Unit 15 Practice Quiz Flashcards
The basal lamina, between the epidermis and dermis, is involved in skin disorders that cause:
blister formation
Cells that form a network to bind and process antigens in the epidermis are known as:
Langerhans cells
The pilosebaceous unit of the skin consists of:
sebaceous glands.
The _______ are the skin structures that become inflamed in acne.
sebaceous glands
Unlike hair, nails grow:
Lichenification is caused by:
repeated scratching
In addition to keratinocytes, the epidermis has _____ cells that protect against damage from ultraviolet radiation.
Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, which is a:
skin lubricant
The basement membrane between the epidermis and dermis provides for adhesion and serves as a:
selective filter
Pruritus, a symptom common of many skin disorders, is a(an):
itching sensation
what could cause prutius that is temporary
Which of the following statements about the structure of the skin is correct?
- Nerve fibers originate in the dermis and terminate in the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
- all five layers of the epidermis lack a blood supply
- The epidermis is composed of connective tissue.
- The dermis is composed of skeletal muscle tissue
all five layers of the epidermis lack a blood supply (epidermis is avascular and lacks nerve endings)
What is physiologic basis for albinism?
lack of tyrosinase
Which of the following skin disorders is likely to result from the localized lack of melanin production by melanocytes?
- rash
- bullae
- vitiligo
- malsama
Due to the increasing dryness of her skin in recent years, a 70-year-old woman has needed to reduce the number of baths that she takes. Which of the following factors has resulted in this age-related change in skin function?
changes in sebaceous secretions
Dark skin tone is genetically determined and is primarily the result of:
high production of melanin
Which of the following skin lesions is categorized as a type of blister?
A 22-year-old male college student has presented to his campus medical clinic distraught at the emergence of numerous small blisters on the shaft of his penis. On examination, the clinician notes that the lesions are between 2 and 4 mm in diameter and are filled with serous fluid. The clinician would document the presence of: