Teeth Flashcards
What are the 4 surfaces of a tooth?
- occlusal surface
- contact surfaces (2)
- lingual surface
- vestibular surface
Match the tooth surface to its description:
- faces adjacent teeth of same dental arch
- faces tongue
- faces opposite dental arch
- faces vestibule of oral cavity
- contact surfaces
- lingual surface
- occlusal surface
- vestibular surface
What are the 3 function of teeth?
- prehension (getting food into oral cavity)
- mastication
- offense/defense
In addition to teeth, cattle use the _______ extensively for prehension while the horse uses ________.
What are the 2 types of teeth?
Match the teeth to whether that are brachydont or hypsodont:
- all carnivore teeth
- all horse teeth
- ruminant cheek teeth
- pig canine teeth
- all pig teeth (ex. canine)
- ruminant incisors
- brachydont
- hypsodont
- hypsodont
- hypsodont
- brachydont
- brachydont
(Brachydont/hypsodont) teeth have a crown and a neck.
A brachydont tooth crown is covered by _______.
Term for projections of the brachydont crown on the occlusal surface to tear/crush food.
In the root of brachydont teeth, _______ is where vessels, lymph, and nerves enter the pulp cavity.
apical foramen
What are the 2 structures within the dental (pulp) cavity?
crown cavity
root canal
_________ is the part of the pulp cavity within the crown of the tooth and the _________ is the portion with the tooth roots.
crown cavity
root canal
What structure is a collection of collagen fibers that anchor the tooth in the alveolus?
periodontal ligament
The alveolus is lined by a thin layer of compact bone called _________.
lamina dura
________ means “high tooth” while ________ means “short tooth”.
(T/F) Hypsodont teeth continue to emerge from the alveolus after eruption for most of the animal’s life.
(T/F) The hypsodont tooth has a crown but no neck.
False - neither
Term for visible part of hypsodont tooth that projects above gingiva.
clinical crown
Term for part of hypsodont tooth concealed by gingiva and alveolus.
clinical root
Among domestic species, the _____ is the only one with a full set of mammalian teeth with _____ permanent teeth.
Which teeth in the horse are known as “wolf teeth”?
premolars (P2, P3, P4)
Which teeth have no deciduous predecessors?
molars & first premolars (P1)
In piglets, the deciduous third incisors and canines erupt at birth. They have sharp points and are called:
needle teeth
Term for funnel-shaped area of invaginated cementum and enamel from the occlusal surface of the tooth.
Term for the cavity of the infundibulum.
The infundibulum is the area of invaginated _______ and _______.
cementum + enamel
What gets lodged into the cups?
food particles + cementum
What becomes exposed as the occlusal surface wears down over time?
pulp cavity
What is the “new dentin” produced by odontoblasts around the pulp cavity as the tooth wears down over time?
dental star
A dental star is the new ________ produced as the tooth wears down.
What is the most accurate way to age horses?
eruption dates of incisors
After _______ years, all horse incisor teeth have erupted and begin contacting the tooth in the opposite arcade leading to wear.
5 years
Match the eruption dates to the deciduous incisor teeth:
- Di1
- Di2
- Di3
- 6 days
- 6 weeks
- 6 months
Match the eruption dates to the permanent incisor teeth:
- I1
- I2
- I3
- 2.5 years
- 3.5 years
- 4.5 years
What are the “in wear” dates of permanent incisor teeth?
I1: 3 years
I2: 4 years
I3: 5 years
If canine teeth are visible in a horse, it has to be at least how old?
3.5 years old
(Upper/lower) incisors wear more than (upper/lower) incisors of horses.
lower upper
When horse tooth has worn so there are two separate rings of enamel on occlusal surface is called:
When the space is gone but there are remnants of the infundibulum this is called:
cup gone
What are the “cup gone” dates of permanent lower incisors of horse?
I1: 6 years
I2: 7 years
I3: 8 years
Term for small ring of enamel left when the cup is gone to lower incisor horse teeth.
enamel spot
What 3 shapes can the lower incisors be which helps age horse teeth?
- oval
- triangular
- biangular
Match the approximate horse ages to the lower incisor shape:
- oval
- triangular
- biangular
- 5-9 years
- 10-15 years
- 16-20 years
What is meant by incisors “in profile”? What age horse has this?
almost straight angle of teeth
in young horses (older angle outward)
The upper I3 incisor develops _______ which can be helpful in aging horses.
seven year hook
When does the “seven year hook” appear in horses?
7 years
again at 11-13 years
________ groove is only on the upper third incisor that is helpful in aging teeth of horses.
galvayne’s groove
Galvayne’s groove takes on a dark pigment on its vestibular surface since it is filled with ___________.
Match the approximate age depending on where Galvayne’s groove is located:
- At gum line
- half-way down tooth
- reaches occlusal surface
- 10 years
- 15 years
- 20 years
Match which quadrant of teeth is labelled with the triadan numbering system starting with 1-4.
1 = upper right
2 = upper left
3 = lower left
4 = lower right
What are the first triadan numbers for deciduous teeth?
For teeth in cattle, what are the full names for incisors I1, I2, I3, I4?
I1: central incisor
I2: first intermediate incisor
I3: second intermediate incisor
I4: corner incisor
When have all deciduous incisors erupted and clearly seen in cattle?
3-4 weeks
List eruption dates of permanent incisors of cattle.
I1: 1.5-2 years
I2: 2-2.5 years
I3: 3 years
I4: 3.5-4 years
At _____ years, all incisors are “level” in cattle.
9 years
What is different about the wear in pig teeth?
lower jaw wider than upper jaw (opposite in other domestic mammals)
Term for procedure of equine teeth to extract cheek teeth by drilling a hole opposite of the tooth body and inserting punch to break tooth into oral cavity for removal.