To what extent was Hitler's leadership the main reason for Nazis in power? Flashcards
Hitler’s leadership helped him into power by?
charasmtatic leader/good oratory skills
Hitler and other key memebrs toned down anti-semantic/anti-weimar feel
tactful politician- let Von Papen think he could easily be contorlled
Drew up supprot from powerful groups- rich captialsits/landowners, upper echelons of the Reichswehr
work with Goebbels created precise and effective propoganda
visited people- increased social status
able to promiote scapegoats in times of hardship
Judgement: Did increase his support, and his respect from a wide appeakl of classes (especially middle) but without the failures of weimar he wouldn’t ahve been able to excel
Poltiicial intrigue helped Hitelr into power by?
June 1932- HIndenburg became President and used his powers to make Von Papen (leader of BVP) chancellor
Papen was dismissed by Hindenburg>Scheicher became chancellor in Dec 1932
Papen schemed to make Hitler chancellor>convinced Hindenburg Hiterl cpould eb easiyl contorlled (Hitler’s cabinet- only 3 nazis)>Von Papen became vice-chancellor beliveing he could ‘pupetter’ Hitler>Hitelr becmae chancellor
Judgmeen: Most important factor as the other factors borught him fame and support but did not gain him any real power- this move by von papebn was radical
Great Depression contributed to hitlers rise to power?
food shortages/undemployment increased from 3 million to 6 milion
slump in trade- fell from £630 m to £280 m
by 1932 industrial pridction fell to 42% of 1929 value
People living in poverty- tunred to new stye of leadership- Hitler presented jobs and food though SA
1932- 37% of votes
Judgement: The Depression highlighted the weaknesses in the economy, stenghthening the idea of a dictatorship, hoiwver without Von Papen, it is unlikely he would ahve beocme chancellor and just stayed leader of DNVP
The failure of the weimar republic hitler rise to power?
systme fo PR itrocued splinter parties>unworkable, uncomprimsiign coalitions (7 from 1923-30)
fundamental problem of power between Reichstag and President (although Hindebug was loyal to constitution- favourbale towards right)
Judiciary- biased towards right
leaders of Weimar- ‘stab-in-the-back’ myth
Strememann- fialure with domestic policy- led to national Oppostion pact- more spport for Hitler
Stresemann died jsut beofre WallStreet crash- trying to stabilsie Republic for years
GD bouhgt diunity to political parties- broke up into uncompromsign groups
Bruning- stubborn oppositon to fiancial plans to help Germna- asked Hidenburg to invole Article 49>outcry form Oppositon (unnecessary)- more like a dictator
Judgement- Without fundamental weaknesses in economy- HItler would ahve been unliely to get as much support, espeically with Stresemann’s appeasment of the Allies. Howveer the trigger cause of Von Papen and the devastaing effects of th Depression were more impotrant as whiel the fialures of Weiamr irritated pople the Depression phycially straved them
TO conclude..?
all factors contribute to Hitelr’s rise to power. The weaknesses in Weimar, hgihlightd by the context of the Depression caused a desperate situation and intensified alck fo faith in Wiemar. Poltical intirgue is the most importnt factor as Von Papen putting Hitler into power due to papen’s jealousy over Schleicher