Chapter 29 Study Questions Flashcards
T/F: right lobe of the lung is straighter and less angled
T/F: valsalva is breathing that occurs after strenuous exercise
F (think of bracing core to push up a squat)
T/F: the phrenic nerve at segment C3-C5 innervates the diaphragm
T/F: Emphysema and COPD decrease lung compliance
F (those increase lung compliance)
T/F: ARDS increases lung compliance
F (ARDS decreases lung compliance)
FEV1 may indicate _____________
one condition that changes affinity to oxygen to hemoglobin is ________
temp, pH, hypocarbia
an Ng tube, bed rest, and certain disease conditions may interfere with ____________
cough reflex
__________ may cause a change in respiratory rate
anxiety, shock, exercise, pain, increased cranial pressure
Patient A has low hemoglobin and PO2 of 100mmHg. Patient B has high hemoglobin and PO2 of 55mmHg. Patient ______ is more hypoxic