Biology (Animal Transport) Flashcards
Some animals like insects can absorb 02/nutrients though.?
simple diffusion
Once animals are larger onyl the outer cells will get nutrients though simple diffusion and the innermost cells will?
Animals with a thin flat body will have a large?
surface area but organism that grow larger need tissues and organelles that increase the volume not surface area so can’t us simple diffusion
Animals need to relase energy from food by?
Active animals need more energy so need more 02/nutrients
Mammals that have to keep themselves warm need even more
a transport systme will always have:
medium/fluid to carry 02 around (blood)
pump to create pressure to psh medium around body (heart)
exchange surface for gasses/nutrients
a very good transport sytem will also include?
- tubes vessels to carry blood
- 2 circuits- 1 to pick up 02
- 1 to delivr 02 to tissues
The heart is made up of 4 chambers
ight side pumps ..?
left side pumps..?
doxygenated blood to the lungs
oxygenated blod to the body
If the coronary arteries gets constricted.?
reduce flow of 02/nutrients like fatty acids>cause angina/heart attack
Oxygenated blood flows from pulmonary vein into ….. and?
left atrium and deoxygenated blood flows from vena calva into right atrium
Oygenated blood flows from left atrium into…which carries to to other major arteries… back to heart
Deoxygenated blood flows from right atrium to
pulmonary artery
why is the septum there?
to seperate the ventuicles
What attaches the AV valves to the walls of the ventricles so they don’t turn isnide out?
tenous chords
The atrium is thin because?
it only needs to exert pressure to push blood into ventricles
The right ventricle is thicker than the atrium but not too thick because?
it needs to pump blood out of the heart to the pulmonary artery
but the lungs are next to heart so blood deosnt ahve to travel far
The lungs contain a lot of capillaries which are in close contact with alevos wall (short diffusion apthway)
The walls fot h alveloi contian no tissue fudis so could easily burst so pressure ahs to be fairly low
Why is the left ventricle wall so thick?
It has to pump blood into aorta and this needs asufficent pressure to overcome systemic circulation
The right ventricle is thicker than the atrium but not too thick because?
it needs to pump blood out of the heart to the pulmonary artery
but the lungs are next to heart so blood deosnt ahve to travel far
The lungs contain a lot of capillaries which are in close contact with alevos wall (short diffusion apthway)
The walls of the alveloi contian no tissue fudis so could easily burst so pressure ahs to be fairly low
Why is the left ventricle wall so thick?
It has to pump blood into aorta and this needs a sufficent pressure to overcome systemic circulation
Aortic pressure:?
Drop in pressure as blood moves from atrium into ventricles
steep increae as blood flows into ventricles (ventricular systole)
Decrease as blood moves into major arteries (through semilunar valves) as pressur ein venetricles falls below that of the coronary arteries
[eleastic recil limts drop in pressure-not as steep as increase)
Dips as some blood re-enters the ventricles before SL valves shut
Atrial pressure?
steady bump- atriole systole (atria contracts)- pressure inceases
AV valves open >blood pours into ventricles>pressure decreases
small dip as some blood enters atria before AV valves shut
Steady increase (start of ventricular contraction) > semilunar valves open(blood pours into the arteries)
Decrease- ventrciles relax, (time before bump starts again) blood starts pouring into atrium ready for atriole systole
Ventricular pressure?
small bump (atriole systole- atria contracts>when blood higher than ventricles AV valves open
massive increase- ventrciles contract (ventricular systole)- pressure rises above that in arteries sl valves open
massive decrease- blod pours into cornoary arteries>ventricles relax
Time- diastotle- when both atria and ventrciles are relaxed
What happens woth ECG?
SAN (right atrium) - small patch of tissue that generates electrical activity
intiaties a wave of excitation
spreads acroos atraia>can’tv move down to apex at bottom of ventricles becuase of the insualating fibres between atria and ventrciles
AVN - only route through insuklating fibres
P-Q wave is the delay in the AVN (allows time for atriole systole)
travels down septum through purkyne tissue (special conducting tissue) to the apex
spreads upwards from apex over walls of ventricles>causes them to contract
QRS wave- ventrciles contracting and relaxing
What is the S-T wave about?
Times it takes between ventricles contracting and relaxing of ventrciles
T wave decrease is?
repolarisation of cells
ventrcile walls recoil as they relax
diastotle- both atria ad ventricles are relaxed/filling stage
Why do the cells need to repolarise?
THe cells are polarised at rest
Why is it important for people to use pacemaker to replace SAN?
because when the wave of excitation spreads over ventrcle walls, ventricles contract>blood moves into majort arteries>aorta carries it to other arteries and the pulmonary artery to the lungs so its very important.
open circulatory system?
like in insects
blood flows into cells
long muscular tube (like a hear)- blood flows into this through pores (Ostia) >blood is pumped towards head by peralistis>blood flows into body cavity
for some insects like locust they can dorect vlood flwo to most active parts of the body (by open-ended tubes attached)