History (Britain in 1918 and the fall of Lloyd George Flashcards
Economic damage: some facts?
-By 1918 total gopverment expenditure was 50% of GNP
- overseas markets lost/
-overinvestment in staple industries like steel- weren’t required for peacetime
short -term post-war boom led to inflation>raising interest rates led to depression
-USA debts due to investment in Russia industry (paid them to keep eastern fornt open) and Levin refused to pay Tsar’s debts
British empire had spent more than other countires
Social change
actually broke down class divisions- fewer domestic servants, more women in work
infant mortality rate decreased dramatically/maternity crae impoved
industrial canteens built
introduction of British summer time and public houses closed in afternoon provison of school meals
Political Developments?
- prompted suffrage bill - Represntation of People Act (1918)
- government intervention in people’s lives- laissez-faire gone
- normalised government spending- people okay with it to be spent on social reform
- labour replaced Conservatives as main opposition
Human suffering in war?
745,000 men killed
3.5 million orphans and widows-collected pension
flu epidemic- 150,000 more killed
women in population rose
Why couldn’t Lloyd George build a ‘home fit for heroes’ that he promised?
economic crisis post-war- april 1921- trade hit a slump
Ireland situation- priority
Conservatvie majority in coaltion 0 that could say no but he responsibility would be on Lloyd George
Why was there an immediate post-war boom?
Straight after thre was fierce trade as countries treid to reusme their pre-war trade levels
Why wasn’t Britain able to trade with other countries?
Their goods were uncompetitive:
1) British pound lost half its buying power- imported goods were more expensive in Britain
2) Lloyd George raised interest rates to stop inflation- had to borrow money>lost their buying power
3) out-dated machinery- didn’t meet 20th century demands
unsold good>reduction in exports>…?
workers being laid off>more unemployment
what was the debt from Britain?
£7,000 million
Britain found itself in a vicious..?
cycle (trying to steel expensive exports)
Why did some see a problem with Lloyd George spending so much money on reform?
It would result in higher taxes>increased inflation>reduce worth of £ even more
Why did some believe (Maynard Keynes) though that spending would help?
thought more spending>increases internal demand>more jobs>reduce unemployment> people have more money
what did the Geddes Axe Committee do?
unpopular- cut it in important areas: ecucation, healthcare, building of council houses
created an atmosphere of doom/depression
£64 million- 46.5 form armed forces/18.2 from education
What happened with the Addison’s Hosuing Act?
built over 200,000 houses
800,000 houses still needed
Money was wasted paying inflated prices for houses (due to inflation) > Geddes Axe cut it
Unemplyment Insurance act extended to 12 million extra people but..?
they hadn’t made enough contributions by the time of the economic crisis>governemtn couldn’t afford for them to remain ineligable>had to pay them>not self-sifficent(hgihly exensive)
means test-prove they wer egenienuly seeking work
What was the government’s problem with the unions?
Union memebership had doubled/more militant/ annoyed at governemtn becuase of wages rising, unemployment
What did this result in for the governemnt (coalmines)
- government couldn’t sort out country withiout their support
nationilisation- that it should be run for the country by people >more efficent
privatisation- returning it to private owners is the best way
What was the Sankey Commission of 1919?
It decided whether coal mines would be nationilised or privatised, nationikised won by 1 vote
Commons voted against it-wanted privitistion
When was the coal strike?
april 1st- failed becuase NUR didn’t support it on 15th April
Governemnt still lost support
Lloyd George was also distratcted by.?
Foreign policy- T of V,- too harsh for liberals, too lenaint for conservatives Genoa Conference, Russian Cicvil War
Ireland- covil war (black and tans)- Lloyd Geroge blamed for their atrocities
Conservative majority- they contorlled him- could drop him when they wanted
Whatv was Lloyd George’s failure to create fusion in march 1920?
wanted Lloyd George Liberals and left-wign Conservatives- 95 Conservatuve Mps wanted a single party
coalition liberals didn’t want it
littlew supprot from rank-and-file members
What did Loyd George depend on?
backbench support from Conservatvies and Bonar Law
What did Bonar Law’s resignation bring?
Austin Chamberlain-crtical of LG, not familair with backbenchers, oppose dby COnservatives, prepared to support LG for immediate future to keep Labour out>wanted him gone after next election
Industrial unrest- Sep and Feb 1919?
sep- ended rail strike
feb- appointed Sankey Commission to investigate conditions, pay
councils to negotiate pay
Once economic crisis got worse>Lloyd GEroge ignored Sankey commission for nationilisation of coal mines (becuase the COnservatives didn’t want it)>ignored coucil recomendations>used troops to end strikes
what happeneed in July 1921?
triple allaince- transport wokers, miner,s railway men- strike at 50% of miners wage cut
Loyd George intervened- split alliance- railway+transport workers stood won
miners stood form until forced to go back on same terms as efore
lost 86 million working days
Lloyd George could no longer claim to eb a champion of national unity
Lloyd George: corruptiona nd scandal?
openly sold honours and titlesfor money through open agencies e.g. a knighthood cost £10,000.
Conservatives that opposed it were hypocritical- gained half the money
Hosue of Commons- opposed and seen as dishonest and a betrayal
Once a PM is seen as dishonest they beocme unelectable
How did Lloyd George fall from power?
Chamberlain called Carlton Club meeting- Oc 1922
showed his lack of leadership- encouraged support for Lloyd George in next geenrnal election without mentioning support to drop him once coaltion go re-elected
Baldwin- infleuntial- pledged support to Conservatives and to Chamberlain
Nov 1922 election: 345 (Conservatives), 142 (Labour) 62 (LG liberals), 54 (Asquithian LIberals)
Labour emerged as cntender, clear win for Conservatives, devastating for Liberals>Lloyd George resinged, never to hold office again