Assess the reaosns for alck of oppostion (1933-39) Flashcards
Intro: evidance of Hitler’s..?
genuine popularity/Third Reich was overthrown by UUSR armies not German vote
Howver, there was a fierce represive machinery, reinforced by widespread denunciations mad eit feaful to most
Indoctirnation fo the youth, women, church?
How successful yuoth was: quite but enforemnt (make it harder to assess) and there was oppsotion e.g. Edelweiss Pirates
Woen: quite successful, low brith rate an high unemplyment- most people accepted women beign forced at home/welfar benefits- was some anger at restricitons on freedom but in the minorty
Chrich- Intiial oppsiton from Catholic (htielr had oprimsied not to change beliefs- in passing of Enabling Act0 flase promsie. Not very successful in changing CHrisitian beleifs- Reich Chruch didn’t really get a hold, However, chruches more interested i protecting thier pwn insituiion than oppsing regime. Indiviuals that didn’t condemn Nazism (e.g. Von Papen’s Cosnocrdat), but there were some liek Bishop Galen (euthanasia)/Bonhoeffer
Judgement: Although there was some oppsiton considerably from indiviuals in chrucha nd groups lie the Edelwiess Pirates, Nazi social plocies wer egenrally accpeted, and oppsotionwas in the minorty, (although yuuth were more easily enforced). Therewss oppsition from indivuals in the church but genralkly chruch was more interetsed in protecting own institiuiona and women policies were msotly liekd
Lack of oppsotion due to proganda..?
Goebbels- justify britailty/ pain Hitler as a savior, concentrate on economic/military growth (reduciton in unemplyment)
e.g. Reichstag Fire- Nazi plot to support cliams of Communtst coup- explotied b Nazis- blamed the Communists
resulted in Hindnburg Decree for Protection of People and State- suspended civil liberties
Cheap radios, broadcasts, press> continualyl hammerd with messages of Nazi ideals, horrific streis about communists, Jews
Judgement: Although it successfuly jsutified Hitler’s polciies and helped to win him support, it failed to seduce amny working-class to devlop Nazi cuture/didnt change Chrisitna beleifs. Anti-church proganda, Mason has argued was counter-proictive as it didn’t ahcieve much
Terror/SS/Gestapo.. lack of oppsotion?
Gestapo- killing opponents/arrest without trials/repuation fo britualoity- instileld fear/’eyes and ears of regime’- made sure people acted accoridngly to maintian suport
Howver, small aopun of population/50-80% of information came form public/
SS- worked in conjunction with the Gestao- create an atmosphere of fear/runnign fo concentration camps/Nigh and Fod Act/Night of the Long Knoves- destroyed any poltiical oppositon in the party
Howver, propganda played an equally importnat role in jutifying actions to the public.
Judgement: Although prpgoganda helped people to belive they were doing the right thing in giving poeple up it wa smroe te intimidation/arrests thatstimyualetd fear and the removal of politicla oppostion was completely down to the SS/Gestapo. The importance of the SS progressed over time (New Order).
There was mich idniua oppostion like..?
Humour as opositon was..?