The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon Flashcards
Every problem has a gift for you in its hands as my man Richard Bach says. You can choose to see the curse or the gift. And this one choice will determine if your life is a success story or one big soap opera. 256
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
It was ironic how the people who needed help the most were often the most closed off from receiving it. 265
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
‘We don’t talk this game, we play it.’ 342
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
They had just lost their way somehow, he thought. Like a bad marriage, he figured, where you can’t finger any one thing as the cause, yet you know it just isn’t right. 366
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
How can I love myself if I don’t love you? How could I love myself if I don’t love everyone? You see we’re all connected and I love it all. 381
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
We’re all about positive energy here and it’s what makes the ride so great. You don’t get more positive than the word yes. So 413
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Always remember that you are the driver of your bus. It’s the most important of the rules because if you don’t take responsibility for your life and control of your bus then you can’t take it where you want to go. 431
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
We are all driving on each other’s bus but each one of us has our own bus. 436
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The real truth is that instead of living, I feel like I’m dying every day. 457
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The energy you fuel the ride of your life with is entirely up to you. And as the driver, you are the one who must also choose your vision of where you want to go. You have the best seat and the best view of your life so it’s up to you. You gotta have vision. So let me ask you, do you know where you want to go, 466
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
A man with vision has a certain look in his eye and walk in his step. He walks like he knows where he is going and why he is going there, 472
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
You see, life is simple. But in all our stuff we make it complicated and become blinded to the simple truths. 478
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
the closer you get to truth, the simpler and more powerful the lessons become . 480
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Because every journey and ride begins with a desire to go somewhere and do something and if you have a desire then you also have the power to make it happen. 490
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
First, decide what you want, George. Then you can start creating it. Don’t let the world create you. You create your world. 496
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
three sections on it with space for him to write and it looked like this. 1. My vision for my life (including my health) is 2. My vision for my work, career, job, and team is 3. My vision for my relationship and family is 498
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
anything that is matter is energy so all the physical stuff we see and even our own bodies are really made of energy. 514
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Everything is energy. 518
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“I want my wife to stay married to me,” he said. “I have this vision of us laughing together like we used to, remembering why we fell in love in the first place.” 549
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Unfortunately, it takes a crisis for so many of us to change,” 570
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Sometimes we have to see what we don’t want, to know what we do want.” 572
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Every crisis offers an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser; to reach deep within and discover a better you that will create a better outcome. 576
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Each day I want you to focus on your vision for 10 minutes and see yourself creating everything you wrote down on that paper. 589
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
the more we focus on something, the more we think about something, the more it shows up in our lives. 593
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
telephone telepathy,” 600
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Well, I tell those people that when you complain you get more things to complain about. 605
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“If you build it in your mind, focus on seeing it, and take action, the success will come.” 619
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“The E stands for events in your life,” Danny explained. “The P stands for perception and the O stands for outcome. 640
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Positive energy and positive people create positive results. 646
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #3 Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy. 654
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Where there is a dark cloud, there is always a sun shining behind it.” 667
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
where there is a void, negativity will fill it so we must keep fueling up with positive energy so the negative energy doesn’t have room to expand. 670
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #4 Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead. 745
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
web 761
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
I am not bound to win, I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to the light that I have. —Abraham Lincoln 808
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
there will always be negativity everywhere and in everything you do, 867
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
George, you are too close to the problem to see it. The problem is that you are taking it too personal. Step back for a moment. Don’t focus 877
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #5 Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don’t Get on Your Bus. 882
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
No Energy Vampires on the Bus 903
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
If you want to be successful you have to be very careful about who is on your bus. 908
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #6 Post a Sign That Says NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED on Your Bus. 913
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
give people a chance to change and if they don’t get it then you got to kick them off the bus. Or else they will ruin your ride.” 924
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone’s and everyone’s negativity. Your certainty must be greater than everyone’s doubt. 940
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
there will even be people who don’t want you to succeed because it makes them see their own weaknesses and failures. 943
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rather than driving their own bus they are trying to ruin everyone else’s ride. 944
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“The goal is not to be better than anyone else but rather be better than you were yesterday.” 1082
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
They can lift you up or bring you down. We like to say that E-motion stands for energy in motion and your emotional state is all about how the energy is flowing through you. 1104
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Too many people try to please others and this only makes them unhappy. Better to focus on feeling good and letting this feeling and happiness shine on others. 1116
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
God keeps breaking your heart until it opens. 1137
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Institute of HeartMath,” 1149
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The heart acts as an emotional conductor and radiates how you are feeling to every cell in the body via the heart’s electromagnetic field; this energy field can be detected up to 5 to 10 feet away. • The heart’s electromagnetic field is 5,000 times more powerful than the brain. 1151
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
CEO doesn’t stand for chief executive officer anymore. It stands for Chief Energy Officer. 1176
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride. 1214
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word entheos, which means ‘inspired’ or ‘filled with the divine.’ 1225
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Walt Whitman said that we convince by our presence, and when you are enthusiastic you project an energy that convinces people to get on and stay on your bus. 1232
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
People are always buying you and your energy. The simple truth is that when you are excited people get excited about where your bus is going and this makes them want to get on and stay on your bus. 1244
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“But this doesn’t mean you’re all fake and annoying either, George. Enthusiasm doesn’t mean you bounce off the walls all hyper and all. The kind of enthusiasm Jack and I talk about is real. You don’t have to force it or push it. You just live it. 1247
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Focus today on becoming the heart of your team. 1250
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Realize that just as every cell in the body beats to the frequency of the heart, everyone around you will beat to your frequency and your energy. 1250
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The energy of a company or team is cultivated by the energy and enthusiasm of the leaders and each person in the organization who contributes to the collective energy and culture of it. 1258
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence (Bloomsbury, 1996; Bantam, 1997), explains that a positive company with a positive corporate culture will outperform their negative counterparts every time. 1263
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
if you are open to the signs and look for them they will always tell you where your bus needs to go and what you need for your ride. 1279
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #8 Love Your Passengers. 1284
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
eventually the gift is forgotten and the excitement of the raise wears off and what remains is an emotional feeling, a feeling of whether you love them. 1303
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
But if you really love and care about them they will love you back 1307
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
When customers know you love them instead of just seeing them as a new car or boat, they’ll never leave you. When they feel the love they will send you more business and refer more people to you. 1309
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
giving hugs at work is not too popular with Human Resources. 1315
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
dust on gold doesn’t change the nature of gold. It’s still gold. 1343
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
5 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS 1. Make Time for Them—When you love someone or something, you spend time with them. 1373
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
5 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS 2. Listen to Them—One of the most important factors that determines a high management approval rating is whether the manager listens to the employee. 1380
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
more than 95 percent of daily interactions there is no moistening in the eyes, according to High Energy Living, by Robert K. Cooper (New American Library, 2002). 1384
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
5 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS 3. Recognize Them—We don’t mean trophies or some awards dinner. We want you to make it real personal. Honor them for who they are and what they do. 1387
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
5 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS 4. Serve Them—A great leader once said, the higher you get in an organization the more it is your duty to serve the people below you rather than having the people below serve you. The key is to serve their growth, their future, their career, and their spirits 1393
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
5 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR PASSENGERS 5. Bring Out the Best in Them—We 1396
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #9 Drive with Purpose. 1468
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Lyndon Johnson visited NASA and as he was walking the halls he came across a janitor who was cleaning up a storm, like the Energizer bunny with a mop in his hand. The president walked over to the janitor and told him he was the best janitor he had ever seen and the janitor replied, “Sir, I’m not just a janitor, I helped put a man on the moon.” 1474
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
There’s no spirit in companies anymore because there’s no spirit in the people who work for these companies. 1484
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“It feels like I’m meeting the man I fell in love with all over again. I don’t know where you have been but I’m glad you are back.” 1546
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
“Too blessed to be stressed.” 1556
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
focus so much on what stresses us that we forget all the things we got to be thankful for. 1571
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination as late as possible, with a smile on your face. 1590
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Rule #10 Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride. 1592
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
asked a bunch of ninety-five-year-olds, 1607
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The three things that almost all of them said were: (1) They would reflect more. Enjoy more moments. More sunrises and sunsets. More moments of joy. (2) They would take more risks and chances. Life is too short not to go for it. (3) They would have left a legacy. Something that would live on after they die. 1608
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Don’t go through life with regrets. 1612
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Don’t compare the success of your bus to other buses. Just enjoy your ride. 1614
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is named after you or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions.” 1619
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
his positive energy must be greater than anyone’s negativity, 1640
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
a team who puts their heart and soul into a project and works hard toward a shared purpose wants to celebrate together. 1653
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
If his wife hadn’t threatened to leave him he never would have realized how bad things were and how good they could be. 1669
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Life is a test. Every adversity helps us grow. Negative events and people teach us what we don’t want so we can focus our energy on what we do want. 1671
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Do not focus on the future because the future brings only what the present gives it. 1679
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Focus on the path. Keep your head up and your heart full of joy. 1680
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
all he had to remember was to allow joy to flow through him and savor every moment and mile on his journey. 1683
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
10 RULES FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE 1. You’re the driver of the your bus. 2. Desire, vision, and focus move your bus in the right direction. 3. Fuel your ride with positive energy. 4. Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead. 5. Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus. 6. Post a sign that says NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED on your bus. 7. Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride. 8. Love your passengers. 9. Drive with purpose. 10. Have fun and enjoy the ride. 1721
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Step 1: Create Your Vision 1734 Step 2: Fuel Your Vision with Purpose 1741 Step 3: Write Down Your Vision/Purpose Statement 1750 Step 4: Focus on Your Vision 1752 Step 5: Zoom Focus • Identify the goals your team needs to achieve to make your vision a reality. • Write these goals down. • Identify the action steps 1756 Step 6: Get on the Bus 1762 Step 7: Fuel the Ride with Positive Energy and Enthusiasm 1766
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Step 8: Post a Sign that Says “No Energy Vampires Allowed” • Identify the negative team members who are affecting the success of your bus ride. • Open the lines of communication. Let them know they are being negative. Determine if there is a justifiable reason. Determine a course of action that will lead to individual and team success. Encourage them to get on the bus with positive energy. Give them a chance to succeed. • If they fail to make changes and continue to be negative, then you have no choice but to let them off the bus. 1771
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Step 9: Navigate Adversity and Potholes 1777 Step 10: Love Your Passengers 1787 Step 11: Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride 1797
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon