Unit 14 Practice Quiz Flashcards
Which one of the following types of bone cells is responsible for building bone matrix?
The periosteum is the:
outer fibrous covering of bone
Cartilage is a firm but flexible type of connective tissue. All of the following statements about cartilage are true EXCEPT:
- it is essential for growth before and after birth
- it is found in the articular surfaces in adults
- it has a smooth and resilient surface
- it is well supplied with blood vessels and nerves
it is well supplied with blood vessels and nerves
In growing bone, the metaphysis is separated from the epiphysis by:
the cartilaginous growth plate
Which one of the following serves to connect muscles to bones?
Which statement related to synovial fluid is FALSE?
- It clots easily because of the number of platelets in it
- It facilitates the movement of the articulating surfaces of the joint
- It is slippery with the consistency of egg whites
- The composition is altered by inflammation
It clots easily because of the number of platelets in it
The referral of pain from one joint to another is related to the fact that:
each joint of an extremity is innervated by all the peripheral nerves that cross the joint
A sprain involves:
injury to the ligamentous structures that support a joint
Healing of dense connective tissue:
involves fibroblasts that produce collagen
A fatigue, or stress fracture, is caused by:
repeated wear on a bone
A comminuted fracture is characterized by:
an injury in which the bone is broken into more than two pieces
Common early manifestations of fracture include all of the following EXCEPT:
- swelling at fracture site
- deformity of the affected site
- loss of sensation in affected extremity
- loss of function at the affected site
loss of sensation in affected extremity
Which type of fracture is usually accompanied by the greatest blood loss?
Pelvis and long bones!!!!!
The main reason for applying a cast with a joint in partial flexion is to prevent:
deformities such as contractures and dislocations
Factors that affect bone healing include:
the nature of the injury, degree of immobilization, and local factors such as blood flow
The compartment syndrome involves:
nerve and blood vessel compression caused by swelling of tissues enclosed within muscle fascia
Early signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT:
- severe pain that is out of proportion to the original injury
- burning and tingling over the leg
- diminished reflexes and difficulty in moving toes
- absent peripheral pulses
absent peripheral pulses (last sign before amputation, not an early sign)
A life-threatening complication of a fracture is:
fat embolism
A frequent early symptom of fat emboli is:
disorientation or subtle change in behavior
The most common cause of osteomyelitis is:
direct contamination of an open wound
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis:
results from the localization of a blood-borne infection in the bone
The hallmark of chronic osteomyelitis is:
the presence of infected dead bone
During the first 2 decades of life, the skeleton undergoes general overall growth. Growth of the long bones of the body occurs at the:
epiphyseal growth plate
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a generic disorder characterized by defective:
synthesis of type I collagen
Manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta include
- thin and poorly developed bones that are prone to multiple fractures
- hearing loss caused by osteosclerosis that occurs in adults
- abnormal tooth development
The major symptoms of osteosarcoma are:
persistent pain that becomes worse at night, unexplained swelling over a bone, and increased skin warmth over a bone
The most common type of malignant lesions of bone is:
metastatic lesion
Which statement is FALSE in relationship to osteoporosis?
- Bone mass is positively correlated with the amount of skin pigmentation
- Osteoporosis is rare in children
- Estrogen suppresses bone resorption, which explains the decline in bone loss at menopause
- Cigarette smoking, alcohol ingestion, and high-protein diets are risk factors for osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is rare in children
Osteoporosis is evidenced by:
loss of trabeculae from cancellous bone and thinning of the outer compact cortical bone
Prevention of osteoporosis focuses on:
- regular exercise
- adequate calcium intake
- appropriate estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women
Which one of the following conditions predisposes to the development of osteonecrosis?
- corticoid steroid therapy
- sickle cell disease
- fractured hip
Characteristic pathologic changes that occur in rheumatoid arthritis include:
development of extensive network of blood vessels in the synovial membrane
The most frequently affected joints initially are the:
fingers, hands, wrists, knees, feet
In a person with rheumatoid arthritis of the knees, the bulge sign is used to detect the presence of:
excess synovial fluid
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on criteria that focus on:
symmetrical joint swelling, swelling of three or more joints, morning stiffness, and the presence of rheumatoid nodule
Pannus-Select the features that are TRUE.
- A feature of RA that differentiates it from other forms of inflammatory arthritis
- The inflammatory cells found in pannus have a destructive effecct on the adjacent cartilage and bone
- Eventually develops between joing margins leading to reduced joint motion and ankylosis
- The destructive vascular granulation tissue extendsfrom the synovium to involve unprotected bone
Systemic lupus erythematosus:
- it is chronic systemic inflammatory disease that is characterized by the formation of autoantibodies
- is a form of autoimmune arthritis
- affects almost every organ in the body, including the musculoskeletal system
The reason that persons with systemic lupus erythematosus are instructed to avoid sunlight is that sunlight:
may trigger exacerbations of the disease
A type of autoantibody found in about 95% of persons with systemic lupus erythematosus is an:
antinuclear antibody (ANA)
Androgens appear to protect and estrogens seem to favor the development of:
systemic lupus erythematosus
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative form of joint disease that is that is characterized by:
degenerative changes of the joint cartilage
Osteoarthritis is thought to result from an imbalance between:
proteases and their inhibitors which contribute to disease progression
The manifestations of osteoarthritis include all EXCEPT:
- pain that worsens with activity and is relieved with rest
- localized stiffness
- fever and systemic signs of inflammation
- crepitus and grinding sounds when the joint is moved
fever and systemic signs of inflammation
A basketball player fell awkwardly when attempting to claim a rebound, a mishap that resulted in a tear to the anterior cruciate ligament of his left knee. What characteristic of ligaments makes them particularly susceptible to injury?
Ligaments are incapable of stretching when exposed to unusual stress.
What role do osteoblasts play in the physiology of bone tissue?
Synthesis and secretion of bone matrix
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the anatomy and physiology of the bone marrow?
Hematopoiesis takes place in red bone marrow
what mineral do osteocytes and osteoclasts maintain
osteoclasts reabsorb
bone matrix