Endocrine Kahoot Flashcards
Lab test used to measure diabetic compliance
What is normal A1C
Hypoglycemic shock is treated with
lab findings of patient with hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state
blood sugar of 600
rebound hyperglycemia after hypoglycemia
somogyi effect
expected PCO2 of a patient in DKA
30 mmHg
why would a patient in DKA have LOW PCO2
they are in respiratory alkalosis
administration of insulin to DKA patient will cause
decrease in serum K
diabetes mellitus patient with diaphoresis, sudden onset
buffalo hump, moon face, purple striae, 20% DM, hypokalemia, inhibited immune response, emotionally labile
cushings syndrome
actions of insulin
promotes glucose uptake by cells
symptoms of hypoglycemia
mental confusion
Kussmaul breathing is consistent with
metabolic acidosis
DKA drives K
out of the cell
state of hyperthyroidism, goiter, opthalmopathy
Graves disease
where is ADH synthesized and where does it act
hypothalamus; renal tubular cells
aldosterone directly increases the reabsorption of
diabetes insipidus is a result of
antidiuretic hormone hypo secretion