells that make and secrete the male sext hormones, or androgens
interstitial cells
hormone from the anterior part of the pituitary that stimulates testoterone secretion and controls its effects on the entire male reproductive system
luteinizing hormone (LH)
”"”beside the testis””, where sperm mature, comma-shaped organ that arches over the posterior and lateral side of the testis”
highly coiled duct that completes the head and forms all of the body and tail of this organ
duct of the epididymis
luminal surface of this epithilium bears tufts of long microvilli, which are not cilia and do not move
”"”carrying away””, or vas deferens, stores and transports sperm during ejaculation”
ductus deferens
”"”flask””, distal end of the ductus deferens expands as the _ and then joins with the duct of the seminal gland to form the short ejaculatory duct”
ampulla of the ductus deferens
runs within the prostate, where it empties into the prostatic urethra
ejaculatory duct
a tube of fascia that also contains the testicular vessels and nerves
spermatic cord
an obliquely oriented trough in the anterior abdominal wall
inguinal canal
medial opening of the inguinal canal, V-shaped opening in this aponeurosis
superficial inguinal ring
an opening in the fascia deep to the abdominal muscle, the transversus abdominis, where the ductus deferens and testicular vessels enter the pelvic cavity
deep inguinal ring
sperm plus the secretions of the accessory glands and accessory ducts
lie on the posterior surface of the bladder, secretion constitutes about 60% of the volume of semen
seminal glands/seminal vesicles
encircles the first part of the urethra just inferior to tho bladder, consists of 20-30 compound tubuloalveolar glands of three classes (main, submucosal, and mucosal glands)
the prostate glands are embedded in a mass of dense connective tissue and smooth muscle
fibromuscular stroma
inflammation of the prostate
situated inferior to the prostate, within the urogenital diaphragm, produce a mucus which neutralizes traces of acidic urine in the urethra and lubricates the urethra to smooth the passage of semen
bulbo-urethral glands
”"”tail””, male organ of sexual intercourse, delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract, with scrotum make up the external reproductive structures of the male”
penis consists of an attached root and a free body that ends in an enlarged tip called the _
glans penis
or foreskin, the skin covering the penis is loose and extends distally around the glans to form a cuff
thick tube covered by as heath of dense connective tissue and filled with a network of partitions that consist of smooth muscle and connective tissue
erectile bodies
”"”spongy body””, midventral erectile body surrounding the spongy urethra, enlarged distally where it forms the glands penis, and proximally where it forms a part of the rot called the bulb of the penis”
corpus spongiosum
secured to the urogenital diaphragm and is covered externally by the sheetlike bulbospongiosus muscle
bulb of the penis
”"”cavernous bodies””, paired dorsal erectile bodies make up most of the mass of the penis”
corpora cavernosa
”"”legs””, proximal ends of the corpora cavernosa in the root, each crus is anchored to the pubic arch of the bony pelvis and is covered by an ischiocavernosus muscle”
crura of the penis
”"”around the anus””, contains the scrotum, the root of the penis, and the anus; diamond-shaped area between the pubic symphysis anteriorly, the coccyx posteriorly, and the ischial tuberosities laterally, floor is formed by the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm and the superficial perineal space”
perineum (male)
“formation of sperm, occurs within the seminiferous tubules of the testes throughout a man’s life, from puterty until death”
sperm stem cells
remain at the basal lamina to maintain the germ cell line
type A (sperm daughter cells)
move toward the lumen to become primary spermatocytes
type B (sperm daughter cells)
the cells undergoing meiosis I within the seminiferous tubules
primary spermatocytes
two from each primary spermatocytes, each undergoes meiosis II and prodeces two small cells called spermatids
secondary spermatocytes
spermatids differentiate into sperm, each spermatid undergoes a streamlining process as it fashions a tail and sheds superfluous cytoplasm
has a head, a midpiece, and a tail
sperm cell
contains the nucleus with highly condensed chromatin surrounded by a helmetlike acrosome
head (of the sperm)
”"”tip piece””, a vesicle containing enzymes that enable the sperm to penetrate and enter an egg”
contains mitochondria spiraled tightly around the core of the tail
midpiece (sperm)
elaborate flagellum
tail (sperm)
the primary male sex hormone produced by the interstitial cells of the testes
from the anterior pituitary gland, with testosterone controll spermatogenesis
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
extends from the basal lamina to the tight junctions and contains the spermatogonia and ealiest primary seprmatocytes
basal compartment
”"”near the lumen””, lies internal to the tigh tjunctions and includes the more advanced spermatocytes and the lumen of the tubule”
adluminal compartment
reproductive cycle which averages 28 days in length
menstrual cycle
paired, almond-shaped, located on the lateral sides of the uterus, lie aginst the bony lateral walls of the true pelvis in the fork of the iliac vessels
mesentery of the ovary is part of the broad ligament
a large fold of peritoneum that hangs from the uterus and the uterine tubes like a tent
broad ligament
lateral continuation of the broad ligament, attaches the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall
suspensory ligament of the ovary
a distinct fibrous band enclosed within the broad ligamen that anchors the ovary to the uterus medially
ovarian ligament
simple cuboidal epithelium covers the tunica albuginea
germinal epithelium
houses the developing gametes
ovarian cortex
”"”egg cells””, developing gametes while in the ovary”
”"”little bags””, all oocytes occure within saclike multicellular structures called _ which enlarge substantially as they mature”
follicles (reproductive system)
loose connective tissue containing the largest blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels of the ovary; these vessels enter the ovary trhough the hilum, a horizontal slit in the anterior ovarian surface where the mesovarium attaches
ovarian medulla
aka oviducts aka fallopian tubes, receive the ovulated oocyte and are the site for fertilization
uterine tubes
”"”funnel””, and open funnel at the lateral region of the uterine tube opens into the peritoneal cavity”
infundibulum (reproductive system)
”"”fibers, a fringe””, margin of the infundibulum is surrounded by ciliated, fingerlike projections that drape over the ovary”
”"”flask””, medial to the infundibulum is the expanded _, which forms half the length of the uterine tube and is the site where fertilization usually occurs”
ampulla (reproductive system)
”"”a narrow passage””, medial third of the uterine tube”
isthmus (reproductive system)
”"”mesentery of the trumpet””, short mesentery that supports the uterine tube, a part of the broad ligament”
surgical removal of a uterine tube
inflammation of a uterine tube
widespread infection that originates in the vagina and uterus and spreads to the uterine tubes, ovaries, and ultimately the pelvic peritoneum
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
lies in the pelvic cavity anterior to the rectum and posterosuperior to the bladder, functions are to receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized egg throughout pregnancy
tilted anteriorly, uterus is _ at the superior part of the vagina
inclined posteriorly
rounded region superior to the entrance of the uterine tubes
fundus (uterus)
slightly narrowed region inferior to the body
isthmus (uterus)
narrow neck of the uterus below the isthmus, inferior tip of which projects into the vagina
communicates with the vagina inferiorly via the external os (os=mouth) and with the cavity of the body superiorly via the internal os
cervical canal
”"”mesentery of the uterus””, largest division of the broad ligiment anchors the uterus to the lateral pelvic walls”
run horizontally from the uterine cervix and superior vagina to the lateral pelvic walls, thickenings of the fascia of the pelvis
transverse cervical (cardinal) ligaments
each of which starts as a contiuation of the ovarian ligament on the superolateral aspect of the uterus, descends through the mesometrium and inguinal canal, and anchors in one of the labia majora of the external genitalia, binds the uterus to the anterior body wall
round ligaments of the uterus
unsupported uterus sinks inferiorly until the tip of the cervix protrudes through the external vaginal opening
prolapse of the uterus
”"”around the uterus””, the outer serous membrane, is the peritoneum”
”"”muscle of the uterus””, the bulky middle layer, consists of interlacing bundles of smooth muscle that contract during childbirth to expel the baby from the mother’s body”
”"”within the uterus””, the mucosal lining of the uterine cavity. it consists of a simple columnar epithelium containing secretory and ciliated cells underlain by a laminy propria connective tissue. if fertilization occurs, the embryo burrows into the endometrium and resides there for the rest of its development”
thick, inner _ (of the endometrium) undergoes cyclic changes in response to varying levels of ovarian hormones in the blood and is shed during mensruation
functional layer
the thin _ (of the endometrium) is not shed and is repsonsible for forming a new functional layer after mensruation ends
basal layer
endometrium contains straight tubular _ that change in length as the endometrium thickens and thins
uterine glands
arise from the internal iliac arteries in the pelvis, ascend along the sides of the uterine body, send branches into the uterine wall, and divide into arcuate arteries that course through the myometrium
uterine arteries
reach the endometrium, where they give off straight arteries (basal arteries) to the basal layer and spiral arteries to the functional layer
radial arteries
undergo degeneration and regeneration during each successive menstrual cycle, and they undergo spasms that cause the functional layer to shed during menstruation
spiral arteries
”"”sheath””, thin-walled tube that lies inferior to the uterus, anterior to the rectum, and posterior to the urethra and bladder, receives the penis and semen during sexual intercourse and is the passageway for the birth of an infant”
“vagina’s external opening”
vaginal orifice
”"”membrane””, mucosa elaborates to form an incomplete diaphragm”
“aka vulva (““covering””) aka pudendum, structures include the mons pubis, labia, clitoris, and strucuters associated with the vestibule”
external genitalia
”"”mountain on the pubis””, fatty, rounded pad overlying the pubic symphysisc, has pubic hair”
mons pubis
two long, hair-covered, fatty skin folds extending posteriorly from the mons, female counterpart or homologue of the scrotum
labia majora
”"”smaller lips””, two thin, hairless folds of skin enclosed by the labia majora”
labia minora
”"”entrance hall””, recess enclosed by the labia minora, houses the external openings of the urethra and vagina”
“aka frenulum of the labia (““little bridle of the lips””), ridge at the extreme posterior point of the vestiblule where the right and left labia minora come together”
”"”hill””, just anterior to the vestible, a protruding structure composed largely of erectile tissue that is sensitive to touch and swells with blood during sexual stimulation, homologous to the penis”
fold of skin formed by the anterior junction of the two labia minora that hoods the clitoris
prepuce of the clitoris
lie along each side of the vaginal orifice and directly deep to the bulbospongiosus muscle, form the basis of the female sexual response
bulbs of the vestibule
diamond-shaped region between the pubic arch anteriorly, the coccyx posteriorly, and the ischial tuberosities laterally
perineum (female)
”"”egg generation””, ova are produced in a process called _, includes the chromosome-reducetion divisions of meiosis”
“stem cells which give rise to the female’s lifelong supply of oocytes, which are arrested in an early stage of meiosis I around the time of birth”
“remain ““stalled”” in meiosis I for decades until they are ovulated from their follicle”
primary oocytes
primary oocyte finishes meiosis one under the influence of the LH surge that signals ovulation and enters meiosis II as a _, but then arrests again and does not finish meiosis II until a sperm penetrates its plasma membrane
secondary oocyte
egg after the completion of meiosis II
oogenesis typically produces four daughter cells: the large ovum and three smaller cells called _ which contain primarily DNA (little cytoplasm) and degenerate quickly
polar bodies
menstrual cycle as it relates to the ovary, has three successive phases: follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase
ovarian cycle
consists of an oocyte surrounded by a single layer of flat supportive cells called primordial follicular epithelial cells
primordial follicles
start of the ovarian cycle, lasts two weeks, 6-12 primordial follicles start to grow initiating the _
follicular phase
when a primordial follicle starts to grow, its flat follicular cells become cuboidal and the oocyte grows larger, now the follicle is called a _
primary follicle
follicular cells after they multiply to form a stratified epithelium around the oocyte
granulosa cells
”"”transparent belt””, glycoprotein coat, a protective shell that a sperm must eltimately penetrate to fertilize the oocyte”
zona pellucida
”"”box around the follicle””, a layer of connective tisue condenses around the exterior of the follicle”
follicular theca
fluid-filled cavity formed as clear liquid gathers and coalesces between the granulosa cells
“follicle after the antrum (““cave””) forms”
vesicular/antral follicle
”"”radiating crown””, coat of granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte”
corona radiata (reproductive system)
one follicle reaches its full size of 2cm and is ready to be avulated
mature ovarian follicle
“occurs about halfway trhough each ovarian cycle, one oocyte exits from one of teh woman’s two ovaries into the peritoneal cavity and is swept into a uterine tube”
”"”yellow body””, the part of the follicle that stays in the overy after ovulation collapses and its wall is thrown into wavy folds, consists of the remaining granulosa and theca layers”
corpus luteum
corpus luteum persists through the _ of each ovarian cycle
luteal phase
”"”white body””, if there is no implantation, the corpus luteum dies after 2 weeks and becomes a scar”
corpus albicans
menstrual cycle as it involves the endometrium
uterine cycle
modified sweat glands that are present in both sexes but function only in lactating females when they rpoduce milk to nourish an infant in response to hormonal stimulation
mammary glands
central protruding area from which an infant sucks milk
”"”a small open area””, ring of pigmented skin surrounding the nipple”
run from the underlying skeletal muscles to the overlying dermis and provide support for the breasts
suspensory ligaments of the breasts
(lactiferous=milk carrying), lie within and deep to the nipple
lactiferous ducts
just deep to the areola, each lactiferous duct has a dilated region where milk accumulates during nursing
lactiferous sinus
the release of digestive enzymes from their acrosomes
acrosomal reaction
granules in the oocyte secrete enzymes into the extracellular space beneath the zona pellucida, these enzymes alter the zona pellucida and destroy the sperm receptors preventing any other sperm from binding to and entering the egg
cortical reaction
occurs at the moment the chromosomes from the male and female gametes come together within the ovum
the act of burrowing into the endometrium
”"”nourishment generator””, a layer that will soon provide the embryo with nourishment from the mother’s uterus”
”"”cellular part of the trophoblast””, the inner layer where cell proliferation occurs”
”"”the part of the thophoblast with fused cells””, the outer layer were cells lose their plasma membranes and fuse into a multinuclear mass of cytoplasm”
cleftlike spaces then open within the syncytiotrophoblast and quickly fill with materal blood that leaks from degraded endometrial blood vessels
the proliferating trophoblast gives rise to a layer of _ on its internal surface
extraembryonic mesoderm
”"”membrane””, the extraembryonic mesoderm and trophoblast layres together, folds into fingerlike choriconic villi”
contact the lacunae containing materal blood
chorionic villi
“embryo’s body connects to the chorion outside of it through a _ made of extraembryonic mesoderm, forms the core of the future umbilical cord”
body stalk
“part of the mother’s endometrium adjacent to the complex chorionic villi and umbilical cold”
decidua basalis
endometrium opposite the decidua basalis, on the uterine-luminal side of the implanted embryo
decidua capsularis
”"”cake””, decidua basalis and chorionic villi together make up a thick disk at the end of the umbilical cord which continues to nourish the feturs 6 more months until birth”
the events that expel the infant from the uterus
“begins with the first regular contractions of the uterus and ends when the cervix is fully dilated (about 10 cm diameter) by the baby’s head, longest part of labor, lasting 6-12+ hours”
dilation (first stage)
lasts from full dilation to delivery, or actual childbirth
expulsion (second stage)
dilevery of the placenta is accomplished within 15 minutes after birth of the infant
placental (third) stage
arise most commonly from the rapidly dividing early-stage spermatogenic cells
testicular cancers
slow-growing cancer that arises from the main glands in that organ
prostate cancer
typically arises from cells in the germinal epithelium covering the ovary, fifth most common cause of cancer death in women
ovarian cancer
arises from the endometrium of the uterus (usually from the uterine glands) and is the fourth most common cancer of women (after lung, breast, and colorectal cancer)
endometrial cancer
most effective way to detect cervical cancer in its earliest (precancerous) stage
Papanicolaou (Pap) smear
second most common cause of cancer deaths in women, typically arises from the smallest ducts in the lobules of the breast
breast cancer
X-ray image of the breast
removal of the entire affect breast plus all underlying muscles, fascia, and associated lymph nodes
radical mastectomy
removal of the cancerous mass plus a small rim of surrounding tissue
masses of intermediate mesoderm which form buldges onthe dornal abdominal wall in the lumbar region, just medial to the mesonephros (an embryonic kidney), during week 5
gonadal ridges
future male ducts, develop medial to the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts, the future female ducts
mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts
gonadal ridge and ducts are structurally identical in both sexes
sexually indifferent stage
small projection on the external perineal surface during the sexually indifferent stage
genital tubercle
serves as the external opening of the urogenital sinus, runs between the genital tubercle and the anus, flanked laterally by the urethral folds (genital folds) and the labioscrotal swellings
urethral groove
fingerlike outpocketing of the peritoneal cavity, month 3 pushes through the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall to form the inguinal canal
vaginal process
most common hernias, when the vaginal process does not close at all and this open path to the scrotum constitutes the route for an inguinal hernia into the vaginal process
congenital inguinal hernias
”"”governor””, fibrous cord which extends caudally from the testis to the floor of the scrotal sac and is known to shorten”
period of life, generally between ages 10 and 15, when the reproductive organs grow tot heir adult size and reproduction becomes possible
features induced in the nonreproductive organs by sex hormones
secondary sex characteristics
when few follicles remain in the ovaries and ovulation and mensruation cease