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the more we run away from it, the more likely we are to encounter problems within our sex lives. Page: 4
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believed that the Kama Sutra was written anywhere from 400 BCE to 200 CE. It was originally composed in Sanskrit by the Hindu philosopher Vātsyāyana. Page: 4
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Vātsyāyana, did not believe that sex should be regarded as an off-limits, “bad” behavior; although, he did express the notion that performing sexual acts in a detached, unemotional manner should be considered sinful. Page: 7
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The basic tenant of this book is that in order for a marriage to be happy, both the man and woman have to be well-versed in the art of pleasure, both cerebral and carnal. Page: 7
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A man who fails to provide and bring about pleasure to a woman during intercourse will lose her because she will seek it from somewhere else. Page: 8
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The Ananga-Ranga was created in the fifteenth century and was an updated version of the Kama Sutra, Page: 11
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Kama Sutra is far beyond just sex. Page: 12
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encourages proactive positions. Only when there is an equal contribution from both ends will the session truly be fruitful and fulfilling. Page: 12
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When you seek an active role from your partner, they feel wanted and there is synergy between the two of you, which leads to greater fulfillment. Page: 12
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Kama Sutra lays a lot of importance on touch, Page: 13
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you should look good and dress up for your partner. Many couples lose the urge to look good for one another after a few years of courting. Page: 13
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Don’t undermine the importance of how you look. Get rid of a complacent attitude and communicate to our partner that you are still important. Page: 13
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The Kama Sutra scripture pays a lot of attention and puts a lot of importance on the fun element of sex. That’s what converts a boring, mechanical session into something that a couple will look forward to. Try all the experimentation that you want. Page: 15
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Puruṣārtha translates to the object of human pursuit. It’s the key concept in Hinduism and references the four proper goals or aims of human life. The four Puruṣārtha are Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Page: 15
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Dharma translates to moral values, Artha stands for economic values, Kama stands for psychological and pleasure values, and Moksha stands for spiritual values or liberation. Page: 16
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Dharma is something all human begins must respect and accept in order to sustain harmony and order in the world. It is the pursuit and execution of one’s true calling and nature. Page: 16
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Artha – this is the means of life, resources, and activities that enable someone to be in the state they want to be in. It incorporates career, wealth, activity to make a living, economic prosperity, and financial security. Page: 16
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Kama – this signifies wish, desire, emotions, passion, pleasure of the sense, and the visual enjoyment of affection, life, or love with or without sexual connotations. Kama is love without violating moral responsibility, Page: 17
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Moksha – This signifies a release or emancipation. In some schools of the Hindu ways, Moksha is the freedom from samsara, a cycle of death and rebirth. Page: 17
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Poverty will breed hate and vice while prosperity will breed love and virtue. Page: 17
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Moksha is considered the ultimate goal of human life. Page: 18
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Practicing Dharma is the best method for improving the quality of human life. Page: 18
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The quality of life depends not on the external development or material progress, but on the inner development of peace and happiness. Page: 18
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Without inner peace, outer peace is not possible. Page: 18
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Until now, many people cherished themselves above others, and for as long as they continue to do this, the suffering will not end. However, if the world were to learn to cherish all beings more than they cherished themselves, they would enjoy the bliss of enlightenment. Page: 18
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The path to enlightenment is actually very simple, all the world has to do is stop cherishing itself and learn to cherish others. Page: 19
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The instinctive view is that we’re all more important than the person standing next to us, whereas the view of the enlightened person is that the others standing next to us are more important. Page: 19
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Now is the time to switch the object of cherishing from ourselves to our fellow man. Page: 19
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Numerous enlightened people have figured out that by abandoning their self-absorbed ways and cherishing only others, they came to experience real peace and happiness. Page: 20
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Our ordinary view is that we’re the center of the universe and that other people and things derive their significance from the way in which they affect us. Page: 20
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Once we view every living thing as important, we’ll naturally develop good intentions toward those things. Page: 20
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the mind that cherishes only itself is the basis for all samsaric, impure experiences, and the mind that cherishes other beings is the basis for all good qualities and enlightenment. Page: 21
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Through meditation, we’re able to extend and deepen our compassion until it transforms into the mind of great compassion, a wish to protect all living things without exception from their suffering. Page: 21
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Compassion is the essence of spiritual life Page: 22
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Compassion is a person who is motivated to cherish other living things and desires to discharge those living things from their sorrow. Sometimes out of selfish intention, we might wish for another person to be free from their suffering. Page: 22
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But this is still self-centered and is not true compassion. Real compassion is based on treasuring others. Page: 22
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If we really want to realize our potential by attaining full enlightenment, we have to increase the scope of our compassion until it embrace everything and everyone without exception, Page: 23
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The main reason that may people don’t cherish those around them is because they’re too preoccupied with themselves and this leaves little room in their minds to appreciate others. Page: 23
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If you wish to cherish others sincerely, then you have to reduce your obsessive selfishness. Page: 24
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One of the most common ways to not face up to our faults is to blame others. Page: 25
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Dharma is about letting go of ourselves and accepting others for who they are. It’s about seeing the good in people and ignoring their faults. It’s about realizing that we have faults and goodness to us and that we should work on our faults before we point the finger at others. Dharma is about having compassion and empathy for those around us, and cherishing all lives as they should be cherished. Page: 25
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Artha has multiple meanings, all of which translates to the meaning of life, resources, and activities that enable a person to be in the state they want to be in. Page: 25
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In the Hindu tradition, Artha is connected to the three aspects and goals of human life known as Kama, Dharma, and moksha. Together, they form the aims of life known as Puruṣārtha. Page: 28
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Just as good food is necessary for the well-being of our physical body, good pleasure is necessary for the healthy existence of a human. A life without enjoyment and pleasure, artistic, sexual, or nature, is a hollow and empty existence. Page: 28
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Kama Sutra is presumed to be a synonym or depicted as creative sexual positions, but only twenty percent of the teachings of this book are actual sex positions. The majority of the book is about the philosophy and theory of love, what triggers our desire, what sustains it, how and when it’s good or bad. It’s an essential and joyful aspect of the human existence. Page: 31
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The term nirvana is found more common in Buddhism and moksha is more prevalent in Hinduism. Page: 31
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Moksha is viewed as the final release from a person’s worldly conception of self, the loosening of the shackle of observed duality and knowledge of one’s own fundamental nature which is true being, bliss, and pure consciousness. At liberation, the person’s atman or self is realized to be with the ground of all being. Page: 31
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There are four different practices that need to be mastered. The first is Jñāna Yoga or the way of knowledge. The second is mārga or the way of loving devotion. The third is Karma Yoga or the way of works. The fourth is Raja Yoga, the way of meditation and contemplation. Page: 32
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What the teachings are saying is that the universe as we see it is unreal and the universe as we see is not the ultimate reality. Page: 33
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In the process of self-affirmation, the practitioner continuously affirms what is real about themselves, such as: they are not limited to their physical body, they are not limited by their minds, they are spirit, they were never born and will never die, and they are perfect, pure, free, and eternal. That’s the greatest truth of our existence. Page: 34
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Love makes you forget yourself, your whole attention being devoted to that object of your adoration. The ego will loosen its grip as you think of the welfare of your beloved one, and love gives you concentration, even against your will. Page: 35
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Karma is both action and the result of the action. What you experience today is the result of your karma, both bad and good, created by your previous actions. Page: 36
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Misery is inevitable because desires and expectations are unappeasable and unending. We live from disappointment to disappointment because our motivation is only to enlarge and gratify our ego. Page: 36
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The vast territory of the mind is your kingdom. Page: 36
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The basic premise of this teaching is that your perception of the divine self is hidden by disturbances of your mind. If your mind can be made to stay pure and still, the self will instantaneously shine forth. Page: 37
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Most of the time, people are unaware of their mind’s unpredictable actions because they are habituated to giving their minds free reign. Page: 37
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Without having psychological discipline, the mind is a mental equivalent of a house ape. And all of us are suffering mental agony because of it. Page: 37
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The mind, when it’s trained, is the truest friend. When it’s left untrained, it’s reckless and an enemy. Page: 38
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The mind is cleansed and made peaceful through the repeated process of meditation and through the practice of moral virtues. Page: 39
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spirituality cannot be taught, it is something you learn on your own. A genuine spiritual teacher will ignite the flame, and the student will have to obtain their own attainment. Page: 42
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Those who have regular sex are less likely to have heart disease and arthritis. They’re also said to live a longer life than those who abstain from sex. Page: 42
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You need to satisfy your wants and desires, and you need to tell your partner how you require that you’re loved. Find out what you want from yourself and then discuss what you want with your partner, and don’t forget to ask what they want and really listen! Page: 45
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within the Kama Sutra, there are multiple different ways to kiss your lover, including the pressed kiss, the straight kiss, and the turned kiss. Page: 50
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The erogenous zones are particularly sensitive because they contain a high concentration of nerve endings; yet, these places are pleasurable for some more so than others. Page: 51
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Most importantly, the majority of these embraces encourage direct eye contact, so that partners can feel connected to each other while partaking in physical touch. Page: 51
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If one party presses the other’s body up against a wall or another structure, that’s known as the pressing embrace. Page: 52
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The woman can also initiate an embrace called “climbing a tree.” The Kama Sutra describes this movement as an act in which the woman keeps one foot on the ground or atop her lover’s foot, and wraps the other leg around his leg. In essence, she is “climbing” her lover. Page: 52
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the milk and water embrace. This occurs when a man sits on a chair or on the edge of a bed, and the woman sits on his lap facing him, Page: 52
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a man presses the woman’s jaghana (area between his navel and thighs) to his own and lays atop her, to ether kiss or touch her. Page: 54
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the act of engaging in foreplay should never get “old,” because there are always new techniques and places to test out. Page: 54
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people tend to focus their attention on the front side of the body; however, the upper back, shoulder blades, and nape of the neck can be extremely sensitive. Kissing these areas can be extremely arousing for some individuals. Page: 55
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bestowing a row of kisses along your loved one’s spine. The spine is typically overlooked, yet, it’s known as the life line of our bodies. Page: 55
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you don’t need to approach kissing the body the same way that you might approach kissing your lover’s mouth. You can even run your lips sensually over your partner’s skin, breathe warmly in his or her tender areas, or grab his or her skin with your lips. Nibbling, sucking, and licking are all fair game, too - as long as your partner seems to be enjoying what you’re doing. Page: 55
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Returning to oral pleasure, at least every now and then, can be an unexpected, pleasant surprise for your loved one if you haven’t done it in a while. Page: 56
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There are also various options for performing cunnilingus that women may find enjoyable. The Kama Sutra refers to this sexual act as “licking a delicate flower,” Page: 56
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the position known as “the crow.” According to the Kama Sutra this takes place when both lovers are simultaneously performing oral sex on one another. It’s also commonly referred to as “69-ing.” Page: 59
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Side-By-Side Clasping Position In this sex position, the man and woman are lying next to one another, looking into each other’s faces. Their bodies are tilted towards one another, and the man will enter the woman as they continue to lay facing each other. For best results, the woman may want to hook her leg over the top leg of the man. Page: 60
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The woman will be on her back and draw her knees into her chest. The man will then kneel before her and place both of his knees on either side of her hips. The sensation that results from this position can be overwhelmingly pleasurable for both the man and woman, as the vagina will be narrowed due to the elevation. Page: 61
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To achieve a better angle and keep the man from slipping out, you may want to position a pillow under the woman’s pelvis. Page: 63
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She can bend to get the angle she wants Page: 94
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While many believe that the Kama Sutra is all about sex, it goes deeper than that because it encourages couples to communicate, bond, and try new experiences together. Page: 94
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Maintain communication with your loved one, not just inside of the bedroom, but in all aspects of your relationship. Communication, compromise, and a passionate sense of intimacy are all essential for a healthy, happy relationship. Page: 99
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Tantric sex is a practice that has been happening for over 6,000 years in India. Eastern cultures adopted it due to the overwhelming amount of religions stating that sexuality was something to be rejected in order to reach enlightenment. This practice challenged the beliefs of the time and preached that sexuality was, in fact, a doorway to the divine Page: 99
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The word tantra translates to ‘to manifest, to show, to weave, and to expand’. Page: 100
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Tantric sex uses the sexual experience more like a dance where it has no beginning or an end. Page: 100
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Tantra teaches a couple how to extend their sexual ecstasy peak and allows both men and women to have several orgasms in a single encounter. Page: 101
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When you first begin tantra, you may not experience an orgasm for a few weeks. That’s because these following exercises are all about reconnecting with your partner rather than actually performing the act of sex. Page: 102
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Even if it’s something you may have talked about before, we oftentimes forget what our partners enjoy in life and need a good refresher. Page: 102
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Do something together that makes you fuse your energies and develop some new intimacy skills. Page: 103
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Intimacy takes time, and when it’s a matter of the heart, it shouldn’t be rushed. Page: 103
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Take very soft, deep breaths as you each gaze at one another, and then try to gaze beyond the eyes but into the soul. Page: 103
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Eye contact is essential for intimacy to be built up. Page: 103
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Breathe at the same pace as your partner, bringing air slowly in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Remember to maintain eye contact as the two of you breathe together. Practice until the two of you can keep eye contact and breathe at the same time for a total of ten minutes. Page: 104
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Guide your partner as you take turns stimulating each other and describe how you want to be touched. Page: 104
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As you pleasure each other, do not ever feel ashamed to ask for something different. This is a time for experimentation, appreciation, and taking responsibility for your own fulfillment rather than letting your partner stumble around in the dark. Page: 104
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take it to the next level and create adventures together. Explore the new and creative ways you can awaken each other.
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