Love Land Retreat 2019/07 Flashcards
Go Weird…Not Wide
Garrison Cohen at Love Land Retreat 2019
I am a catalyst for connections
Unknown at Love Land Retreat 2019
Aim for “Client Astonishment” when it comes to giving them a thank you gift.
Chad Littlefield at Love Land Retreat 2019
I don’t want to hide any part of me.
Garrison Cohen at Love Land Retreat 2019
You get to choose the level of importance you give to something/anything
From Peter Biegalus at Love Land Retreat 2019
What gets measured gets done.
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019
Earthing is the idea of walking barefoot (or putting our bare skin) on the earth. Cats pur when they touch the grass.
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019
Parenting is having the same conversation (or doing the same activity) over and over again without loosing enthusiasm.
Tom Krieglstein
I am a facilitator.
Tom Krieglstein
The Anti-Role Model. Who is someone you know you DON’T WANT TO BE?
Garrison Cohen at Love Land Retreat 2019
Heal people through human connections
Chad Littlefield at Love Land Retreat 2019
Our greatest wounds can be our greatest gifts.
Garrison Cohen at Love Land Retreat 2019
Typically a problem in nature has a solution right near by.
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019
Connection before content
Chad Littlefield at Love Land Retreat 2019
Info follows action
Garrison Cohen at Love Land Retreat 2019
A safe retirement is when you are able to live off of 2.5% of your total amount of assets. So if you want $100,000 a year, you have to have $4,000,000 in assets that you can pull from. This is for ppl 65 years of age.
Peter Bielagus at Love Land Retreat 2019
She is giving me the gift to learn the lessons I need to learn.
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019
Lean into fear
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019
I give up»_space;> I give “up” (looking up to the sky as in giving in to a higher power to guide you)
Mendhi Audlin at Love Land Retreat 2019
Lay on the ground for 60 mins in silent meditation and when you get up, pick one word for the year as your theme.
Chad Littlefield at Love Land Retreat 2019
Look for “can’t loose” situations. (E.g. Peter wanted to meet women and be better at writing, so he went to a writers workshop. It was only men, but at least he got better at writing.)
Peter Bielagus at Love Land Retreat 2019
Gary’s Forumla for Success:
1) On the biggest level, what idea excites you? (CHOOSE BLISS)
2) Don’t worry about the how, just have belief at this stage that it can be done. (BELIEVE)
3) Be really clear about what it is.
4) Ask for help from those above you. (MENTOR UP)
5) Allow space to do things different than what you’ve been used to. What got you here, might not get you there. (BRAVE IT & STICK)
6) Look to see who’s in your circle that’s been there all along ready to help you, you just didn’t know it.
7) Work your butt off. (DO THE WORK)
8) Give to give. Don’t give to get.
9) Manage your state / health or else all the prior stuff is much harder. (LOVE LIFE)
Gary Tuerack at Love Land Retreat 2019