Risk For Bliss 2019/05 Flashcards
Your Bliss is already set in the universe, but the universe won’t just give it to you, you have to work to unlock each level.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Mentors show up when you know what you want to ask.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
You have to step out of your CZ to ask for help.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
For mentors - see who is already in front of you.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
For limiting beliefs, say to yourself “that’s old stuff” when it comes up.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
What served me to get me here won’t be what will help to get me there. And the limiting blockers I’ve faced up to this point are exactly what I need to overcome to get to the next level.
Tom Krieglstein at R4B 2019/05
Are you ready to start the next big chapter of your life?
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Happiness is good, but Bliss is better.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Two Major Fears of People:
1) I’m not enough
2) I’m not loved
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Whatever you focus on, you will feel. And then we attach words to those feelings and make it real.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Changing our patterns is the key to changing our lives.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
What do you selfishly want for yourself that you are uniquely qualified to give to the world?
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
To reclaim our energy, we have to be hyper aware of where we spend it.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Commitment is dedication to a cause or activity.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Make your dreams taste so good. Like the best piece of cake.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
I’m done being a lamb. I’m a lion! No one eats the lion. When’s the last time you ate a lion? Never. But I did eat lamb two times last week.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
If we are not transforming you, we are just entertaining you and I don’t want that.
Eric Lochtefeld at R4B 2019/05
Ask yourself: Would you do this for a year even if you were bad at it and didn’t get paid? Joy alone isn’t enough.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
The mind wants to overcomplicate your bliss. Don’t let it.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Your predetermined state is creating your reality.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
My Bliss was the one thing that consistently gave me joy. Without my bliss, I’d be a shell of a man. My Bliss made me an infinity better person.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Joseph Campbell “Follow your bliss, that’s what all the hero stories are telling us to do.”
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Why follow your Bliss? The reward for following your bliss is the feeling of being alive.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
“Irritable Bliss Syndrome” lol
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Will you say YES to the adventure?
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
My Bliss knew what was waiting for me before I knew myself.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Your Bliss will evolve. It might not be the same thing at each stage of your life. But keep an eye out for a common thread between the projects.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05
Signs and Omans show up when you are on your path to Bliss.
Patrick Combs at R4B 2019/05