Investment and support were the main reasons for weiamr surival? Flashcards
Intro : outkine 3 problems/2 solutions?
hyperinflation/repapartions burden (resented) / threat from left and right
solved: Stresemman’s diplomacy/polciies and weak opposition
Invesmtnet/suport from foreugn powers- they werre a main reaosn?
Stresemann’s foreign polciy-
Dawes PLan/Young Plan/L of N/ Kellog-brian pact/locarno treaties/treaty of berlin
Showed Stremann manged to gain much needed support- howver sucess is limited sine the loans/depdnanc on foreign investmentled to Weimar downfall in the GD/
estaboshing good relations was essential -got them otu fo isolation/reduced threat of conflict/buitl ecnomic tioes>overall it was a main reason
Stresemann domestic economic policy?
cut gov expendiute to reduce deicit/700,000 emplyees sacked/Schact intoructed Rentenamrk
Judgemtnm: In stablising the currency- dramtically helped people (out fo eocnomic crisis)>heled o maintian supprot
Howver, without foerign investment/loans this woulod’t have been possible (repapartions ebign reduced so much). Although onyl 18% there was also oppsotion to accpeitng T of V (increased Nazi emmebrshp) and negecting dometic policy
Threats form extreme left/right?
Kapp putsch/munich beer hall putshc
eft- repressed in spartisit revolt (discrimanated agisnt by traditional judiciary- poltical assasinations)
Judgeemtn: Becuase weimar was so fragile, weak oppsotionw as essential>put down by Stremann (needed foeign supprot- most imp0rotant reason)
with hidnsight clear weiamr coudln’t survive deprssion>political itnrigue>Nazis
Overall, investment from foreign suprpot si the msot improtnat..?
reaosn, although stremann’s plciies werer eseential they dedned on foreign loans>due to the ecnomic soltions>left and right ciups were defeated
consider Stremann’s diplomacy skills helepd himt o gain foreign support