Gottman Newsletters Flashcards
Couples get stuck when they defend their intentions instead of focusing on how they made their partner feel.
Whether or not you meant to hurt your partner’s feelings, their feelings are hurt. Saying “I didn’t mean to upset you” doesn’t make them feel better. It’s not even really an apology.
Instead, accept responsibility for your own actions and attitude. “I’m sorry I was rude” is an apology that takes ownership.
Gottman Newsletter 7/16/19
Relationships are like a dance. There are times when you feel drawn to your loved one and times when you feel the need to pull back and replenish your sense of autonomy.
The potential for conflict arises when partners’ needs fall on different ends of the spectrum. Some people desire more frequent connection, while others crave more independence.
Viewing your relationship as a dance rather than a tug of war will remind you to collaborate to meet each other’s needs rather than fight to preserve your own.
Gottman Newsletter 7/04/19
Sorry for venting. Sorry for being late. Sorry for taking up your time. What if you reframed apologies as appreciations? Thank you for listening. Thank you for waiting. Thank you for spending time with me.
There are some things you should apologize for. For everything else, try saying thank you instead.
Gottman Newsletter 7/02/19
Before you say something to your partner, first ask yourself, “Is it kind?”
If the answer is no, then don’t say it. Or say it in a different way.
Sounds simple, right? It’s not, especially during an argument.
“Kindness doesn’t mean that we don’t express our anger,” Julie Gottman explains in an interview with The Atlantic, “but the kindness informs how we choose to express the anger. You can throw spears at your partner. Or you can explain why you’re hurt and angry, and that’s the kinder path.”
Treat your partner like they’re someone you love.
Gottman Newsletter 6/22/19
When your partner is upset with you, your first reaction may be to defend yourself.
But here’s the thing: even if you think they’re being unreasonable, they’re still upset. And that’s worth digging into.
It’s almost always about something deeper. Explore that. Breathe, listen, and ask questions. Seek to understand their position.
They’ll feel heard, de-escalate, and you’ll both have a better understanding of what caused them to get upset. They may even apologize if they said something unkind.
And besides, nobody has ever calmed down after being told to calm down.
Gottman Newsletter 6/25/19
Happy marriages are based on a deep friendship. In fact, as Certified Gottman Therapist Cheryl Fraser puts it, a romantic relationship is really just “friendship plus nudity.”
And even though many people will say “I married my best friend,” it’s hard to think about what that looks like in practice.
What does friendship look like to you? How do you choose the people you stay friends with and how do you treat them?
Do the rules you apply to your friends also apply to your partner? For example, you might have a friend who is consistently 15 minutes late any time you get together and that’s “just the way they are.” Do you treat or regard their tardiness differently than your partner’s?
Friendships are a vital supplement to any romantic relationship, but it’s important not to forget to be a friend to your partner.
How can you be a better friend? How can you be the best friend?
Gottman Newsletter 6/06/19
It feels so good to give a compliment. But one thing can sour it: the response.
Oh, I don’t know.
No I’m not.
This old thing? It’s nothing.
Accepting compliments well is just as important as giving them. It honors the person giving the compliment and allows you to believe something nice about yourself. Everyone wins!
This week, practice giving (and receiving) compliments with your partner or a friend, giving equal importance to both sides of the equation.
If you’re struggling, here is a tested and proven script when receiving a compliment:
Gottman Newsletter 5/21/19
We can’t emphasize enough the importance of taking a break when you’re upset.
When one or both partners are flooded, it takes at least 20 minutes to calm down and be able to re-engage rationally.
But what if, after 20 minutes or so, you just feel more upset? What if you’re less overwhelmed, but filled with righteous anger? What if you’ve spent 20 minutes thinking of the perfect thing to say to nail your partner to the wall when you get back into it?
Once you’ve done the good work of suggesting a break, make sure you actually take it.
It’s okay—helpful even—to completely disengage from the argument to self-soothe.
Gottman Newsletter 5/14/19
Does your relationship have space to accommodate change?
Who were you five years ago? How were you different six months ago?
In what ways has your partner changed that you’re grateful for, beyond maybe a questionable hairstyle or two?
How have you changed together, as a couple?
Evolution is not to be feared.
In relationships, the only constant is change. Embrace it.
Gottman Newsletter 5/09/19
There’s one question you can ask your partner every day that will improve your relationship.
“What can I do to make you feel loved today?”
It takes the guesswork out of loving them.
It may not feel authentic at first, and that’s okay. You’re learning how to do something that you didn’t know how to do before, like playing an instrument.
But over time, with intentionality and consistency, it will become more natural.
Soon, the answer might be, “You’re already doing it.”
Gottman Newsletter 4/25/19
Do you practice digital emotional intelligence?
There are a lot of ways to do this, but one of the easiest is to check in with yourself before hitting “send” on an email, Facebook post, tweet, or text.
Take 10 seconds to ponder these questions before you send:
Am I feeling defensive? Reactive? Angry?
What is my emotional state?
Would I say this to someone in person?
Is there a chance my tone could be misinterpreted, or that I have misinterpreted theirs?
It’s easy to compose a reactive response, forgetting that there is a human being on the other end of the screen. Emotional intelligence is a powerful muscle to build, especially with more and more interactions happening digitally.
In the long term, practicing digital emotional intelligence can set you up for more positive in-person interactions.
Gottman Newsletter 4/23/19
When you see your partner in pain, your first instinct may be to offer advice or fix the problem to alleviate their suffering.
However, it can be more helpful to simply offer a listening ear. Acting as an empathetic witness to your partner’s struggles is often the most supportive move.
Offering advice can unintentionally communicate that you think they aren’t smart enough or capable of solving their own problems.
When in doubt, replace your solution with two magic words: “That sucks.”
Gottman Newsletter 4/18/19
When was the last time you and your partner laughed together? Like, really laughed?
For many couples, play falls further and further down the priority list over time. Work, family demands, and stress can suck the fun right out of a relationship.
But according to University of Denver Psychology Professor Howard Markham, “The correlation between fun and marital happiness is high and significant. The more you invest in fun and friendship and being there for your partner, the happier the relationship will get over time.”
Plain and simple—couples who play together, stay together.
Gottman Newsletter 4/02/19
“You’re selfish.”
When you label your partner instead of their behavior, that’s criticism.
If you do it from a position of superiority, that’s contempt.
Both are Four Horsemen, which are damaging to the health of your relationship.
Instead, describe their specific behavior and how it made you feel. And tell them what you need.
“I was upset when you were late and I didn’t hear from you. I need you to text me next time.”
Gottman Newsletter 07/25/19
Today, or on your next date night, try asking your partner this question:
What’s something I don’t know about you?
Alternatively, you can ask them for a story they’ve never told you before.
You may think you know everything about your partner and that you’ve heard all of each other’s stories by now. But things can slip through the cracks.
Sometimes all you have to do is ask.
Gottman Newsletter 07/30/19
Their “same old dull routine” didn’t include room for champagne, piña coladas, or midnight lovemaking. Their relationship was, according to the lyrics, “a worn-out recording of a favorite song.”
How do you re-heat things in your relationship before deciding to take out a personal ad (or, more likely, downloading Tinder)? How do you keep monogamy from becoming monotony?
Create opportunities for adventure. Try new things together. Write a personal ad detailing things you’d like to try with your partner (then share it with them, rather than posting it).
Gottman Newsletter 08/01/19
If you expect perfection of yourself, your relationship, and others, you are bound for disappointment.
A perfect relationship would require each individual to stop being imperfect or, as it is better known, human. Perfection as a metric for success is the foundation of countless sci-fi plotlines.
While you should maintain high expectations for how you are treated in a relationship, you may want to change the metric for “success.”
Instead of trying to be perfect or conflict-free, try measuring your success with questions like these:
Was I kind to my partner today? Did we treat each other with respect? Can we trust each other? Are we friends? Were we able to repair any conflict that arose?
The answers to those questions will be better indicators of your relationship’s success. After all, holding yourself to a standard of perfection is exactly what the robots want.
Gottman Newsletter 08/29/19
If a child showed you their artwork, how harshly would you critique it?
That’s not what a whale looks like.
Spiders have eight legs, not five and a half.
That’s ugly and looks nothing like me.
You would probably encourage them. If you kept up the criticism, the child would eventually stop showing you their art, or stop drawing altogether.
Do you show the same encouragement to your partner?
No one can survive in a marriage (at least not happily) if they feel more judged than admired. Your partner won’t make use of your constructive criticism if there’s not a surrounding climate of admiration and respect,” Psychologist Harriet Lerner cautions.
In fact, we believe there is no such thing as constructive criticism in a relationship. All criticism is painful.
Continuing to meet your partner’s bids with criticism may cause them to stop sharing their life with you.
So couch the critic.
Gottman Newsletter 09/05/19
Stephen Covey writes, “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour.”
Accordingly, it is likely our first impulse to build a defense of our behavior any time our intentions are misinterpreted.
I’m not a bad person! If only I could make you understand.
It’s a difficult impulse to corral.
Next time you find yourself thinking, “How can I make them understand?” try asking, “What can I learn from this?” instead.
What can you learn so that, in the future, your behavior and your intentions will be more closely aligned? How can you make sure your partner is getting the message you intended?
Gottman Newsletter 09/12/19
Think of a conflict discussion as a dinner party you and your partner are throwing together.
You have certain guests you want to invite (Resolution, Repair Attempts, Humor, Permission to Take a Break). Then, there’s the guest you just know will show up no matter what—Negativity.
Negativity is usually the first to arrive. They smelled something cooking, didn’t bring a beverage or a dessert, and they waste no time making themselves at home.
You and your partner exchange glances. Negativity’s shoes are off and they’re already gnawing on a drumstick (Where did that even come from?).
How can you stop Negativity from taking over the party, alienating your other guests, and telling that same old story too loud like they did last time?
Set boundaries with Negativity early. Don’t let them dominate the conversation.
For every one thing Negativity says, you agree to outweigh it with five positive contributions from the rest of the group. Friendship is there, and they’re on your side.
You and your partner are in this together.
With careful cooperation, you can keep Negativity from getting out of control and overstaying their welcome—at the party and in your relationship.
Gottman Newsletter 09/12/19
Two types of couples: the Masters and the Disasters.
The Masters more or less like each other and stay together, while the Disasters either break up or stay together and are unhappy.
As you can see, the standard for being a Master is pretty low. Everyone can do it.
It’s not about having a perfect relationship or even being the perfect partner. it’s about being kind, repairing when you hurt each other’s feelings, and always remembering that you’re on the same team.
Gottman Newsletter 09/26/19
In healthy relationships, partners are curious about each other’s feelings.
They adopt the motto, “When you’re hurt, the world stops and I listen.”
In unhealthy relationships, on the other hand, partners tend to ignore each other’s feelings.
They think to themselves, “I don’t have time for your negativity.”
So the next time your partner is upset, ask them to share their feelings with you—and just listen.
Gottman Newsletter 10/01/19
There’s a difference between privacy and secrecy in a relationship.
It’s okay to keep some things private from your partner. They don’t need to know every small detail.
Secrets, on the other hand, can be toxic. When something private is coupled with shame, it becomes a secret.
So respect each other’s privacy. But don’t keep secrets.
Gottman Newsletter 10/10/19
Feeling defensive is normal and natural. It’s what you do with that feeling that makes all the difference.
When confronted with something that makes you feel defensive (“the sink is full of dirty dishes!”), you have two options.
You can respond defensively: “Some of those dishes are yours! I haven’t had time!”
Or, you can check in with yourself and acknowledge how you’re feeling in the form of a repair attempt: “I’m feeling defensive.”
That statement works to get the conversation back on track.
You will likely feel defensive again in the future, but being aware of your reaction can turn the tide of a conversation for the better.
Gottman Newsletter 10/15/19
“You’re always working on your computer.”
What they’re really saying is, “I miss you.”
Under the complaint is a longing for connection, but the recipient doesn’t always see it.
Instead, they see the complainer as an adversary.
So the next time you’re going to complain, ask yourself, “What do I need?”
Gottman Newsletter 10/17/19
Conflict is inevitable. While a nice thought, a conflict-free relationship is not a realistic expectation.
Between any two imperfect humans, disagreements and misunderstandings are bound to arise.
It’s how you approach conflict in your relationship that makes all the difference.
In fact, not all conflict needs to result in an argument. It can be productive. Often, it is an opportunity to connect and hear your partner’s needs.
So don’t be afraid of conflict. It can be helpful to remember that while conflict is inevitable, combat is optional.
Gottman Newsletter 11/12/19
When a person stonewalls, they’re creating a cold, impenetrable fortress. That fortress communicates one thing to potential intruders: keep out.
But fortresses also exist to protect what’s inside.
When you or your partner stonewalls, it is usually to protect from feeling psychologically and physically overwhelmed.
Thoughts within the fortress might sound like:
I’m feeling attacked.
I can’t take this.
Maybe they’ll tire themselves out if I don’t respond.
If I say anything back, this will only get worse.
However ineffective, stonewalling is a response to wanting to protect and preserve.
The next time you encounter a fortress, it may be best to ask what it’s protecting. It could be your key to getting beyond its walls.
Gottman Newsletter 11/14/19
In the story of “The Zax,” by Dr. Seuss, a North-Going Zax and a South-Going Zax find themselves at odds. They’re moving in opposite directions and tell each other, in rhyme, “You’re in my way.”
Rooted in a foundation of pride and sheer stubbornness, they each refuse to step to the side. Years pass. A highway is built around them. Neither Zax goes anywhere.
This simple story demonstrates the four characteristics of gridlocked conflict:
1) They’ve had the same argument again and again with no resolution.
2) Neither of them can address the issue with humor, empathy, or affection.
3) The issue is becoming increasingly polarizing as time goes on.
4) Compromise seems impossible because it would mean selling out—giving up something important and core to their beliefs, values, or sense of self.
In a relationship, those course corrections might look like turning towards each other, remembering you like each other, and making temporary compromises.
Gottman Newsletter 11/21/19
Relationships aren’t easy, but they’re worth it.
We are consistently in awe of those who are willing to put in the work, to invest in another person, and to embark on the journey of learning to love others better.
Gottman Newsletter 11/28/19
Practice self-soothing in moments when you are less distressed so that you can draw from that skill when you become overwhelmed.
When you can talk to your partner with less tension and stress weighing you down, you can have better and more productive conversations
Gottman Newsletter 12/17/19
It’s natural to want to help your partner when they’re upset. But usually, they just want you to listen.
So ask them, “Do you want my advice?” If they say no, don’t offer it.
If you offer advice unsolicited, even if you mean well, it can communicate that you don’t think they can figure it out on their own.
Gottman Newsletter 1/14/20
…your attitude sets the tone for the rest of the evening within 15 seconds of walking in the door.
So really, it’s not tiny at all. It’s a huge deal.
Because you come home every day. And the things you do every day grind on you.
When you get home to your spouse/kids/dog etc.. Before you open the door Put a smile on your face!
Gottman Newsletter 1/16/20
“every positive thing you do in your relationship is foreplay.”
So if you want a “red hot” sex life, the best way to nurture that is with lots of small, positive things throughout your interactions.
A text, a light pat on the booty, a compliment, a favor - all of these can help keep the flames of passion alive.
What’s one way you can flirt with your partner today?
Gottman Newsletter 2/5/20
The big secret to creating a love that lasts and grows over time is simple.
Never stop being curious about your partner. Never stop asking questions.
Don’t assume you know everything about them, even if you’ve been together for decades. There’s always more to learn.
Gottman Newsletter 2/6/20
When something goes wrong, most of us naturally respond by looking for someone to blame.
It always has to be someone’s fault, right? Not necessarily.
Trying to assign blame just results in a back-and-forth that leaves everyone feeling frazzled, defensive, and dissatisfied. And sometimes no one is to blame. It could have been a misunderstanding—a common result of two people interacting.
Gottman Newsletter 2/20/20
In a dream world, all interactions in a relationship would go smoothly. Everyone would turn toward every bid with great enthusiasm, making their partner feel heard and understood. It’s a nice wish, but it’s not a realistic expectation of your partner or yourself.
Even the “masters” of relationships studied by John Gottman didn’t get an A+ on their interactions. Sure, they turned toward each other over 80% of the time, but what does that mean?
“Turning toward” doesn’t have to be an enthusiastic response to “count.” Any kind of positive acknowledgment of your partner counts.
“Mmhm” “Oh” “Nice” “Ahh” “Hm”
All of those responses are turning towards!
Of course, a negative response is “turning against,” and that’s the one you want to avoid. No one likes to be ignored, shushed, or treated as a nuisance.
The good news is that you and your partner are probably turning toward each other’s bids more than you realize. Try to look out for it and give yourselves some credit.
Gottman Newsletter 2/24/20
Self-care and self-soothing are both important skills to nurture.
Self-soothing is what you do to calm down and reset when you’re upset.
Self-soothing looks like:
Taking a 20-minute break from a conflict conversation.
Breathing mindfully to reduce physiological overwhelm.
Noticing tension in your body and releasing it.
Self-care is what you do preventatively, to keep from getting upset.
Self-care looks like:
Taking regular time to recharge.
Spending time with people who lift you up and give you energy.
Doing activities that you enjoy and find restorative.
If you don’t take care of yourself, you risk operating with a shorter fuse when conflict arises. The more self-care you do, the less you will need to employ self-soothing.
Gottman Newsletter 2/27/20
The foundation of the house is a strong friendship between partners. The middle levels have to do with how couples manage conflict, which is inevitable in relationships. The top level is about creating shared meaning and the supporting walls are trust and commitment.
Gottman Newsletter 3/5/20
There’s a famous Ralph W. Sockman quote, “The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”
When applying this to relationships, it means that the more you get to know about your partner, the more there is to be in awe of and become curious about.
Getting to know your partner is a lifelong pursuit. Be open to surprises, new and updated information along the way, and the challenges that come from growing together.
Gottman Newsletter 3/10/20
Have you ever gotten into an argument with your partner and thought to yourself, “Here we go again. I could have this argument in my sleep.”
It’s like driving home and realizing, once you arrive, that you have no memory of the drive.
Maybe it’s time to wake up and take the scenic route. There are opportunities in these conversations to mix it up, to understand your partner better, and to change the outcome.
Gottman Newsletter 3/12/20
In times of uncertainty, it can be easiest to tune in to what’s making you anxious.
After all, these days you may be regularly confronted with a waterfall of new information, eroding what “normal” used to look like. Anxiety comes in loud and clear.
It’s important, now more than ever, to not let anxiety drown out joy. Practice tuning in to joy with your partner by asking them, at the end of every day, “what brought you joy today?”
It may be as simple and small as something that made you laugh, or it can be something as immense as a shift in the weather that brightened the whole day.
Give joy a chance to shine.
Gottman Newsletter 3/24/20
Everything is amplified in close quarters—their quirks and habits, the things they do that are helpful, and the things they do that might drive you a little batty.
In a Newsweek article, David Cates Ph.D., says, “Being together in a small space for a much longer period than usual under stressful conditions means more opportunities to amplify both positive and negative dynamics.”
“My guess is that relationships with a strong foundation will survive and may even flourish, whereas those characterized by poor negotiation skills, destructive communication and lack of appreciation are more likely to buckle under the stress.”
Make sure you’re paying attention to the things they’re doing right and the little things that make life easier or more pleasant for you, in addition to things that might annoy you. Fondness and appreciation are the bedrock of lasting love. Don’t forget to notice the good things!
“So, to survive and thrive during quarantine, couples should look for opportunities to show interest, find areas of agreement, express affection and appreciation and demonstrate empathy. And they need to do this during times of conflict. They should also recognize that worry, fear, stress and guilt are expected and normal reactions during quarantine and not criticize one another for expressing these feelings.”
Be kind to each other during this time. Slow down and be compassionate.
Gottman Newsletter 3/19/20
Each couple, by their powers combined, crafts their own little world. A miniature ecosystem full of patterns, habits, inside jokes, and rituals. And that ecosystem is always evolving over time, which is pretty cool.
What are the secret ingredients that make your relationship special? What sets you apart from every other couple you know?
Celebrate your individuality as a unit. Want extra credit? Come up with the “recipe” for your relationship and share it with your partner.
Gottman Newsletter 4/2/20
Practice engaged listening, and remember that it’s a skill built over time.
Tune in to what the other person is saying. Stay curious.
Make understanding a goal. Confirm what you heard with the speaker to see if you have it right.
Repair if you interrupt, get distracted, become defensive, or misunderstand.
Ask clarifying questions.
Inhabit the role of a passenger on the speaker’s train of thought. Follow their journey, at their pace.
Be aware of how much time you spend talking in the conversation.
Spend your time planning what you are going to say next/waiting for your turn to speak.
Try to “fix” things or offer unsolicited advice.
Split your focus between the speaker and your phone or something else. Multitasking is a fallacy.
Try to finish or anticipate what the speaker is saying.
Take what the other person is saying so personally that you become defensive and unable to hear their side.
Completely shut down your own reaction to what the other person is saying. Your feelings and reactions are valid and it’s good to pay attention to what comes up for you.
Gottman Newsletter 8/30/20
The best team members are able to support each other when things get ugly. They show up. They mean it when they say, “when you’re hurting, the world stops and I listen.”
With someone on your side, you feel less alone. What a gift to be able to give someone else, just by being there!
The next time you or your partner is going through something difficult, instead of asking “how can I fix this?” or “how can I make them understand the other viewpoint?” stop and ask, “how can we face this together?”
How can you work together to handle whatever comes your way?
Gottman Newsletter 9/8/20
Have you ever gotten the day off on the wrong foot? And then it can seem like everything is going downhill. Well, with the concept of “repair and restart” the whole day doesn’t need to be ruined.
Give yourself permission to ask for a “do-over.”
It can be an immediate repair—“I’m sorry, that came out wrong. Can I start again?”
Gottman Newsletter 9/1/20
How do you “recharge your batteries”? By not taking time to rest, you limit your own capacity for empathy, positivity, creativity, and rationality, among other things. You can’t show up as your best self for your partner without first checking in and showing up for yourself.
And that means granting yourself permission to rest. Take the time and space you need to recharge, even if it means being less “productive” in that moment. Don’t expect your partner, or yourself, to be able to “do it all.” Rest is an essential human need, and we can support one another in making sure we’re stopping for rest, even if just for a few moments.
What if you created a new rest ritual together—a dedicated time once a day or once a week to D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Rest!)
Gottman Newsletter 9/15/20
“I want to be sure that our listeners don’t think that expressing anger is a bad thing. That is not true. So being passionate, being intense, expressing anger, and so on is fine depending on how you voice it. So if you’re expressing anger with an ‘I’ statement that describes how you feel, as opposed to pointing a finger at your partner and describing them as flawed or to blame, that’s very different.”
Even if it’s not your proudest moment, owning your anger by saying, “I’m mad!” is ok, rather than saying, “you’re making me mad!”
You may be feeling anger, and that’s fine, but your partner isn’t making you feel it. It’s okay to feel angry, as long as you acknowledge and own that it’s your feeling.
Gottman Newsletter 10/1/20
Do you assume the best in your partner?
In most relatively healthy relationships, partners are not out to “get” each other. However, sometimes, if negative sentiment is starting to creep in, their actions can be interpreted that way.
For example, you said you were going to do the dishes but time got away from you and your partner ended up doing them instead. Within the context of assuming negativity, they might think you deliberately “forgot” so they would have to do them. You might think that their doing the dishes was a way of communicating, “I’m always cleaning up after you,” and feel defensive.
Or, you could treat each other with care. In that instance, your partner might think, “They’re really busy. I’m sure they just forgot.” Seeing that they did the dishes out of kindness, you might thank them.
Dr. John Gottman says, “Couples often ignore each other’s emotional needs out of mindlessness, not malice.” Accordingly, you and your partner can treat each other with extra generosity by assuming positive intent.
What would happen if you viewed your partner as an ally rather than an adversary?
Gottman Newsletter 10/6/20
Every loving action—turning towards bids, recognizing and acting on “sliding door moments,” checking in with each other, sharing a dream for the future—acts as a “deposit.” Couples can rely on this buildup of goodwill in their Emotional Bank Account as a sort of “rainy day fund” for when they are stressed out, in conflict, or just exhausted.
So what can you do when prolonged periods of stress, conflict, or anxiety have you feeling overdrawn? What can you do if you don’t feel like you have that cushion of kindness to fall back on?
Here are three things you can do to get your balance back on track:
- Train your brain to notice the good.
- Express appreciation.
- Talk about it.
Gottman Newsletter 10/14/20
Repair is one of the best tools a couple can have at their disposal. Because mistakes, carelessness, and conflict are inevitable, the right repairs at the right time can make all the difference.
Imagine repair attempts as buttons on a TV remote control. If the conversation goes awry, you can “press”:
Rewind (Sorry) “Can I try again?” “I messed up.” “How can I make things better?” “I’m sorry.”
Fast Forward (Get to Yes)
“I agree with part of what you’re saying.”
“Let’s find a compromise.”
“What are your concerns?”
Pause (I Need to Calm Down)
“Can we take a break from this conversation for now?”
“Please be gentler with me”
“I am starting to feel flooded.”
Stop (Stop Action!)
“Give me a moment.”
“Let’s agree to disagree.”
“We are getting off track.”
Record (I Appreciate)
“That’s a good point.”
“I know this isn’t your fault.”
“I love you.”
Microphone/Voice Command (I Feel)
“That hurt my feelings.”
“I feel defensive. Can you rephrase that?”
“I’m getting worried.”
The better you get at using and recognizing repairs, the more effective they will be in your relationship.
Gottman Newsletter 10/15/20
In most healthy relationships, a partner is not always critical, defensive, contemptuous, or stonewalling. Aside from Contempt, they are behaviors that even the happiest couples occasionally slip into.
The difference is that the “Masters” of relationships know how to keep the Four Horsemen at bay and maintain a high positive-to-negative interaction ratio, even in conflict.
Gottman Newsletter 10/29/20
There’s an old, well-meaning if misguided saying, “happy wife, happy life.” Maybe a better way to update and reimagine that is, “happy spouse, happy house.”
“Happy wife, happy life,” implies a sort of “yes, dear,” “whatever you say, dear,” attitude—resigned, and maybe resentful. But there’s a big difference between that and accepting influence, which is a two-way street.
Foster a culture of reciprocity. Rather than thinking about what your partner isn’t doing for you or what you’re not getting from them, try to notice the ways they are doing their best and dig into ways you can show up for each other better.
You may even want to take out the guesswork and ask them, “what can I do to make you feel loved today?”
Gottman Newsletter 11/3/20
See your partner as an ally—like you’re on the same team and they have your best interest at heart.
So, a misunderstanding doesn’t elicit a defensive stance. You’re more likely to hear their frustration as related to outside stressors rather than as a critical comment towards you. Then, and most importantly, you’re on the lookout for more opportunities that draw you closer together instead of further apart.
Today, see your partner through the frames of a Positive Perspective. Take every interaction as though the person speaking to you is on your side. You’ll find so many reasons to cherish each other when you know where (and how) to look.
Gottman Newsletter 11/24/20
In the heat of the moment, it’s hard to calm down. You’re likely experiencing a physiological reaction, such as a faster heart rate or feeling flushed. In these moments, you’re flooded and that fight-or-flight response can either shut down your argument or turn it into World War 3.
It’s important to have some self-soothing techniques in your pocket so that when the next conflict arises (and it will), you’re ready to keep your cool.
Practice making these techniques your go-to in an argument so you’re ready to self-soothe and relax. It will take things down a notch and allow you and your partner another chance to have a genuine dialogue.
Gottman Newsletter 12/11/20
Dr. John Gottman says, “a full 69 percent of all marital conflicts never go away.” Dr. Gottman calls them perpetual problems, which are any issues where you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye no matter how often it comes up.
You can have perpetual problems about anything. What are your perpetual problems? Where do you and your partner constantly meet in conflict? Part of living and loving through your issues is acknowledging they exist.
Recognizing perpetual problems is the first step in learning to manage the conflict around them.
Gottman Newsletter
Think back to the last argument you had with your partner.
It’s probably easy to remember what your partner did or said that was wrong, but have you considered where you were at fault?
Did you forget to use a soft start-up when bringing a sensitive topic to the table? Did you slip into criticism in the heat of the moment?
Taking responsibility for your part in the escalation of an argument can be difficult. However, it’s one of the most important things you can do both in and after a conflict. Owning it looks like: “I shouldn’t have shouted” or “I could have listened to you closely when you shared how you felt.” You acknowledge what you did and how you could have done it differently.
So, don’t just say “sorry” and assume you both moved on. Be specific and intentional by owning your role in the conflict. It is the key to unlocking long-lasting connection with your partner.
Gottman Newsletter
In moments of deep discouragement, it can be extremely comforting to have a reliable outward sign that your spouse stands by you.” This is an opportunity to establish a ritual of connection.
Rituals for a bad day can look like stopping by the bakery to get those cupcakes they like or offering to rub their shoulders while you listen to them share their feelings.
This isn’t the time for attempting to solve your partner’s problems for them. Understanding precedes advice, so your ritual of connection is first and foremost a source of comfort where your partner feels seen, known, and loved.
Make supporting each other through tough times a habit in your relationship. You’ll find that your love will grow when your partner knows they have you to lean on.
Gottman Newsletter
When arguing with your partner, do you have a signature move? Is there something you do or say often in conflict?
Perhaps, you find yourself making critical statements like: “You never listen to me” or “You always get your way.” Maybe, when you’re really upset, you resort to name-calling and mocking. Or, as soon as things get heated, you shut down completely and the silent treatment goes into effect.
Gottman Newsletter
Every couple fights, but not every couple knows how to fight in a healthy way. In the heat of the moment, you may be prone to rely on old communication habits, no matter how unhelpful they are.
Take time today to think about your conflict style. Ask your partner what you commonly do or say in an argument? They know the impact of your words and actions in conflict and have a unique perspective. For example, while you may think you’re pointing out objective facts, your partner feels attacked.
When you know how you fight, you can make the necessary changes and learn how to fight better.
Gottman Newsletter
The next time you and your partner find yourselves at odds, try asking yourself, “Why is this important to me?”
Dreams, deeply held values, and beliefs lie at the root of every conflict you and your partner have. Even if it seems silly at first.
Gottman Newsletter
Nonverbal bids by Dr. Gottman:
- Affection (a kiss, hug, or shoulder rub)
- Facial expressions (a smile or glance)
- Playful touching (a light tickling or gentle bump)
- Affiliating gestures (opening a door or handing something over)
- Vocalizing (laughing, sighing, groaning, etc.)
Gottman Newsletter
Making repairs after a conflict depends on the state of your relationship. If you’re fundamentally unhappy together, the perfect apology will still fall flat. This is related to “Negative Sentiment Override,” when you no longer see each other’s good traits and only see the bad. Once a relationship is in this phase, repair attempts can be doomed from the start.
“You don’t have to wait for your marriage to improve before you start hearing each other’s repair attempts.”
When the next conflict occurs, be intentional about looking for your partner’s attempts to repair. Whether they say, “I’m sorry” or “Let’s start over,” recognize their effort to bridge the divide and see where you can meet them halfway. It’s the starting point towards breaking the cycle of negativity.
Gottman Newsletter
Self-soothing is essential to conflict management. You can course-correct an argument that gets too heated by regulating your own response. Further, you can make repairs by soothing your partner as well.
Part of knowing each other’s inner world is understanding what your partner needs when they are flooded.
What calms them down? A long hug? Saying something kind and gentle such as, “I hear you”? Or do they just need you to listen for a while?
As you work to self-soothe, consider what can help your partner as well.
Gottman Newsletter
Couples need to understand their fights. To move forward after an argument, begin by asking yourself the following questions:
“How did we get here in the first place?”
“Why didn’t our conversation go well?”
“What is the meaning of the issue between us?”
“What are the sources of our gridlock on this subject?”
Most importantly, ask yourself: “What was the conversation we needed to have, but didn’t?”
The ultimate goal in the aftermath of a fight is to have dialogue about the underlying issues that started it. Miscommunication can cause further unnecessary conflict, but at the same time, such a regrettable incident is an opportunity to work together and grow as a couple.
Gottman Newsletter
Sending and recognizing nonverbal bids for connection are collectively an important part of your relationship. Bids can range from subtle to obvious and always signal the need for attention and connection. It’s good for you both to know them when you see them and accept the invitation to turn towards each other.
So, what does it look like when your partner makes a nonverbal bid for intimacy? Do you know their go-to move? Is it a smile from across the table? Do they cuddle close at bedtime? Also, how do you initiate? Are you sure your partner knows what you’re asking for?
Gottman Newsletter
Dr. John Gottman. In “What Makes Love Last?” he notes, “When I feel defensive, I try to write down everything my wife says. I remind myself that I care about her and she’s in a lot of discomfort, unhappiness, or pain. I am feeling defensive, but I will get my turn to talk.”
This simple act helps you listen to your partner and perhaps understand their perspective better. It also gives you time to gather your thoughts. This significantly slows down the chance of escalating the situation with a sharp, biting comeback.
Want to give it a try? The next time you’re headed toward conflict with your partner, pause, breathe, and write down what they’re saying. You might see the conversation in a whole new way.
Gottman Newsletter
Bids are attempts at connection between partners. When they don’t go as planned, it’s frustrating for both people. If your partner keeps missing your bids, there’s a chance your bids are not as clear as you think.
partners who make subtle bids or “dance around issues” are likely trying to avoid emotional risk. After all, “openly bidding for connection can make us feel vulnerable,” he says. “Our hearts and egos are on the line.”
This “fuzzy bidding,” as he calls it, can look like being purposely ambiguous (“I’m fine with either”), negative framing (“Well, if you’d wash a dish once in a while, I wouldn’t be so cranky”), or not saying what you want at all.
Your partner is not a mindreader and most likely does not respond well to criticism veiled as expressing a need.
Make a commitment to be an emotional risk-taker when it comes to bids. Think about how you ask your partner for their attention and consider ways that are more direct (such as “I’d rather us stay home tonight” or “I’m really tired. I need time with you and some help around the house”). It’s vulnerable to put yourself out there. However, the safety of a healthy partnership is the perfect place to start.
Gottman Newsletter
Assume Positive Intent
Do you assume the best in your partner? What assumptions do you make when they do something that happens to ruffle your feathers?
In healthy relationships, partners are not out to “get” each other. However, sometimes, if negative sentiment is starting to creep in, their actions can be interpreted that way.
you could treat each other with care.
Dr. John Gottman says, “Couples often ignore each other’s emotional needs out of mindlessness, not malice.” Accordingly, you and your partner can treat each other with extra generosity by assuming positive intent.
What would happen if you viewed your partner as an ally rather than an adversary?
Gottman Newsletter
Here are questions to ask yourself before you get into difficult conversations:
- Am I ready to have this conversation? According to Dr. Julie Gottman, “processing” means talking about the specific conflict or incident without getting mired in the emotionality of it again.
- Am I calm enough to have this conversation? Are you able to differentiate between your own emotions and the events that occurred?
- Am I willing to seek to understand the experiences of this event outside of my own?
- Am I willing to speak from my experience without trying to persuade?
- Am I willing to ATTUNE to the feelings of others and what the event meant to them?
- Can I be fully present for this conversation (am I in a space with limited distractions)?
Most of the time, the way a discussion starts determines the way it will end. Taking a pause to prepare yourself before the conversation begins will allow you to go into it with mindful intention. Come ready.
Gottman Newsletter
Most of the time, the way a discussion starts determines the way it will end.
Gottman Newsletter
The antidote to stonewalling is to practice self-soothing. When you feel your body starting to build the wall, that’s the time to pause. Walk away (with a definite, verbalized plan to return) and give yourself a breather. Perhaps you need a code word or signal to ask your partner for a break.
Gottman Newsletter
- Tune in to what the other person is saying. Stay curious.
- Make understanding a goal. Confirm what you heard with the speaker to see if you have it right.
- Repair if you interrupt, get distracted, become defensive, or misunderstand.
- Ask clarifying questions.
- Inhabit the role of a passenger on the speaker’s train of thought. Follow their journey, at their pace.
- Be aware of how much time you spend talking in the conversation.
Gottman Newsletter
- Spend your time planning what you are going to say next/waiting for your turn to speak.
- Try to “fix” things or offer unsolicited advice.
- Split your focus between the speaker and your phone or something else. Multitasking is a fallacy.
- Try to finish or anticipate what the speaker is saying.
- Take what the other person is saying so personally that you become defensive and unable to hear their side.
- Completely shut down your own reaction to what the other person is saying. Your feelings and reactions are valid and it’s good to pay attention to what comes up for you.
Gottman Newsletter
Consider beginning your morning with fondness and admiration. When you wake up, greet your lover with a simple “Good morning, sweetheart.” Ask how they slept. If you’re up before them, prepare their favorite morning beverage
Gottman Newsletter
When you wake up in the morning, what are the first words you say to your partner?
How you start your day in a relationship is important. If you begin with criticism (imagine a sarcastic “Oh, look who decided to finally get out of bed?”) or stonewalling (such as, still not speaking to each other after last night’s fight), you set a strong negative tone—not to mention inviting the Four Horsemen to breakfast!
Gottman Newsletter
Repair with self-compassion and do something to reset the energy of the day. Listen to music, get up and dance, go for a walk, take a break to meditate—whatever works for you.
Gottman Newsletter
Did your day start off on the wrong foot? It can seem like everything is going downhill from here. Well, with the concept of “repair and restart,” the whole day doesn’t need to be ruined.
Give yourself permission to ask for a “do-over.”
It can be an immediate repair: “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. Can I start again?”
Gottman Newsletter
Gottman found that how you tell the stories about your relationship history (“the story of us”) says a lot about you as a couple.
In a healthy relationship, your “story of us” includes all the good stuff like humor, fondness, admiration, and a sense of togetherness.
How negatively or positively you view your history can tell if you’re in this together or it’s all about an individual. Your story can be full of negativity and everything your partner does wrong or it’s the epic tale of two people joining forces to overcome obstacles as a couple. As Dr. John Gottman asks, “Is it I, me, mine, or is it us, our, we?”
Gottman Newsletter
“When you’re in pain, the world stops and I listen” - Dr. John Gottman
Gottman Newsletter
Part of being in a relationship means being there for your partner when they need you. In healthy, supportive partnerships, that means putting them first.
When your partner is hurting or needs your help, stop your world. You can do this in big and small ways.
In the moment, put down your phone, turn down (or turn off) the television, and give them your undivided attention.
that text message can wait and your to-do list will still be here tomorrow. Put everything down and turn toward your partner. When you both do this for each other, your relationship will be unstoppable
Gottman Newsletter
Train your brain to notice the good. We like to say “catch your partner doing something right,” rather than identifying and dwelling on the ways your partner is letting you down.
Gottman Newsletter
How you end your day in a relationship can be just as important as how it begins. As tempting as it is to mutter “good night” and roll over to your side, you don’t want to miss this golden opportunity to be intimate with your partner.
Every day you need a stress-reducing conversation with your partner where you both get to talk about stressors outside of your relationship. Making this part of your bedtime routine.
Asking “how was your day” is a good start, but more specific open-ended questions invite your partner to share in detail.
Remember, this isn’t a time to problem-solve unless your partner asks you to. Mostly this is when you listen to them with your undivided attention. No phones. No television. No one else around. You have time, space, and privacy to have an intimate conversation.
Gottman Newsletter
It’s always tough to find the right words after fighting with your partner. Oftentimes, you may resort to silence, waiting for the other person to speak up first. This is where repair attempts come in.
Consider coming up with an agreed-upon word or phrase that signals to you both that one of you is attempting to make a repair. This can be silly and random like “cookies” (in fact, levity is a great tension-breaker), or something stronger such as “What can I do?” or “Tell me what you need from me.” Whatever you choose, be sure you both agree that, when one of you says this code word, it means you want to restore your connection.
Gottman Newsletter
Does Your Relationship Need More Adventure?
In studies of couples coming in for counseling, 80% said that fun had come to die in their relationships.
Don’t let yourself get so consumed by chores and monotony that your relationship becomes stale and boring. Make sure you build in time for fun and adventure, both big and small.
Gottman Newsletter
Envisioning your life together isn’t something that you do one time. No matter how long you’ve been together, you can also share new hopes and dreams about your future.
Gottman Newsletter
Stating my case without expectations.
Gottman Newsletter