Terminology Flashcards
Altering the expression of a gene without changing the gene structure
Acetyl will attach to DNA, and switch on the gene, which increases gene expression. If acetyl is not present, the gene is switched off.
Blocks the gene from being read so mRNA cannot be made (stops transcription). The methyl group only attaches to cytosine with the cytosine and guanine group
Monohybrid cross
A mating between individuals in which only one pair of contrasting characteristics is considered
A gene is a small section of the DNA molecules that code for a specific protein, which controls a characteristic
The appearance of an individual as a result of the genotypes
The alleles you inherit from your parents
Alleles are the different expressions of the gene
A pedigree is a diagram which shows a family tree
Transcription is the process of making an mRNA template
The translation is using the mRNA template to manufacture the protein
Dominant trait
One of a pair of contrasting characteristics, which is controlled by an allele that is not masked by other alleles
recessive trait
One pair of a pair of contrasting characteristics, which is controlled by an allele that is masked by dominant alleles
crossing over
When the homologous pairs come together, during the copying process the bottom section of the chromosomes crosses over
non disjunction
Causes down syndrome because, during meiosis, the 21st pair doesn’t split and resulting in an extra number of chromosomes on the left side
Random distribution
Random distribution of chromosomes during meiosis produces millions of variations of chromosomes within the sex cells
epigenome is the set of chemical modifications to DNA in a cell, which alter gene expression