RS (Just War Theory) Flashcards
Aquians critreria?
Right authority- responsbility (prince)- trying to protrct people
Just cause- self-defence
Just intention - like seeking peace
Quotes from Aquinas (Summa Theolgica)
‘A just war is want ot be decribed as one that avenges wrongs’
‘We do not seek peace in order to got o war but we go to war that we may have peace
What are the sopecific ‘ju’ criteria?
Jus ad bellum (just cause)
Last resort e.g Falklands War
proportionality- dispropiortionate to go to war voer fishing rights
reasonable chance of success
Jus in bello (justice in war)
Force has to be proportionate to threat ( e.g Gulf War)
Discrimnation- can’t be civilian targets- increasingly relevant with the invntion of nucluer weapons
Jus post bellum (justice after war)
concerns the intention of peace agreements/treaties
Liek Treaty of Versailes
Problem with the jsut war criteria?
Wars are too complicated for on esingle ‘just cause’ like 2009 Gaza Conflcit
Can’t predict outcome#Unrealsitic to expect fighters to be moral thinkers e.g Gaza fighting agaist civilians
Disciriation over targets- inevitable in modern warfare
Pacifism can be..?
relgious belief in sancit of life
non-religious belief in sancity of life
pratical beleif that war is wasteful
Pacifism is inspired by buddhist principles, Jesus..?
Ghandi ‘ The good war does is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent’
Beattitudes- Sermon on the Mount
Blessed be the peacemakers for they will be called Sons of God’
Ahimsa is..?
the belief in non-violence form hinduism
There is a part of God Braham) in everyone
karma>reincrantion (depdns on your actions in your past life)