Histroy (Liberals) Flashcards
Investigations into povery: what dui charkls booth find?
30.7% of london was livng below the poverty line
Not systematic- releid on impresons from teachers, clergy
What did seebohm rowntree find?
survey of York- did only poverty line (cmore scientific- cost of food/nutrition needs)- found 10% living in primary poverty- cannot afford basic necesities/ secondary poverty- 18% poor partyl becuase they could ahve spent their money better
What are the three types of unemplymwent?
cyclcial- slumps in trade cycle
seaosnal unemplyment- due to bad weather
casual emplyment- workers not given work ona regualr basis
Due to new poverty finding people were..?
more aware of needing state intervention
Royal commission adfvised governemtn best ways of ..?
relivieng the poor/made up of varoius officials
Majority of the commision said origins of the poor were..?
moral- it was their own fault
poor law remain same
outdoor relief should eb replaced by public assisant committees
Minoriity of the commission said..?
origisn of the poor were econmic- not their fault
national albour echanegs set up/ poor law broken into committees
Thos who supported ‘no change’ were strenghtnee by the ..?
majority- actual recommmendations fot he report were overlooked
-did give it a higher profile
Reasons for natinal efficeny?
- revelations about Germany
- Boer War- 40% of volunteers being unfit due to health/length of time for ghihly-equppied soliders to beat farmers
- USA and Germany taking over industrial production
- Induustrialsit releid on skilled workers- had to be contented
- New Liberalsimm- greater state intervention
Critisims of national efficiency?
- governemtn wa sincreasinly run by amateur
- percieved icnompetance of army officers/inadequete trainign fo men
- Traury- conservatives tried not to spend money on social reform
Advocates of antional efficiency?
- wanted state intervention in welfare
- rationailisation of local governement
- attracted wide support for Fabien Socialists, liberal-mided Conservatvies nd prigressive liberals
Reforms in 1906:?
Trade Disputes Act- reveresed Taff Vale
Workers’s COmpensation Act-extened compensation to wokers
School Meals Act- Local councils could use moeny from rates to rpvide school meals for children
Good: 31, 000 chiildren were having them by 1914
Bad: voluntary- half failed to do it
William Wison (Labour MP introcued a provate memebrs bill- Liberals copied)
1907 Reforme:?
Education ( Medical Inspections)- Sir RObert Mormant (LAbour)- hid clause in comlicated Bill
Good: over 2/3 were orividing some kind of medical treatment- involuintary inspections
Bad: Didn’t ahve to provde treatemnt
Reforms in 1906:?
Trade Disputes Act- reveresed Taff Vale
Workers’s Compensation Act-extened compensation to wokers
School Meals Act- Local councils could use moeny from rates to rpvide school meals for children
Good: 31, 000 chiildren were having them by 1914
Bad: voluntary- half failed to do it
1907 Reforms?
Education ( Medical Inspections)- Sir RObert Mormant (LAbour)- hid clause in comlicated Bill
Good: over 2/3 were orividing some kind of medical treatment- involuintary inspections
Bad: Didn’t ahve to provde treatemnt
What did Lloyd George describe the reforms as?
‘ambulance wagon’- best he could do at that time
What waas the war?
What were people prmsied from Lloyd Geioge?
if they contributed in the war- they would gain
women got more job oppurtunities
more refmr for workers/children
land fit for heroes
1918 Fish Act?
made elementary schools free/had to stay unitl aged 14
1919 Addisont Housig Act
200,000 houses built governemnt subsidies any rates below 7d (poor poeple could still aford it)
Private builders sidn’t want to work for less though
1920 Unemployment Act
1911- didnt want to pay seaosal unemplyment
extened it to 12 million workers
shipbuilding- hgih in unemplyment after war
15s for 15 weeks
agricultral still excluded
1920 Agrciultral Act
price guarantee
more imports- needed to protect famrer’s wages
When did NEw Liberalism orignate and what is it?
1880s - TH. green - idea of greater state intervention to help those most vunerbale in society
benchmark of survial ‘safety net under which no citizne should be allowed to fall’
What was the mooney survey?
3% of welathoes people owned 34% of wealth
88% of poorest people owned 50% of wealth
wasn’t accurta eut showed wealth inequl;tiies
What changes did new liberlism make?
low taxes (stimualet demand)>high taxes (pay for reform) laissez-faire (little overnemnt interference)>mroe governemnt interfrence welfare privsion (don't discourage people for working)>may be needed (new findings about poor)
What were the new Luebrals afraid of?
cambell-bannerman- he was fairly..?
Didn’t want to be associated too closely with socilism
still disitingihse dbetween ‘derserving’ and ‘underserving poor’
rather it was paid for by voluntayr donaitons than state taxes
Wasn’t in elecion campagin for 1906- didn’t want to be seena s socilists (even though contact with ILP members)
Lllyd George ( Chancellor of Equech)- 1908- Asquith became PM
most prominent advocate(said ILP could be a big force so they liberals have to intoruce welfare reforms)
Chruchill- should trya nd make things gradually more equal -not be too afradi fo stigma of socialsim
Reasons for reforms?
need for scoial codnitoning of England
disocveries by booth and rowntree
national eficeny (Boer War)- Britian losing its mark and £250 million being spent on a war
New Liberalism
Worreid about conservatives0 lost 15 by-election seats to them 1910-14- use protectionism to fiance reforms
Lloyd George- flet it was necesary tio win over working-class even though slum clearance meant destroying thir hiomes, more children going to school meant thye couldn’t work, more apprecitive onyl when they could see the reofmrs i.e. the Old PEnsions Act,
Why are some of the crisitisms of the Liberal reforms unfair?
- They were attempting to do somehting nver really done before ‘ barren land’- balfour reofrms hadn’t really helped, only idnetified problem
-They weren’t trying to create a welfare state-just raise everyone to an acceptbale standard of living
-They dealt with as amny areas as they could hallow rather than soem in debt
Howver, they were more cautious at first (fears of socialsim), unconvined by rowntree/booth
By cosntuitioonal crisis, msot wanted to expand them
Liberals lost 10 by-elections ..?