Biology (Biodiversity) Flashcards
species is?
fundamental unit of classification- orgainsm wih similair anotomy, appearance, genetics
habitat is?
place where a species lives
biodiversity is?
includes all plan, animal, fungi, micro-organsims. gentics and the ecosytems they belong to
biodiversity is at 3 levels:?
1) Habitat- idivuals in same species ahve a range of ahbitats
2) Dfferences between species- strucutal/functional differences
3) Genetic variation - in all species
Global biodiversity isn’t accurate as?
Estimates but
1) Not all species have been found yet
2) Evoltion/speciation still happening
3) Endangered/beocmuing extinct
Sampling plants: why?
to trya ndidentify speices, count numbe rof indiviuals in each is too impratical, habitat too large>have to make estiamte
Stratifeid sampling?
if measuring changes to vegetation from dry land to wet, marshland
set up a line transect, peice of string from dry to wet land.
place quadrats at intervals
Random Sampling?
place quadrats at random in a habitat
empty frame, or divided into equal divisions
have to use a random number geneator fro co-ordinates otherwise even if yu close your eyes, force with which you throw it will affect where it lands
First you need to identify species in the quadrat, then?
estimate the % abundance of each one
1) ACFOR scale- give eac quadrat a score bsed on the estimated % abundace of each species (not exactly quanatative)-
Random quadrats
2)Random quadrats- empty or seperated into dividions (doesn’t really matter-
Observe each quadrat amd estiamte what % cover each species has-
if some bare ground- then amy eb less 100%
if some palnts overlaping each other may be more than 100%
frame with long neeles poitning downwards
lower it into a quadrat
10 needles and its used 10 times there will be 100 readings
So each plant touching the needle will have a 1% cover
bare gorund -less than 100%/overlapping plants- mroe than 100%
Species frequency is?
average number of species/chance of it occuring
Estimate number of a a particualr species in each quadrat.add them together
total number of a particluar species (in all quadrats) / total number of quadrats x 100
Species density is?
adding total number of species in each quadrat/ area of all quadrat (usually 1 square meter x no. of quadrats)
how many samples should you take?
If you’re comparing 2 habitats?
large ebough number to be sufficen enough to accurately estimate the % abundance especially in a large habitat- varies
If you;re comparing 2 habitats the number of samples has to be the same
if you’re estiamting species fequency in small grasland?
if you’re estimating in a large grasland?
estimate % cover (add up in each quadrat)
better to count number per unit area (species density)
Sampling animals- sweepnetting?
cast a alrge net in a wide arc in a ahbaitat
drop the insects caught onto a white piece of paper and count them
pooler can be used to stop them flying away
Aniamls: Catching trees?
shake a branch>dislogde aniamls>white pece of paper (have to be careful of them flying away)
ptifall traps?
hoel in soil- disguised by leaves>cotnianer inside>aniamls fall in (hoeny to entice them)>water at bottom to stop them crawlign out
If rainy- hoel should be protected to stop filling up
Tullagnen funnel?
funnel with a leaf litter at top so animals fall in
light in tunnel drives them down.jar at the botto where they’re collected
Light trap?
catch flyign insects at nigh>jar ahs ultravioet light that attratcs them.bottom of jar has alcohol>they get stuck in
mark, release and capture?
sample is taken>indiviusal caught are marked and counted>relseased back into same habitat>over time>another sample taken>number of marked individuals is counted and the number of unmarked individuals too
used to calculate totla poplation e.g. if 1/10 in 2nd sample ws marked this woud suggest you caught 1/10 of the origianl population in 1st sample
measurign density in animals?
large aniamls- count them
small aniamls- use trapping methods- don’t know total amount
do mark, relase and capture
(C1 x C2)/C3 - C1- marked in 1st sample/C2 is total numbe cpaured in 2nd sample/C3 is marked in 2nd sample
What is species richness?
numbe rof species in a habitat
What is species eveness?
% abundance - numebr of iniduvuals in each species
if a habitat is more even 9evwen numbers of % abundance)- its more biodiverse
Simsipons diversity idnex?
1- (n-N)2
high simspons value means?
very biodiverse
a lot of differnent species and number of indivuals in it
if theres a change that affects one species it won’t affect the whoel ecoystem as the proportion of that oen species t the rest is very low
low simpsons value means?
not very biodiverse
few species- thereofre is there is a change that affects oen species like a new predator or a disease it could being downt he whole ecosystem
classificiation is?
sorting of living organisms into groups
natural classification is?
closely realted they are (evoltutonary realtionships)
Taonomy is?
studies differnces between groups to classify them
Taxonomical classfiications?
domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
As yuo go up the taxonomical classfiication system, it gets less?
simialr/closely related
Species ius the funadamnetal unit (irgnaisms with simialr charcetristics) >
one or more species in a genus, a few genus’ in a family, numer of famiolies in a order increases as yo go up group>less similair
Who came up with taxonomy and what was his opriginal classficiation?
linnaeus- had 5 groups - kinddom, class, order, family, genus, species
he based his on
observable appearances
Now taxonomy is based on
phyloegny- stuy of evolutionary realationships to determine how closely related species are
e.g. further the comon ancesotry is found, the closer related species are
5 kingdo classification- Prokaytoes?
Prokaryote- bacteria
circualr DNA/ no organelles/smaller ribosomes/no nuclues
diverse- mostly sing-clled/some multicellular
some autrophibic/ some heterphobic- injest food/ mostly free-living
bodies- mycelium
cellw alls amde of chitlin
free-living/ saprophtic
eukarotes/multicelluar/autriohibic- photosynthesis/cellulsoe cell walls
eujkarotes/multicelluar/heterophibic/ produce gametes
Binomial classification is?
using genus name + sepcies name
latin is used as universal- no confusiom
dichotenous key is?
used to identify organsims]
series of yes/no quesitons that lead to species name e.g. are the buds paired? are the leaves spiky?
good one will have one less question than species
Early classifciation systems?
based on appearances
problem- things like fungi had features from both plants and animals- didn’t fit in
over time thigns like electorn microscope showed?
strucutuakl differnces- detailed organelles, 3D tissue arrangement
Prokaryotes thiough can look similair under a microscope but?
differnet strcutueres/metabolic apthways
3-doamin classficiation system….
Use cytochroime C as evidance for organisms?
used in respiration so all respring organism use it
proteins are built from amino acid chains
simialir the chain the more closely related
use DNA as evidance for simialrity of organism?
All living thigns use RNA or DNA
DNA codes for asame protein (same gentic code)
comapre DNA sequenunces- more similair the more closely related
3-domain system argues?
bacteria are fundamentally idffenet to archea and eukartoes bacteria are different as: - diferent flagella strcutures- different enzymes for buidlign RNA different DNA replicaton mechanisms Eukarotes and archea: simialri proteisn in DNA simialr DNA replication mechanims simailri enzymes, RNA plymerase to build RNA