Political parties during wartime Flashcards
What was wrong with the Liberal governemtn during wartime?
cabinet of 20 was far too big
Asquith couldn’t make decisions/churchill-too radical
fraught with disagreements i.e. shell scandal
When was the shell scandal and what was it?
May 1915- LLoyd George wanted to reorganise factories/nationilsie industries
Kitchener wanted to continue with existing war contracts
14may- Telegram in the Times bought ammuntion shortage to public attention
Sir John Fisher rsigned- clear mitlitary and gvernement couldn’t work togerher
Bonar Law and Lloyd GEorge cleverly suggested to Asquith a ..>?
coalition- Bonar Law worried about conservatives runing the war
What was worng with the Asquith coalition>?
cabient was still too ig
Lloyd George and Asquith clashed over major issues
Liberals- most against conscription
Asquith- introduced Derby scheme (adult males registere for service-not actually forced)
-this failed (recrutment fallen to 55,000 a month)
How Lloyd George became PM?
1sr dec- Lloyd George propsoed formation of new war cabinet-him, bonar law, and carson/Asquith would remain keader but not decide things
3rd Dec- he accpeted
4th Dec- he refused after artivle painted him in abd light>Lloyd George resigned>Conservatvies resigned from caoliton>Asquith resigned
Bonar Law offereed PM -turned it down
King George V offered Lloyd Geroge PM - he accepted/Asqutih and o=Liberal minsiters resigned
THe coupon election 1918?
Maurice Debate- LLoyd GEorge was deliberately holding troops back
Asquith mounted a public challenge- Lloyd George won vote of ‘no confidence 293 votes to 6 )
-been sent the worgn figures
-reveakled how deoendant eh was on the Conservatvies
The represntation of the People Act giving right to vote fro women and all working-class men was in?
the problems Lloyd George had with being keader was ..?
- Unlikely to ever lead the Liberal parryt agin-he had divide them
- Labour had tio decidde whether to stand alone
- Conservatvies - had to decide whterh to abandon LLiyd Geroge
Why did Labour decide to figth on theri own?
-healthy fiainical state/test their increased electroate (1918 voting act), experiance of governent
Why did Conservatvies continue with Lloyd George?
admired eladership skills
Why did Lloyd George continue with Conservatvie coaliton?
no other choice- indefineltely divided the Liberal PArty
Dec 1910 Election results?
Conservatives- 272
LIberals - 272
Labour- 42
Irisj Nationilists- 84 (held the power)
Dec 1918 Election results?
Conservatvie coalitoon=335
Liberal Coaliton =- 133
Labour = 63
Independant Liberals = 28
LG coalition- what did it include?
small war cabinet- directed the war
most top jobs- Conservatvies
8 labour ministers to posts- food
sub-committees set up to helo co-operation
Military command?
military objected to policitican direcing the war-making the decisons
e.g not letting 18 year olds go into trenches
friction- inzsisited Admiralty order convoy sytme to protect ships
Reliance on experts outisde parliment?
he directe dthe war from within cabient
rarely attended H of C
releid on experts to advise on how to run thje war, but not the cabientr
abandonignn traditonal ways- beocming a USA-style president
Government stopped thigns that could damage the war e.g.
demonstrations- distratced the police
conscription issue?
principles of liberals- shouldn’t take awa a man’s fredom and rights, treat them as a means to an end
Needed to protect ally, France
Men ahve a duty/patriistism
The 1915 Derby Scheme?
failed- Asquith- recruitment dropped>jsut before LG took over
Jan 1916- conscription was introduced
Governemtn interventuion int he economy?
Beofre war- laissez-faire
-wages (exept from trades baord acta dn 1911 nmines act) was not under governemt contorl
industry was privatised
After May 1915 shell scandal- Munitons of War Act (July 1916)- gave governemtn control over munitions factories
How did the governemtn contorl different aspects of the country?
Industry- 250 governemtn factoriess set uo
All industies were at elast supervised bty governemnt
cioal was put under contorl immediately
Transport: railways ut under cotnrol immmediately, then ships
Governemnt took contorl of imports- efficet production
Food- Britian imported 80% of wheat German U-boat campaign- severly affected this
Rationsing of meat and butter ect
Agriculture- commissions set up for better land growing crops