Biology (Plant Transport) Flashcards
Like in animals in large multicellular organims only the epthelias, the..?
surface cells can get nutirents through simple diffusion
xylem travels..?
phloem travels..?
water up the planrt
sugars like sucrose up and down the plant
Xylem and phloem are arrnaged in vascuakr bundles to provide..?
Xylem and phloem in the young root?
Xyklem (+ shape), Phloem (arms of the + shhape)
arrnagement provides flexibility/strenth with the pulling forces of the wind
Xylem and phloem in the stem?
circle ,middle area = cortex, vascualr bundles, phloem= outside, xylem= middle,
in the middle- layer of cambium (meristem cells that divide)
non wody plants= seperate/woody plants= bundles are cotnionius- provides a compete ring to withstand enidng forces of the wind
xylem and phloem in the leaf?
central midrib- v shaped/veins get smaller as you move away from it/xylem= top, phloem= bottom
xylem vessels are..?
transport water
long cells>been impregenated with lignin wich waterporrfs the cell as ti devlops>causes the cell to die (contents and end walls to decay)>long continous column of dead cells
what is the purpose of lignin thogh?
Strengthens the cell
Adaptations of xylem tube vessels?
1) The ring pattern of lignin provides flexibility
2) Lignification isn’t complete>reusults in pits which allow water to travel into adjacent tubes
3) No content- no cytopasm or nulclues- flow of water is not impeded
Sieve tube elemtents?
little cytyoplam/no nuclus
cross-walls at intervals to allow flow of sap (sucrose dissolved in water>flows through tube)
Companion cells?
dense cytoplam/nuclues
contian many mitochondria with ATP for active processes e.g. loading phloem into sieve tube elements
plasmodemata- gaps to allow flow of minerals between sieve elements and comapnion cells
Osmosis is when..?
water molecuels move from a region of high water potential to low water potential across a partialyl permable membrane
If too much water is coming into the cell then?
- danger of it bursting
-one cell is full of water>turgid
Water inside the clel exerts a pressure on the cell wall, called the pressur potential, warning it its full>influx of water is reduced
If too much water is leaving the plant?
cell loses its turgidity>cytoplam and vacuole shrink>cytoplam pushes away from cellwall (incipient plasmosis)>loes contact with cell wall (plasymolsis)
Minerals move from soil into root hari cells by..?
active transport>reduces water potenial>water moves by osmosis into root hair cells>The endothermis layer(surrounding the xylem)>contains starch-[evidance for growth]
- water can o=move through cell walls 9apoplast pathway)
- though plasmodemata (sympoat pathway)
- vacuoles (vacoular pathway)
What forces the water diwn the syplast pathway?
Endothermis consists of a casparian strip - made of suberin (deflects water and ions thorugh cytoplasm) which forces water down the symplast pathway (blocks the apoplast pathway- waterproofs it)
Forces it through cytoplasma nd cell membrane>contiasn transporter proteins>transport dissolved niotrate ions into through the cortex (parachyma cells) into the xylem>reduces the water potential in the xylem>water moves in through osmosis
The water in the apoplast and syplast pathway can..?
join up jsut before passing thoruhg the endothermis
How does water move from the xylem tube into the leaves?
rot pressure= expalins a small amount of water lost from being pushed up the xylem tube
Most is due to cohesion (strong attraction between water molecules)>stick together as a chain>water leaving the tube at the top opulls up the chain as a contionous column (creates tension-low hydostatic pressure) [ cohhesion-tension theory]
If xylem tube is broken, water can move sideqays through pits
Capillary action- small amount - water moelcuels tick to the side [adhesion] and get pulled up