Perineum & Pelvis (Exam 3) Flashcards
Portion of body wall covering the pelvic outlet (or caudal pelvic aperture)
The perineal body in the male is between ______ and _____.
anal canal
bulb of penis
The perineal body in the female is between ______ and ______.
Match which structure is present in each boundary of the perineal region:
ventral (male & female)
dorsal: base of tail
lateral: semimembranosus Mm
ventral: female- caudal attach. of udder
male- caudal attach. of scrotum
You want ___% of the vulva ventral to the ischiatic arch.
What is the problem with poor conformation of the vulva?
infertility problems
How do you treat poor vulvar conformation?
vulvoplasty (Caslick’s procedure)
_____ of the clitoris during urination indicates that the mare is in heat.
Match the structures located with the boundaries of the ischiorectal fossa:
medial: pelvic diaphragm
lateral: sacrosciatic ligament
ventral: obturator fascia
(T/F) The cow and the mare seem rather unbothered when they have a vaginal or uterine prolapse.
cow- unbothered
mare- frantic
How do you treat a vaginal/uterine prolapse?
buhner needle + umbilical tape
How do you treat a vaginal/uterine prolapse?
Buhner needle + umbilical tape
What is urine scalding? What causes it?
continuous urination burns skin
cause: urolith in bladder
What is the salvage procedure used in the goat if it recurrently strains when urinating?
perineal urethrostomy
What block is done to locally anesthetize the anus, perineum, vulva, and vagina?
caudal epidural block
For epidural injections, the distal cutaneous branches of the pudendal N can be blocked by injecting where?
sacrococcygeus joint
Melanomas are common in ______ and most are (benign/malignant).
grey horses
Term for soft, cartilaginous tissue on feet during birth that protects mother during birth
In cattle, what are considered pins? Hooks?
pins: ischiatic tuberosities
hooks: tuber coxae
Order of the 4 spaces in the perioneal cavity
- pararectal fossa
- rectogenital pouch
- vesicogenital pouch
- pubovesical pouch
Which peritoneal pouch is between rectum & genital fold (male) or between rectum & uterus (female)?
rectogenital pouch
Which peritoneal pouch is between the urinary bladder & genital fold (male) or between urinary bladder & uterus (female)?
vesicogenital pouch
Which peritoneal pouch is ventral to the urinary bladder?
pubovesical pouch
What 3 things does the pelvis include?
ossa coxarum
caudal vertebra 1
Term for widest horizontal point
transverse diameter
Term for cranial aspect of pelvic symphysis to dorsal wall of pelvic cavity
vertical diameter
Does the mare or cow have more problems with dystocia? Why?
cow (smaller pelvic diameter)
The sacrum in the horse and ox is made of __ fused bones.
What are “hunter’s bumps”?
calcification of tuber sacrale due to hunting and jumping activities
Term for knocked down hip in horses
What causes “hooks” in horses?
healing after fracture of tuber coxae
What structure is significant in calving/foaling and helps with parturition?
prepubic tendon
The prepubic tendon is the from __________ M to the ______ of the pubic bone.
rectus abdominis
What tendon spans from the pelvic symphysis to the pectineus M?
symphyseal tendon
If ______ ruptures, the ability to push with the abdominal muscles during birth is lost.
prepubic tendon
What attaches the lateral crest of the sacrum to the ilium and ischium?
sacrosciatic ligament
What structure(s) pass through the greater ischiatic foramen?
cranial gluteal vessels
sciatic, cranial/caudal gluteal, caudal cutaneous femoral Nn
What structure(s) pass through the lesser ischiatic foramen?
caudal gluteal A, V
What structure(s) pass through the obturator foramen?
obturator N
In calving paralysis, the cow has calved and cannot get up, possibly from the pressure on what?
obturator N
In ruminants, the superficial gluteal M is fused with the biceps femoris M, which forms _______.
gluteobiceps M
What species do not have an internal obturator M?
ruminants (has intrapelvic part of external obturator)
Match the plexus to what it supplies:
- cranial + medial Mm of thigh and skin on medial aspect of thigh, crus, tarsus, metatarsus
- caudal Mm of thigh, entire crus, pes, and corresponding skin
- parasympathetic + sympathetic Nn of pelvis
- lumbar plexus
- lumbosacral plexus
- pelvic plexus
List 3 causes/predispositions to back problems in horses
- saddle fit
- muscle strain
- osteoarthritis
What 3 symptoms result from thoracolumbar joint dysfunction
- restricted joint motion
- localized pain/inflamm.
- paraspinal muscle hypertonicity (abnormal)
What is a “kissing spine” in horses?
skeletal abnormality; bony growths on spinous processes touch
Injecting alcohol to deaden nerves so a horse’s tail doesn’t move is unethical and can cause damage to ______.
cauda equina (and may never move normally)
Cerebrospinal fluid can be collected in a standing horse through ________.
lumbosacral junction
What can collecting CSF from a horse test for?
EPM (equine protozoal myoencephalitis)
There are __ degrees of severity for equine rectal tears and cause what problem with clients?
malpractice claims
Periparturient paresis/paralysis can be caused by damage to what 2 nerves?
obturator N or intrapelvic sciatic N
4 causes of periparturient paresis/paralysis
- injury to obturator N
- injury to sciatic N
- adductor M trauma
- ischemia