How successful were Nazis about imposing ideas about society on Germna people? Flashcards
Intro- main aim of Nazi society was..?
to create Volkengesmeinchaft
people’s community- united Aryan race
exclude people that didn’t fit the criteria
transorm youth- build to be like Hitler
go bak to traditonal ideal for women
Some people went against the Nazis e.g. Edelweiss Pirates
Sucess of transorming German youth?
Nazi chanegd syllabus content- history, biology so they could exploit it
special schools set up
By 1936, 60% in Hitelr youth-disoolved other groups
Goups for boys and girls
Jung Maedan for young girkls/ Hitler Youth- boys did sports/activities- appealing
girls- household tasks
Judgement: Successful as most were taught about it Many teachers were symoathtic to NAzis (30% of teachers voluntaruily decided to join Nazis) howver it was enforced and there was some oppositon e.g. Edelweiss pirates
success of making women traditional?
gitrls taught in school/Leaguwe fo German girls- importance of motherhood and housewives
genuine concen- brith rate fall in 1933
Mother schools- ran courses in household management and being a mother
propoganda- raise profile of mother
fianical beneifts for having kids
women discouraged from uni/fired fr
By 139- shiortgae in key areas meant women had to go back to work (sign up in 1943)
Judgement: Successful -msot wanted it due to fall in briht rate and finiacla beneftis were liked, high unemplyment in 1933 meant no adversion to women being forced out of work/proff that regime was quite popular as women wanted to stay at home. Some oppsotion to restrictions on freedom but they were in the minority
Excluding certain groups from society?
euthanasia- children with physical deofmrities
homosexuas- threat to aryan procreation- dealt with by Gestapo (50,000 rounded up)
Jews- led to Holocaust
Imposign views on church?
Initally- oppostion frommCatholic church>e.g. sterislisation
Catholic church taken over by Nazis>memebrers of catholic aprties were banned
Most chrisitans blamed radicals around Htiler not the Fuhrer himself- generally more concenred about own insittion than Nazis
Von Papen negotiated a Reich concordat with Cardianl Holy See>oppistion intially diminished (Cardinal Bertram devloping an inefficent protest system)
Confessional chruch- broke away from Hitler in 1934- reisted Nazification but didn’t speak out agasint it
Firmer oppositon e.g Bishop Gallangen- spoke agaisnt eithanasia (mroe indiviual actions)
Judgemt: Overall, cbhurches were more concerned with protecting own isntitutions but still remained an obstacle- mroe idniuals liek BOnhoeffer who openly condemned Nazism, bishop gallan more active in oppositon, hwover were soem like Pope Pius Xll(didnt codnemn NAzism) but Nazis had little success of changing German Chrisitan beleifs
Groups showed oppostion like..?
Edelweiss Pirates that boycotted Hitelr youith activities, attakced Hitler youth patrols during war
compulsoyr memebership- resulted in bored/resnetful teenagers
Swing groups- uni students who played american blues and jewish jazz (in clubs- more middle-class)>banned
Judgement: although in minority showed oppostion and refusal to participtae with the Nazi ideal for germany
Overal, Nazi social policies were generally successful but..?
many were enforced epecially with the youtha dn the change to education, althogh they tended to be in the minroty there was considerbake oppsotion to them