RS (Christian Ethics) Flashcards
Sancity of life
life is a god-given ard gift
gensis 1:27- Imago Dei
to inturde in God’s naural processes is to condemn the will of God
‘you saw me before I was born’- Psalm 139
God has unknown higher purpose
unquestioanble faith- Jon 1:21
Depdns on denominatons?
Cathl=olic- absoltuist- ensoulenmt at concepion/always wrong to take God’s life
temple quote
Anglican- more relaivst view- value ofl ife for foetus icnreases aas it develops
Euthanasia- ‘doesn’t haev a duty to prolong life, if to do so is to roliogn suffering’
Jesus was born ad boght up,,>
a jew
moral codes came from jewish traition
reflected in the Hebrew bible- first 5 books contian GOd’s word (literal truths in Scriptire) which JEwish teachers hae appleid reaosn and itnerprested them
Michah 6:8 ‘ The Lord God ahs told us what is good’
For chrisitnas the msot improtat part is the Ten Commmandments (handed to Moses in exodis 34)
Jesus is God incrante so his words/teachings.?
take [recedance over any Jewish Teachigns in the Old Testament
golden Rule- most improtant things is to love everyone equally
Jesus devloped his teachings on the Sermon and the Mount (5:3)
lead to ultmiate union with God
St Paul?
followers of Jesus do no need a legislated code becuase ‘their conduct shows what the law commands is written in their hearts’
consscien from God also suports this feel guilty or good (Romans 2:14)
St Paul seezs love in action in 1 Corintihians 13
argues love is the msot principle facto in decison-making (agao love)-as shown by Jesus in the NT
Virtue ethics?
stmes from Aristotle- morlaity should eb about th e eprosn not the action
we shoud aim to increase our virtues
Ten COmmandments/Situaiton ethics/Love/Forgiveness
Passage sof Matthew 15 and Luke 13, exapples of Jesus telling disciples ot breka the rules
-says th Pharisee’s are being too harsh- too legalsitic- keeping the rules thye say are GOd’s for the sake of it
Jesus heals the women on the sabbath day despite it being agaisnt the rules since it si the msot loving thing to do
aim to renew people’s realationship with God and to clarify the pricniples behind the rules (show opeopel the way God actually wants them to live-Jesus’ words take rpecedant)
Cultral rwlativism?
differnet moral codes accorifn to time and culture
diversity thesis- ther can eb no oen true morality becuase of difernt cultures
poses a problem for absolutists
Kign of PErsia and greece-adopted each otjer’s funeral rpactises
sicne fire bsurned jsut as well in both>differne customs msut be due to cultures- no universal right/wrogns
Dependancy thesis- no-one can judge the morality of other culutes becuase differen tones ahve diffeent values and we cannto be objective about it
Hitoircally- salvery was accepted then and condemned now so morals chaneg with time
It reduces morality to thigns tha are jsut socially accpetable- what si considered right and wotng msut be considered in context/morlaity is jsut a common set of rules that iver time ahve been socialyl apporved and differ from culture to culture
No unviersla rules
relativism is mroe about indivuals>cultral relativism is more about society