English History (Labour Party) Flashcards
At first lib-lab leaders were opposed to..?
socialist influences in the TUC
8 reasons for growing union attitude changes?
1) New unions (unlike miners that always voted Liberal) - new ones had more unskiled members
union officials wanted better parlimentary representation for working-class
1900- >2 million membership
Rate of labour councils grew > more than rate of lib-lab Mps
2) Multi-coperations e.g road/gas companies meant town councils emplying more people> more people on labour councils.
3)Unions increasingly expected favourable legislation e.g. better pay
4) Government not helping them e.g banning picketing
5) Setback for unions- Taff Vale 1899 banned uinions right to strike-employers made federations to rise agaisnt unions (defeat for workers)- damage liabiltiy of funds/had to pay for damages due to industrial action
6) Lack fo sympathy in Parliment- mainly Conservatives/ number of Lib-Lab MPs was 13 in 1892 election and 1898- 11
7) Annoyance with Liberals-reluctance to back unions/ > 600 labour councils (small number of Lib-Lab MPs.
8) DIvisions in Liberal Party- Chamberlain -joined Conservatves agaisnt home Rule/ previusly encouraged workers to join Liberal > now Conservative. Labour were attractive with welfare reform.
Hardie’s problems?
> 1898- memebership declined
Struggle between moe socialist (SDF) and those against socialism (like Hardie)
The formation of the LRC?
conference- 1899- get better represntation
passed by a narrow majority
Fabiens/SDF/ILP/some trade unionists
LRC members/manifesto?
success- managed to resolve class war (SDF) and the desire to limit parlimentary action of workign class MPs (TU)
own party with own whips and policy
\strogn support from TU
not SOCIALST but socialistic (sympathetic to socialist aims but not nationilsing industry)
open to allaince with Liberals
Hardie and MacDionals drew up proposal saying what?
- unions could run and pay for candidates
- unions had to agree on candidates standign independat from other parties (LRC-commitee)
Confference was a sucess?
sorted the class war 'socialistic' own whips/policy co-operate with any party that agree with them] 7 Trade union delegates 2 SDF 2 ILP 1 Fabien
The ILP was the part to push th hardest for
an independant parlimentary party
Conference was in.. ?
Many ILP emmebrs were..?
- former Luiberals
- Christian (socialism heavily infleunced by it)
- trade union experiance
1900- LRC was..?
weak - 17% of TU/ SDF withdrew/ Co-operative movement never joined/
1900 election…LRC won?
2 candidates- working-class people more voted for them as due to horror at Boer War (Conservatives) , annoyance with LIberals (agreeing to Taff Vale- 1899)
By-election gains 3 seats
1903- Constitutional chanegs and?
annual subscirtion rate was raised
Lib-Lab Pact- Liberals would not oppose LRC candidates where they were mroe likely to wi than COnservatives/LRC wold reduce number of candidates elswhere
Why did Liberal agree to a pact [7 reasons]
fear of splitting progressive vote- 3 way contest - Conservatives winning by default
growth in support for LRC- Glastone took them more seriously
Leader -Gkadstone was more radical than other liberals
MacDonals- moderate -right-wing Liberals saw no problem with allying themselves with him
LRC appeal to working-class conservatives-
moderate strand (Hardie)- w. class Liebrals
radical strand Lansbury)- w. Conservatives
Common causes i.e. free trade
Money - save money not fighting LRC
1906 election..
50 candidates- won 29 seats- 1 MP joined to make 30 seats.
independant party- own whips- renamed ‘The Labour Party
Henderson and MacDonald
1905 conference,, unions could be afiliated tp..?
beofre, local LRC’s weren’t affiliated to national LRC
resolved - unions could be affiliate to natinal LRC (70-100 branches joine dby 1906 election)
Labour manifesto was too ?
vague- just an appealf ro Labour members
Idealogy wasn
coherent- most memebrs were socialsit altough the parrty wasn’t.
supported redistributing property but more interested in immediate benefits for TU like better pay, less hours, onflcut between socialists and those just wanted TU benefits
Problems with the Labour Party-
limited education- none of them had exoeriance in parliment
ILP socialists/TU officials - didn’t liek the Lib0Lab leaders
Leaders- Hardie - charasmatic/good atrallying supoort
Henderson -chief whip- snesible
1911- MacDonald became chief whip (organised)
Henderson - became secretary- patience to forge a cohesive parrty but he was too close with the Liberals
Osbourne Judgement (1909)?
LAbour MPs weren’t paid by state
supported by unions (told t was illegal for them to force members to pay political levy)
1911- finally paid £4000 a year
1913- Trade Union Act- reveresed Taff Vale
Problem with Osbourne Judgement?
didn’t ahve money to fight two electron in Jan 1910 and Dec 1910 (more depedant on Liberal)o
1906 electrion
Liberals won by a landslide ( labour were ignored)- only 30 MPs
Two 1910 elections?
Jan 1910 electron - Liberals- 274/ Conservatves - 272 Labour only got 40 seats
balance of power was held with the irish nationilists (voted Lberals in return for Home Rule
New Liberalism problem for Labour?
idea of a ‘safety net’ fr those most vunerale in society stole Labour’s thnder
opposed it - extremists (socialists)
agreed- they were ignored.
Lack of electroal progress in general elections by Labour?
-1906- 30 Mps
-1909- MFGB affiliated 12 MPs (number was artificialyl inflated)- 42 Mps
-Jan 1910 election- lost five seats > 37 Mps
-Dec 1910 election - roughyl the same
1914- said to have 42 at Westminster- this was more apparent than real
no major breakthrough- probabyl had more infleunce un 1906 than in 1914
Labour succeses?
Did infleuce soem social reforms
Trade Disoutes Act 1906- Campbel-Bannerman chose Labour draft
School Meals Act 1906- inhsoired by Labour Mp William Wilson
Medical Inspections Act 1907- Directly put in secret clause by RObert Mormant
Why did Labour Mps start getting paid in 1911?
labour agreed to support national insurance (Liberal needed Labour vote) in return for salary