Biology (Exchange Surfaces and lungs) Flashcards
Organisms need exhange surfaces to absorb?
Organsim need o remove?
C02 (animals)
02 (plants)
Single-celled organisms can use.?
simple diffusion to absorb and remove these gasses/oriducts bvecuase they have a large SA:V
As the size of an organism increases the SA:V ..?
decreases- the SA isnt large ebough to absorb/remove these products fast enough
need a larger SA- often combine with a transport system
Good exchange surfaces have..?
- large SA to allow more molecules to pass through (fold walls/membranes)
- short diffusio patrhway
- steep concentration gradient
Some exchnage surafces use…?
An exaple in the human body is..?
active transport to transport molecules
liver- to control blood sugar levels
Air travels into the nose> along the..?
trachea> long the brochi and bronchioles>alveloi (air sacs) where exchange takes place
Breathing in (Inspiration)
ribcage moves up and out diaphram contracts (flattens) external interocastel msuicles contract The volume in thoriac cavity increases pressure decreases>when pressur ei lower than atmospheric pressure air moves in
Breathing out (expiration)
ribcage moves down and in/diaphram relaxes (rises)/interbnal intercoastel musicles relax/volume in thoraic avity decreases/pressure increases/air is forced out of lungs when higher than atmospheric pressure
02 passes from alveloi to
C02 passes from tissues t0
He large surafce area in lungs is due to..?
even though alveloi are tiny thoudands of them make up a large surface area
what allows the difrusion of gasses?
permable barrier (plasma memberane surrounding cyrtoplas)
How does the thin barrier reduce the diffusion pathway?
The capillary wall is only once cellt hick
The alevolousb wall is only one cell thick
They are both made up flattened (squashed) endotherlial cells
Red blood cell is same size as capillary cell so red blood is squeezed part makeing ti close to the theere quicker
How is the diffusion gradient maintained?
THe concentration of C02 in th blood is kept lower than that in the alevloi so it dissues into the alveloi
The concentration o 02 is always kept lower ij t he blood so that it diffuses from the alveloi uinto the blood
How does the blood travel from the heart>tissues via the lungs?
Heart pumps blood from pulmonary artery>lungs>here, artery diviedes up into arterioles>carry blood to capillaries>red blood cells are squeezed past-forcingthem to give up blood to tissues
The breathing movements of the lungs ?
ventilate them/replace used air with fresh air
Trachea brochi and brochioels have to be..?
strong to stop collapsing whjen iside pressur is low (inspriation)
large enough to let air flow
Cartilage in the trachea and bronchi is used for?
strength (to prevent collapsing during inspiration)
C rings in trachea (not complete rings to provide some flexibility)-less regular in bronchi
oesphogus allowed to expand
The smooth mucle?
contracts which constrict the lumen>makes it narrower>limits flow of air to and from the alveloi
important to do this if there are harmful substances in the air
most obvious effect in brochioles
involuntary cause asthma atatcks
Elastic fibres..?
When smooth muscle contracts>constricts the artery
This deforms the elastic fibres in the loose tissue( inner surace of cartilage)
When smooth tissue relaxes, elastic fibres recoil helping to widen the artery
Goblet cells and glandular tissue?
These are jsut below the epithelium (thin inner lining)
secrete mucus>trap pathogens>reduce risk of infection
Ciliated cells?
They are hair-like projections from membrane which move in synchronisd motion to waft msucus up airwar>back of throat>swallowed>killed by acid in the stomach
Tidal volume is
volume of air breathed in or out per breath
Inspiratory reserve volume
the maximal amount of air forcibly inspred + tidal volume
Expuraroty reserve volume
the mximal amount fo air forcibly expired + tidal volume
total lung capacity
vital capcity + minute ventilation
vital capacity
The maximal experition after a maximal inspration
minute ventilation
volume of air brerathed in or out per minute
Residual volume
The amount of air left in lungs after a maximal expiration
Roughyly breathing rate s?
12 times/per minute
If yoyu exercuide..?
you breathe deepr and faster
gets more 02 into lungs
gets more C02 out of lungs
spirometer is..
chamber filled with oxygen hat rests on a tank of water
person breathes from a disposable mouthpiece connected to tube >chamber of oxygen
What is recorded on the datalogger
sprimoeter trace(breathing movements)
Why do they use soda lime ina spirometer?
If sonmeone breathes in and out levels of C02 increase dramitcally>dangerous
to react witht eh C02 to produce sodium carbonate
The total volume of gas in spirometer reduced
As volume of C02 breathed out=volume of 02 breathed in > the amount that gets removed by soda lime will equal amount used by person breathing in and out
What happens when the person breathes in ?
he chamber of oxygen sinks
What happens when the person breathes out?
chamber of oxygen floats up
What precautions should the perosn take before doing sipormeter?
Dont eat hevsy meal before] dont exerise just beofre
To calculate oxygen uptake on spritmeter
change in volume of chamber (highest peak and lowest peak-tidal volume) / chnage in time
To get from dm s-1 to dm min-1 (x60)
If they are using rubber sheet and ballon model to demosntrate lungs if the rubber sheet is pulled down and ballons expand..?
Inspiration (explain the process) related to apparutues i.e. volume increases in jar
To show tidal olume wth model of ballons?
regular up and down movemnets of the rubber sheet
To show vital capacity with model of balloons?
Pull rubber sheet as far DOWN as possible and then as far UP as possible
On a spriometer trace the averafe trace is… but after exercise the average trace is.?
steady decrease (slow) same but higher peaks
Precautions when using a spirometer?
Sterilise mouthpiece
Check health