Ireland History Flashcards
Did the Catholics and Protestants fight with Britain during the war?
People thought British resources would be wasted fighting Ireland, but Irish promised to fight. >29,000 UVF and 80,000 Irish volunteers (name changed to National volunteers).
However, extremists, led by Pearse and MacNeill, refused to fight in a war that had nothing to do with them. Horrendous losses in the first year of the war had more people join their side.
Why did John Redmond turn down a place in the Asquith coalition?
Redmond tuned down a place in the cabinet because of Home Rule tradition but this meant re Liberal went into coalton withthe Conservatives, reducing chance of Home Rule. Most volunteers accepted Redmond’s leadership (170,000 by this point in 1915)
What did the breakaways want?
Under MacNeill, 11,000 broke away in disgust. Some of them actually wanted to rise against the British government and claim independence, and if it failed a blood sacrifice would inspire others.
What did this split result in?
EASTER RISING!! (1916)- Extremists became the Irish Republican brotherhood and decided on a rebellion
Leaders- Roger Casement, James Connolly, Eamon deVelera and Patrick Pearse.
What problems did they face?
MacNeill (chief of staff)- would only support it if they stood a good chance. Council for Brotherhood deceived him saying the BRtiish were going to disarm the volunteers. Therefore he gave permission but furiously took it back once he found out.
German shipment of arms lay at the bottom of Queenstown harbor.
Roger Casement had been in Germany trying to get Irish prisoners-of-war to join their cause- this was a disappointment.
Going to war the others but was arrested before he could say.
Failure within Ireland- cause didn’t spread beyond Dublin city centre.
Did this affect their spirit?
It did NOT deter them- they still went ahead with detailed plans of seizing strongpoints in Dublin > hoped to incite rebellion int he rest of Ireland.
What exactly was it?
Easter Monday )24th April 1916)- took authorities by surprise which gave them an advantage. They seized strongpoints like General Post Office which controlled operations. Patrick Pearse made his speech, declaring a republic.
Did it work?
FAILED- street fighting only lasted about a week. 29th April- defeated/ 30th April- surrendered. 450 Irish killed/116 British killed.
1600 rebels v 12,000 British troops.
How did Britain react?
British artillery pounded Dublin- destroyed beautiful buildings. 3,000 were arrested
-half released
- half imprisoned>90 were sentenced to death>15 were actually executed (e.g. Patrick Pearse).
regarded as martyrs- a lot of sympathy.
How did the government react?
Asquith stopped shooting of prisoners- decided to negotiate. Sent Lloyd George to Dublin to negotiate with both sides- Redmond and Carson.
- promised Redmond exclusion of Ulster would be temporary
- promised Carson exclusion of Ulster would be permanent.
Did they accept?
Southern Irish Unionists stopped Carson from compromising. Irish convention from May 1917- April 1918 was summoned (representing difference parts of the world), trying to find a compromise.
Arrested Sinn Fein leaders - apparently conspiring with Germany though this was NOT generally accepted in Ireland and banned associated groups like the Irish volunteers. .
What happened to Sinn Fein?
After they were released, most joined Sinn Fein clubs, raising the member count to 250,000. They won many by-elections in 1917/18, and got more sympathy from the Catholic Church for their cause.
What was the issue of Conscription?
Lloyd George extended conscription to Ireland for all men up to 51 in exchange for Home Rule. Irish Nationalists left the House of Commons in disgust and encouraged others to resist it-joined Sinn Fein. Catholic Church also resisted it.
‘conscription issue’ posed such a threat 87,000 British troops had to be stationed to keep peace.
Significance of the Easter Rising?
Some were against the Easter Rising- cheered British troops on.
A lot found the punishments disproportionate/ unfair tot h volunteers- most RC changed from supporting Home Rule Party (up to 1918) to Sinn Fein (1916-18) which shows people though radical means were necessary.
executions boosted sympathy.
Eamon deVelera
Joined Irish volunteers in 1913
Sentenced to death (Easter Rising)- American consul intervened to stop it.
Released form poison in summer of 1916- became MP for Sinn Fein in by-election in 1917.
President of Sinn Fein -Oct 1917
President of Irish Nationalists- Dec 1917 (*after Redmond died)
Leader of BOTH Nationalists and strong republican organisation.
1926-Broke with hard-line Republicans (still wanted Home Rule
1927- formed his won Fienna Fail Party, entering the Dail Eiran.
1932- won General Election- became President of Irish Free State (put forward a constitution winch virtually undid treaty settlement).
Embedded Catholic values, against divorce…
WW2- followed a NEUTRALIST policy (but retained secret communication with the British)
1948- lost office> returned later on so President till his retirement.
1918 General Election
Marked a swing to Sinn Fein (more votes)
refused to attend Westminster
set up own Dublin Parliament )Dail Eiran)
solely committed to an Irish Republic- not co-operating with Britain at all.
Lloyd George’s solution?
proposed 2 Parliament - one in Dublin with 28 seats and one in Belfast with 51 seats.
Britain to retain control over armed forces, land, agriculture, foreign affairs
Council of Ireland consisting of 20 members form both Dublin and Belfast.
What happened, following the proposal of Lloyd Gorge’s solution
Dail Eiran-own Parliament- own law courts and the IRA for defense. British declared these illegal- bitter Anglo-Irish war followed.
Problem- Ulster reluctantly accepted the Bill (LG proposal)
Sinn Fein dismissed it- both never going to accept the other Ireland they wanted.
What happened, following the banning of Dial Eiran and the refusal of Lloyd George’s proposal?
Anglo-Irish War (1921-22)- IRA which was formed from- (Irish volunteers reformed) waged guerrilla war against Britain.
3000 IRA men v 40,000 British troops (7000 extra recruits)
British troops- divided into auxiliaries (ex army officers) and the ‘Black and Tans’ (Non-commissioned soldiers)
What happened in the war?
Palling atrocities on both sides, particularly the ‘Black and Tans’- hatred symbol of authority in Ireland.[IRA did do bombs]
Torched whole villages, drove thousands into the arms of Sinn Fein and the IRA.
IRA were protected by communities where they planned raids and ambushes.