Histroy (Conservatives) Flashcards
The advantages of protectionism?
Income from import duties can be used on social reform. (incoem from import duties could be spent on old-age pensions)
Britain should help boost other british economies to strenghen the empire (encourage more emigration), south africa gold mines were worked on by chinese slaves
unfair competition
Taxes would help update British machinery
Many British compeuitotrs were increasing tarrifs- Britianh should too
Disadvantages of protectionism?
Would the money be sued on social reform?
Was the empire strong- costly and cruel Boer War-40% of volunteers unfit for service
Britian was doing fine as a great trading nation
Would farerms beenfit- imperial preference would mean New Zealand lamb entering the country, farmers would lose out
Brtain was alreadya agreat trading nation- protectionsim meant price increases
What did Joseph Chamberlin want with the inrtocution of imperial preference and protectionism?
increase taxes on all goods coming from outside Britain (protectionism)
Imperial prefernce- import taxes on goods coming from outside British empire
Fre trade was… by people
liked- meant properity and cheap food so imperial preference was risky
when did Chamberlian make the speech about protectionism?
may 1903
what were the problems for induitry ariound this time?
plant and machienry being outdated
usa and germany stteel production overtaking Britain
Tarrifs on british goods
What was the result ont hen Conservative Party?
Divided between those who supported it and those who didn’t
Chamberlain resigned to campaign full-time fior protectionsimj
Churchill deflected to the Liberals (advocates of free trade)
What was the public reaction?
Strong oppostin- favourd free trade
Balfour’s ompromsiee?
retalistion- governemtn would threaten to introcduce soem taxes on countries that taxed british goods
Double election pledge- if they won the next election they would work out a schem fro imeprial preference but only go through with it if public approved
What were Balfour’s reasons for national efficeny?
Balfour- complied with the need obvious after Boer War
What was Chamberlain’s for protectionsim?
help decline of British trade
Te OCnservatives ahd kept governemt for..?
most of the 1890s and first five years till 1905
Why did Conservatives stay in power for 11 years [ 4 reasons]
skillful leader- Lord Salisbury (most of 1890s)
adapted polciies- small single- memebr constuitencies (pockets of middle-class voterra)
widen appeal to middle class working class (Liberals)
change traditonal policies
propoganda professiianl agents
Why were the Liberals so divided in 1890s?
- divided abouit aims/pbjectives
- most fiancies gone to COnservtaive Party wityh LIberal Unionists
What was the cause of the Boer War?
discovered gold in Traansvaal
Chmaberlain thought Britian had supremacy-needed it
khaki election - 1900- intially popular
slightly reduced majority