Philosophy ( Ontological argument) Flashcards
a prioir so?
uses the premise that God must exist necessarily but uses dedcutive reasoning so uses logic and reason to deduce that God must exist so the conclison must eb guaranteed truth
So if successful the ontolgocal argument should prove the existance of God
Anslem bases his argument on?
Psalm 14:1 ‘ Fools say in ther hearts,There is no God’
What are the jey steops in Anselm’s argument?
1) If there is ‘soemthing that grater than which cannopt be cpncieved’ i must exist at least in the mind
2) If it exists in the mind, it must also exist in reality sicne anything that exists in both mind and relaity is greater than which soley exists in the mind
His arument relies on ‘the real always being?
greater than the imaginary
How does Anselm try and prove its impossibke for God not to exist?
What1) assuming you belive in the defintion of a perfect, huighest possible being it would be self-contradictory tto argue he doesn’t exist when as existance is a great-making essential property anyhtuing that does exist would be greater than Him
What book for Anselm?
3rd chapter of the Proslogian
Critisims of Anselm: Guanilo?
- if you imagine a perfect island ,it must exist otherwise it would be iferior to a less-than-perfect isaldnt hat did exist
- doesn’t meanjust becuase it exists in the mind ti also exists in relaity (reductio ad absurdum)
- can’t berign something into existance just by defining it into a superlative
Anselm’s response to Guanilo?
- isaldn is a finite limited thing
-God is unique not bound by time and space- uniquness is explained by his NECESSARY EXISTANCE
Perfection dies not extend into the contingnet world
How does Anselm argue God’s existance is necessary? [ 2nd ontoligcal rgument]
He argues that if you think of the gretest possibke being in the mind this doesn’t prove its necssary- its jsut possible for it to exist
But Anslem says if its the greatest thing in your mind then it must also be th greatet thing in reality otherwise it wouldn’t eb the greates concievabke being (if you follow the fisr tpart of the argument)
If it therfore came into existance because it has to exist in both mind ad rality to eb the greates conivebale being>if it can come and in and out of time is part of the contingent world and not the greatest possible being
For God to be truly the greatest conivevale being he has to necessariyl exist, already in bith mind and reality eternally
What dud Mel Thomson say to support Anslelm’s idea of necessary existance of distinguishing between necessity types?
logical necessity- if ‘God exists’ is an analytical statment (true be definition) then he has to
factual necessity- all beings depend on hsi existance (things wouldn’t be the wy they are without him)- he also must exist
Anselm claimes to reduce the counter-argument to God existing by ?
recutio ad absurdum
How does Malcom re-enforce Anselm’s argumen?
1) God is the greatest possible being therefore if he does exist he exists necessarily
2) His existanc is either necesaasry or impossible
3) He can’t e a merely possibler necssary being - if he exists he can’t not exist
40 God’s exisantce as impossible is absurd
How is Anselm second ontolgixla argmune differnet from his first?
first- God msut exist becuase its greater thabn exisitng in the midn alone
2) argued that God existed NECESSARILY -
2 statemensts- God can be concoved of as not exisitng 2) GOd cannot be concieved as not exisitng- this one is better becuase God cannot move in and out of time (eternal) so its necessary for hik to exist
he impossible for God not to exist necessarily
he can’t be a non-existant contigent like a unicorn
he can’t be a exitant contigent like a human
then he wouldn’t be the greeatest possible being
only solution is for him to be a necessary existant being
Why does Aselm argue that GOd must have exostance as a predicate?
God as the greatest possbile being must pocess all great charcteristics and so sice existance is a predicate (essential charctertsic) God must have it
Since existance is part of God’s defintion>God exists is analytic (true b definition)
Strenths of Ansem’s arguement?
a priori- more relaibke sice itn uses logic and deductive reasoning (ather than senses) to work out must be a God - conclusion is guranteed truth ebcuase you have the isnticnic belief that God is the greatest possible being
Betetr tha the telogicla argument in soen ways becuase thies releis on emprical evidance it depend on exeperiance/ own conclusions- use inductive reasoning rather than logic so can eb subject to moral relativism
Descartes agreed with Anselm and Plato in that..?
a prioir- instrinics knowledge iof a supremy prefect God at brith
Plato0 instrinsic knowkledge (vague) of the world of Forms from birth
What did Descartes say about the anaolgy ofna valley?
Existance is part of the essence of God
predicate (perfect charcterisitc/attribute)
like the valley is a essence of a moutnain
Howver he recognised the limitation with thuis anology- finite, limited thing- just because we think of a vlley and mountian combined in our minds doesn’t mean its real
What did eh say about existance as a predicate of why God must exist?
Existance is a great essential predicate (perfection) so since God has all the pefect attributes as the most supremely perfect being he must have exisance
As he’s perfect has all the other prediates- omnipotence, omniscience)- he must have existed for all of time s he’s eternally existed
How did Descartes liken it to a triangle?
just like 3 sides is instrinsic to the cocneptofa triangle existance is itrinisic to the cocept of God
what is Kants critism on God’s necessary existance?
somehting is onkly necessary when it is applied to the truth of propostiions
For Kant a propostion is only true when it is true by defintion, ‘God exists is not’
Why did kant belive exiatance was not a predicate?
existance isn’t apredicate’ saying God exists 9suing the word “is”) adds nothing ti the essence of God
Unlike other attributes liek omnipotence or omniscience that do add soehting to the essence of Godn existance doesn’t
If its not a predicate he doesn’t necessariyl have to have it
Uses anology of a hundred real coins and a hundred fake ones- no emoirical (physical) difference, density but although the real ones are obviosuyl woth a lot more but the fact that they are real adds nothing to the essence of the coin
Objections to Kant’s critisisms?
Analogy is flawed- fintie limtied, part of the cotnigent world
God necessariyl exists therefore existance does add something to the essence of him (is a predicate)- unique to him becuase he’s not bound by natural laws on earth
Counter-responses from Hume?
Weak critisim, doesn;t rate the word ‘necessary’
If I can concive of God not existing then he can’t exist necesarily>if he’s part of the cotnoigne tworld>exiastance doesn’t apply to him
It doesn’t udnermine Ontolgicla argument becuase just if you can concive of somehting not exisitng doesn’t mean it does’t i.e. rivers exist even if i nconcive of them not exisiting
Due to its nature the otnoligcl argmune thas the potentiality to be….?
the critisism do not outweugh the..?
goodn use of logic without having to rely on anoliges and empirical observations