History (Constitutional crisis) Flashcards
Whjat was thes estimated cost of the old age pensions?
£16 million
What did the new budget propose to increase taxes on?
spirits by 1/3, alcohol by a 1/4, tax on cars, 3d per gallon of petrol,
income tax (appeal to left-wing liberals and working-class)- 9d- earning under £3000
1s2d- earning over £3000
extra 6d- earning over £5000
death duties (inheritance tax)- workth more than £5000
What else was money being spent on?
eight extra dreadnoughts for the army
Who hated it?
Irish- damage whiskey trade
landowners target6ed unfairly- land valuation survey (thin edge of sociasim)- estimating land worth by a commission
breweries- outraged by taxes
Liberals- worried about socialism
how much did the Lord reject the budget by?
350 votes to 75
Other examples of Lord rejecting Bills?
1893 Gladstone hOme Rule bill
plural voting bill- affected conservative-held constituinces
Educaiton Bill 1906- reduced Anglican infloeucne
Lisencing Bill 1907- pressure from breweries
Why did Liberals let these go?
anxious to pass major reform- prepared ot give up minor ones
Why was the 1909 budget so controversial?
- Lord saw it as a unprecesedented attack on property- gave them a right to interfere with a money bill
Why wouldn’t have Lloyd George wanted to enginner conflict?
Just passed a massive reform programme- conflcut would delay legislation being passed
By 1909- most Liberals wanted to expand (no longer saw gi9vernemnt interference as limited)>looking for a massive cash injection - ocnflcit would eb expensive
Prioblems of the 1909 Budget?
8 dreadnoughts needed to be built- costing £16 million
trade depression in 1908
Public support falling- by-election losses in 1908- 10% swing against Liberals
need to prove they can pay for them without protectsionsim
Non-conformist supporters (influential)- want restriction on sale of alcohol
Major opposition to taxes on land by Lords
Solutions of the 1909 Budget?
Taxes- alchol, death duties
Income tax- tax the rich, not the poor
Introudce chid allowance
landlord’s pub liscenes- 50% of their profits
Liberals case?
Traditions of commons handli9ng money bills
THe Liberals represent the will of the people (1906) GE
‘Mr Balfour’s poodle’- using Lords
Lord just represent conservative peers- they cann afford it
Lord case?
reason for thinking the budget wa drastic/ill-considered
‘buklwarks oft he revoltion’
Liscenign Bill 1907- please the Non-conformsits not the people
Budget had lots of measure tacked on-land valuation survey couldn’t actually collect any taxes
The Lords were not refusing to accept it if the people wanted it
The LIberals had lsot many by-elecitons in 1908- lost their majority
Why didn’t the Liberals just amend it and wait to get it passed?
- commons needed to control taxation to govern he country
-Lords were blatantly acting agisnst the people if they refused this
Liberals had the majority
Why did Conservative peers oppose the budget?
157 mps in H of C- mainly relsied on Lords
agricultural depression- fall in land prices>income
electoral refomrs- harder to exter infleucne- more power with local councils
Liberal by-election losses meant Conservatvies thought they cold win
Jan 1910?
Conservatvies suggested tariff reform to raise revenue
Election result- automatically comes?
Liberals 275, Conservatvies - 273 equal- not what Liberal wanted
kept in office by Labour (TU egislation) and Ireland (Home Rule)
Aprikl 1910?
The Lords passed the Budget
Commons wanted to get Lords to agree to restrict powers
How did the government threaten the Lords?
monarch- create enough Liberal peers to get majoriry in Lords
if Liberals won another election- it was voted for
constitutional conference faield- another election
Dec 1910 election?
Liberals had majoriy ONLY with Irish hodlin balcne of pwoer
resukting in Lords dividing into?
diehards- wouldn’t say yes
hedgers- abstained form voting
rats-voted for the government- with hedgers passed b majority of 17
1911 Parlimetn Act?
Lords could only delay bill for 2 years
if passed by conservaies in 3 consecutive session it was passed (lost theur veto)
Mps got a salary