gentic wenginerring -chrisitna ethics) Flashcards
sicne dev.opemt of gentic engineering in 1970s schoalrs ahve quesitoned its ehtical jsutification, in playing God, and alterig God’s creation
GM crops- chrisitina ethics?
icnrease % yeild/resitiance to pests e.g.Godlen Rice greatly reduces amlnritiion
sdancity of life- genis 1:27, examples of Jesus helping others in Bible (his words take precedant over Old Testament)
explotied workers- Jesus said t love your nrighbour as you love yourself [2nd part of Golden Rule], wokrers in devleoing counties- all a part of God’s creation
GM crops- manuilpating GOd’s creation/interferrign with GOd’s natural prioces/playing God- but evolution-it chanegs iover time
Not the soel soltuio of world hunger- problems are far more complex
Jesus would say to do the most loving thing (situaiton ethics-joseph fletcher)- save half a billion from malnutrition- God-given itnellect
Human gentic engineering- embryo research, saviorj siblings, designer babies?
Embryos - sacity of life argment
issue of eprsonhood- RC beluve its at conception- agaisnt embryo reseatch- killing God’s sacred life (Ten commandments -Moses- [Exodus}, C of E- value icnreeases as it does, kjust an emvryo {Mark Sagoof- glob of cytoplasm)- if its not a perosn, its oaky to abort it it should be okay to remove it from stem cell especialyl if it meant saving actual sacre lvies woth futirer cures for dideases oie PArkisnosn’s
(onyl allowd to be removed up to 14 days)
Situatione ethics- might eb the sot loving thing to do (agape love) when the only other option is to destroy it) espeically aif it leads to cures for diseases
Deigner babies0-embryo screening- issue of personhood- worry of chososing perfect race and discardign oens for not reason. Interferring with GOd’s natuirla process- he has a plant or every human life (Psalm 139)- issue of trying to crerate perfect race-God amd everyoen unique
Howver- repalcing faulty DNA with healthy DNA so tis preserving God’s lfie- Jesus hled valeu of human lfie so high this could be God’s purpsoe. Depnds on denomiantion- RC positive about scientif advancements but never exoense of huma life=- GOd did give us intellect
Saviour siblings- ony for life-threatneign conditons- sacity of life- follwing Jesus’ teahcigns
HOeevr- interferring with GOd’ creation, we can’t decide the purpsoe fo another life/engineer oen is to sdave another as God has a specifi plan for very huma being/’trat our bodiues a s a temple’ , can’t eb used a subsitute for treatement
Clonging humand and animals, euggenics (sleective breeding)
Eugneics- slective breeding of humans- maunitplation of God’s creation, interferring with his process/ we can’r deide what eprfect characterisitcs cosntitue as/takign away GOd-given indivualtiy
Probaly wouldnt acceot it as even if it could get rid of a disease int he future, its tring to chage someting that isn’t already broken and with embroyos- argue tis the msot lovig thign to do bu msot chrisitna wpuld eb agsintn usign sacred devleoped life in this way
Cloning - maunipation of creation,not GOd’s pripsoe, not embroys, not people already with life-threatneing condition- might reuslt in people wanting to clone dead relatives- unnaural, not God’s pripsoe
Animals- preciosu but not sacred- Imago Dei- ‘God told Am to ruel voer all the fish in the sea and all the birds int he sky’ [Genenis]- if it saved hum lives (hgih yield of milk from cows)-probaly be allowed
Overall, Chritisn rethics would be..?
more agaisnt he human gentic engienrring sicne it involves mauniualtion of God’s creation, interfing wiht his plan and purpose for indiviuals but might be conidered the msot loving thign to do and for animal espeialy sicne it save slives it would be allowed