The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles Flashcards
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas then each of us will have two ideas.” —GEORGE BERNARD SHAW
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Human Needs Psychology, the only way to have all your needs met is a high-level focus on growth and contribution.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Life will kick you, hard, and you always have a choice about how to respond. And each time, as you reach another level, you will have to face another devil.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
It never gets easier; you just get better.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Masterminds will help you solve any problem whatsoever,
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
what’s the difference between running a mastermind and just coaching a group?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
If I had a dollar for every time I met a “coach” who had zero qualifications to do that job, I would be a much richer man indeed.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I’ve easily got 10,000 hours of masterminding under my belt now and have honed my process to a razor’s edge.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
THE INDIVIDUAL HAS NO POWER Only when we join forces can we effect change on a massive scale. Never has anyone achieved anything of note without the participation or at least the passive consent of others somewhere along the way.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
there be dragons on this path were walking.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Beliefs that we hold on to irrationally that ultimately do not serve us do more harm than a fire ever could.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“The Master Mind Principle: Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force.” —NAPOLEON HILL
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
masterminds are the number one tool in my entrepreneurial toolkit. Everything I have accomplished has been a function of the teams I’ve built, mostly due to the mastermind networks of which I’ve been a part:
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
If I had to throw out every other method of becoming successful, I would keep masterminds.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
A great mastermind participant—and definitely a great mastermind facilitator—will end up with a network which is vast, relationships which are deep, and the experience to add 6-7 figures to your business in record time through warm connections.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
We create the world we perceive as the result of our trades whether we know or realize or care. Once we wake up to this fact, accepting the risk and responsibility, we can truly be free to design a life we love to live.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
We are going to help you help yourself so you aren’t held back by your current limitations. We are going to help you to be the best version of yourself and learn a framework through which anything becomes truly possible.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I have seen the process work so many times that it’s a foregone conclusion that it will solve any problem with clarity, accountability, support, and trust.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
CASTLE (Clarity, Accountability, Support, Trust, Leverage and Engagement) are the six parts of an effective mastermind,
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The key distinction is not to push, not to even pull, but to lead the group in a process that works, to facilitate their transformation by getting them in the room and having them stick to the program.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“The Code of Conduct is as follows: be kind and considerate, play full out, take notes, keep an open mind, and don’t sugar-coat. Confidentiality is a must. Do not share anything outside the group without full consent of the person who shared.”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Extreme Ownership[2] is a great book
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
reciprocity is one of the core laws of influence, and it works at every single level of play in this game called life. When you give wholeheartedly, it opens you up for receiving wholeheartedly.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Remember, everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about,
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
the ABCs of interpersonal dealings: Create Agreements, not expectations. Set clear Boundaries and give people a second chance if they make an honest mistake with positive intent. And finally, don’t forget to Communicate at every interval along the way.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I call the 200% rule: Promise 90% less and deliver 110% of what you promise. You can never go wrong.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
You must be willing to give what you want to get.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
it’s helping people come to the right awareness level to make the shift that’s sometimes obvious to everyone, except them,
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
A problem well-stated and understood is half-solved.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
At the end of their share and time, I like to check in and ask a golden question: “Do you feel supported right now?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
presenting problem (or PP for short).
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Leadership is intrusive and uncomfortable, because all growth happens outside your comfort zone.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I’ll also tease them and say something like, “So your challenge if I’m hearing you correctly is that you have no challenges and are bored?
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The intention for each mastermind meetup is co-creation. We want a space where conscious co-creators (entrepreneurs) can come together and collaborate, creating more for everyone instead of just competing with one another. We want members helping one another crush challenges and achieving their goals through the CASTLE of characters they show up as: Clarity Accountability Support Trust Leverage Engagement
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The best way to get something done is the mechanize it and make sure someone is paid to always be feeding that machine, with regular checks and balances in place along the way at specified (and sometimes surprise) intervals where there is a reporting and reviewing structure in place.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The whole goal in business is to get off the time-for-money wheel as soon as humanly possible and get a machine in place to add value to the marketplace in exchange for money whether you’re there to turn the crank or feed the machine or not. That’s how you become an owner, not an operator. That’s how you start having the ability to work ON the business and not IN the business. You are no longer a bottleneck through which anything needs to pass or any cog in any part of it.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
People who can accurately diagnose and solve problems are the very best mastermind leaders and the most valuable people in any business, period.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, remember, clarity is the key to everything.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
CLARITY is the number one most important thing in the mastermind. When everyone present is clear on the problem, then solutions are natural and easy.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Has anyone else ever experienced X?” This is a great one to show people they are not alone in their struggle.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Who would you need to be for this to be a piece of cake?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What is this costing you?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What’s the one thing that if you focused on it, would go the farthest and cause the most good?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What are the elements of your environment that need to shift in order to support your best habits most consistently?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What does this mean to you? What could it mean?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What do you have to let go of in order to get to the next level?
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Are you holding onto something that isn’t good for you?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
LETTING GO QUESTIONS (By Hale Dwoskin) “Welcome what you are feeling right now.” “Can you let this go?” “Would you?” “When?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
FEAR-SETTING QUESTIONS (By Tim Ferriss) “What is the absolute worst thing that could happen?” “How would you come back?” “How can you limit the risks?” “What is the best case scenario?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Are you comfortable with relying on this style of operating your business?” “Who’s fault is it that you don’t have what you want in your life?” “How committed to your vision are you? Scale of one to ten?” “What has to happen for you to get out of your own way?” “Are you ready to make a new decision?” “When is right now the time to change your mind?” “Can you imagine the impact that this decision will have? How else?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“How open minded are you about talking about _______?” “Just out of curiosity… What needs to happen for you to make a decision about this?” “What is stopping you from moving forward with this right now?” “Can you imagine your life with/without this?” “Who are you letting down by not stepping up?” “What makes you say that?” “How would you feel if this decision was the key turning point? If your competition passed you? If you turned this around? If you lost everything?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“How do you see your mission or vision manifesting currently?” If multiple: “Which of these lights you up more when you envision it?” “How informed do you feel about taking the next necessary steps?” When clear on the next steps: “How excited do you feel on a scale of 1-10 about taking these next actions?” If not excited: “What else do you still need clarity on to feel completely aligned and ready for action?” “What additional tools, resources and support do you need?” “How can you stay committed and accountable to your vision and keep taking action?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Am what I’m attached to worth the stubbornness?” “Am I being blind to another area of my life?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What’s the worst that could happen if I set this down?” “Does it pose a real threat to me or my family’s well-being?” “Am I walking in my divine purpose?” “Am I playing small or feeling like an impostor?” “Am I aligned with what I’m really supposed to be doing?” “Am I willing to change courses even if it seems crazy or others wouldn’t get it at first?” “Am I willing to be authentic and transparent to myself?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“Which ones DON’T you want to work with anymore?” “Is there a NEW audience you want to serve?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What keeps them up at night? What problems do they want to solve?”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“What does their ultimate perfect future look like?” (Gives you a North Star.)
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
“I have three rules, help a lot of people, have a lot of fun, make a lot of money.” —Dave Meltzer
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I believe that everyone holds within them the potential for greatness. But greatness comes at a steep price—one of discipline, consistency, and commitment that most will never muster and therefore most potential will remain just that—untapped potential.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
HAVE A BIG HEART AND A TALL FENCE. Not everyone is deserving of you at your best.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
If you give too much to the wrong people, you’ll constantly feel like a martyr and will not end up having enough energy to give your best to the right people. You can’t help someone if they’re not in a position to be helped.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
We are not here to be liked and to tell you what you want to hear. We are here to support you and call you forward to a higher level of greatness and tell you what you need to hear.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
What are you specifically committed to completing this week? What’s your deadline for that? How will you reward yourself for that win?
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
people get addicted to masterminding,
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
I have yet to encounter a problem that can persist in the light of this group work.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
Some key points of a great testimonial include: When I met Brad, I was doing, living etc. I had this concrete problem This is how Brad helped The results I’ve had in my life The results I’ve had in my business The domino effects to other areas of my life The ripple effects to other people in my life. The cost of not working with Brad would be The resultant urge to take action
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
QUESTIONS “What was your life and business like before you met Brad?” “What was a specific, concrete problem you were facing in your life or business?” “How did Brad help you, specifically?” “What are the results you’ve had in your life since working with Brad?” “What about your business? What results have you had there?” “What are some other areas of your life that have been affected as a result?” “How have others in your life benefitted from the transformations you’ve made in your life and business?” “Tell us more about that.” “What would be the cost of not working with Brad?” “What would you say to someone who is considering working with Brad to improve their life or business?” “Anything else you want the people at home to know?” “Thank you so much for sharing your story, we are grateful as it will help us help others like you.”
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
It’s not because the world has changed. It’s because they have changed. A true leader doesn’t create more followers, they create more leaders.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The secret to living is GIVING.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
You must be willing to give away to others what you wish to receive yourself. What you think the world is withholding from you, you may just be withholding from the world.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
people pay attention to what they pay for and what pays them.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles
If you focus on yourself, and your needs, wants and desires, you’ll only make $75k-100k a year. If you focus on your family, maybe you’ll increase that to $150-$250k/year. If you add in your tribe, your community, maybe $500k. But if you want to really make a huge impact, life supports you. Life supports that which supports life.
The 8-Minute Mastermind by Brad Hart and Rodney Miles