Chapter 21-24 Flashcards
blood system incorporates all of the
blood cells, their precursors, bone marrow, lymphoid tissues
fluid/dissolved components of blood
water, proteins, small molecular substances
cellular elements of blood
red blood cells. thrombocytes/platelets, white blood cells
blood does
carries the cells that transport gases
aid in body defenses
prevent blood loss
all of the following are cellular components of blood except which one
mast cells
albumin makes up ___% of plasma proteins
albumin contributes
to the plasma osmotic pressure and the maintenance of blood volume
albumin serves as a
carrier for certain substances
globulins compose __% of plasma protiens
alpha globulins
transport bilirubin and sterioids
beta globulins
transport iron and copper
gamma globulins
constitute the antibodies of the immune system
fibrinogen makes up __% of plasma protiens
fibrinogen is converted to ____ in the clotting process
platelets can also be referred to as
regulate blood cells by stimulating proliferation, differentiations, and functional activation
erythropoietin is an example of
erythropoietin is made in the
colony stimulating factors is an example if
complete blood count provides information
regarding the number of blood cells and their structural and functional characteristics
granulocytes are ____ working
neutralize bacteria
parasites and worms
allergic reactions, release histamine
lymphocytes are _____ working
lymphocyte examples
B and T cells, natural killer cells, monocytes/macropahges
B cells create
T cells
control immune response
natural killer cells
kill antigenic cells
create inflammatory mediators
WBCs make up __% of total blood flow
WBC originate in
bone marrow
granulocytes are all
nucleaus is in segements
segs are
segmented nucleus
what does it mean to have blasts circulating in the peripheral smear
not good, immature, means long term infection
immature WBC, nucleus is in a segment
what is shift to the left
mature blood cells are all used up so the body starts to use immature blood cells, this can cause a normal looking WBC count even though there are no mature WBC
marginating pool of WBC can be activated by
epinephrine, exercise, stress, corticosteroids
basophils are critical for
monocytes/macrophages are crucial in
chronic inflammation
what does a B lymphocyte do
create antibodies
platelets, monocytes, granular leukocytes, and erythrocytes all come from _____ stem cell
T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, natural killer cells all come from _____ stem cells
lymphoid stem cells
more sexual partners you have the more
leukopenia is a
decrease in leukocytes in blood
neutropenia is
decreased neutrophils
virtual absence of WBC
biggest cause of leukopenia is
drug related
if a patient with infection becomes confused that is a sign of
infectious mononucleosis comes from
epstein barr virus
symptoms of infectious mononucleosis
prodromal malaise, anorexia, chills, fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy
blood cancer
leukemia is a malignant neoplasm of the
hematopoietic stem cells
leukemias diffuse replacement of bone marrow with
unregulated, proliferation, immature neoplastic cells
leukemia causes bone pain and risk of fractures why
b/c bone marrow is replaced with immature bone cells and also this is a rapid growth so you have bone pressire
leukemia causes immune suppression and anemia because
the immature bone cells cannot make proper RBC and WBC
Hodgkins is caused by
Hokgkins is painless progressive
enlargement of lymph nodes
stages of hodgkins
stage A, B and advanced
stage A of hodgkins
painless and non sympthoms
stage B of hodgkins
significant weight loss, fevers, pruritus, night sweats
advanced stages of hodgkins
fatigue, anemia, and other systems are involved
nonhodgkins involves the
B/T cell origin
multiple myeloma affects
elderly people
main electrolyte present in multiple myeloma is
main symptom of multiple myeloma
bone pain
GPIIb/IIIa glycoprotein function
covers outside of the platelet and allows the platelet to stick with other platelets to form a clot
calcium plays a key role in clotting because
its involved with almost all clotting factors
where does von willebrand factor get synthesised at
endothelial cells
platelets are made from
vessel spasm is caused by
thromboxane A2
glycoprotein receptor antagonists are used for
vit K is required for synthesis of
prothrombin, factors VII, IX, X and protein C
blood clotting factors are synthesized in the
plasminogen is converted to plasmin and this digests
fibrin strands as well as clotting factors
breaks up a clot
plasminogen activator inhibitor may have a role in
DVT and MI
example of hypercoagulability is
hyper coagulability can be caused by
increased platelet number, platelet aggregation, endothelial damage, increased pro coagulation factors, decreased anticoagulation factors
endothelial injury can be caused by
atherosclerotic plaques that disturb flow, cause endothelial damage and promote platelet adherence