Strike Team & Operational /Task Force Terminology Regional Area Response (2017) Flashcards
All apparatus and vehicles assigned to a Strike Team/Task Force shall possess the following minimum in-county local VHF frequencies:
- XSD CMD 1 (White Net)
- XSD TAC1 (Red Net)
- Border Command
- VFIRE 21
- A cellular phone is recommended
- full code 3 equipment is required.
All reliefs that take place on the Strike Team/Task Force will be coordinated through the _______________ who will directly coordinate with the ___________________________?
- Cal OES representative.
However, relief without written permission of the Incident Commander is ______________________?
Not reimbursable
The replacement of engine personnel is the responsibility of the _________________ and will be coordinated by the _______________________________________ with notification to the Cal OES representative, if available.
- Individual agency
- STEN/TFLD through their Zone Coordinator
__________ is responsible to see that all drivers/operators are adequately rested to ensure safe vehicle operation. Drivers that have been awake for more than ____________________,including work and travel time, and the travel time upon release from the incident is more than ______________________, will not be allowed to drive until they have obtained __________ hours rest.
Sixteen (16) hours
Thirty (30) minutes
Eight (8) hours of rest
Upon notification of pending demobilization, the STEN/TFLD will report to the Demobilization Unit and complete the _________________?
ICS 221 Form. (Demob Form)
When and where do you turn in all forms on a strike team?
STEN/TFLD’s must turn in forms when sent to demob. Give the forms to the “documentation leader”
**retain a copy of all records
Turn in time records (F-42, FC-33) to the _____________________________? Provide a reasonable estimated time of arrival back to your zone.
Time Unit or Cal OES representative.
Reimbursement for Emergency Apparatus refurbishment and rehab may be approved by the Incident Command, up to a maximum of __ hours, as appropriate.
2 hours
If an injury occurs to anyone assigned to the Strike Team/Task Force, notification to all appropriate personnel through the incident command organization shall be completed. STEN/TFLD shall;
What form should one document the injury on?
ICS 214
*****follow the medical plan
Out of service or down time:
The STEN/TFLD will provide the Strike Team/Task Force’s planned location and contact information to the _________________and the _______________________?
Resource Unit Leader
Cal OES representative
Personnel will not enter any residence without the owner’s permission except to search or defend the structure or seek refuge when necessary.
In the event a crew enters a home what should occur?
Unit leaders will leave a note at the residence detailing their actions and communicate their unit’s activity through their chain of command as well as document on ICS 214.
The primary purpose of each Zone within the San Diego Operational Area is to _________________________________________________________________?
assure a readily accessible pool of resources, apparatus and equipment that meets common standards to fill mutual aid requests from all agencies.
Life and property is imminently threatened by an event. The closest available resources shall be selected and will respond directly to the incident. Personnel can expect to be assigned and begin tactical operations immediately upon arrival at the incident. Resource should respond as if they are on the initial attack with a code 3 response. The STEN shall be responsible to make contact with his/her respective resource(s) upon the STEN’s arrival. The incident communication plan must be provided to units assigned.
Initial attack
Strike Teams that are needed for the protection of life and property that is imminently threatened by an event. The resources may or may not be coming from your operational or adjacent operational areas. Resources shall respond as expeditiously as possible. Personnel can expect to be immediately assigned and begin tactical operations upon arrival at the incident or within the current operational period. The STEN/TFLD shall be responsible to make contact with his/her respective resource(s) upon arrival. The incident communication plan must be provided to units assigned.
Immediate need
_____________ is utilized when resources are needed for the next operational period. __________is a non-code three response. ____________incident reporting time should determine the departure time. _______________strike team/task force units should travel together and plan to arrive at least one hour prior to briefing for the next operational period (for which they are likely to be assigned). Mutual aid resources may respond within the operational area, adjacent operational area, region or state, as needed for the next operational period or as determined by the requesting agency
Planned need
Code of conduct:
When assigned as a member of a Strike Team or Task Force:
- Be professional
- Wear/bring ALL PPE on the line assignment (Class B –Incident Base Camp)
- Be READY to work when in “staging” or “assigned”
- Radio discipline a must (VHF)
- DO NOT request equipment that is not needed
- Be prepared to provide for yourself for the first 24 hours
- Know who you are working for
- Only enter homes to search or defend it, or seek refuge.
What should be done if a home was entered by a crew on a fire?
(Search it, defend it, or seek refuge ONLY!)
- Unit leaders will leave a note at the residence (detailing their actions)
- communicate their unit’s activity through their chain of command
- document on ICS 214.
What’s CICCS stand for?
California Incident Command Certification System
On initial attacks, does the STEN meet their respective resources on scene?
Yes, we need to make contact with our crews on scene.
Agencies should send how many personnel on planned need strike teams?
4 personnel, per apparatus
Strike Team requirements:
Per FOG, Radio Communications Guidelines; there are ___ specific VHF high band channels that should be preprogrammed into all VHF radios utilized by fire service agencies providing mutual aid in California.
Eighty six (86)
Pre-Incident Checklist (Strike Team)
Prior to a deployment, each unit shall assemble all equipment, documents and reference material required to participate in a Strike Team/Task Force response:
- State and Local Maps
- Financial documents, purchase orders, credit cards
- Portable radio(s) with spare batteries
- NWCG Incident Response Pocket Guide
- ICS forms (Minimum of ICS 214, ICS 225, OES F-42)
- Strike Team Apparatus Inventory Record
- Strike Team identification cards and/or white shoe polish
- stationary supplies
- agency specific forms
- personnel items to support deployment for 7 days (not including travel)
As a STEN/TFLD, who can I request an early relief through?
through the IC
*****relief without permission of the IC is not reimbursable
Who does the mechanical inspection when demobilizing?
Ground Support Unit
What are the “Time Records” and who gets them?
F-42 and FC-33
Either the time unit or Cal OES rep
No driver will drive more than _____ hours in a day?
10 hours
What are the four zones?
North, Metro, Central and East
Documentation required?
OES F-42 one for each(each unit, leaders, and trainee if from different agency)
ICS 214 one for each (unit, leader and trainee)
ICS 225
**have it reviewed by the Training Specialist
When is a new F-42 required?
Only when requesting a reimbursement for an approved personnel rotation that includes transportation cost will a new F-42 be required.