OPS Manual Highrise (2017) Flashcards
A plan that contains the objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy for rescue of endangered occupants, control of the incident, and property conservation?
Incident Action Plan
FAID) water flow, smoke, or heat detector
Fire Alarm Initiating Device
Technique of elevator door opening to be utilized during phase II elevator operations. Upon arrival at the desired floor destination the operator briefly presses and releases the door open button. The door will open slightly and then reverse direction and close.
Peek-a-boo Technique
Stairs that serve multi-floor tenants that allow occupants to travel from floor to floor internally without having to exit their occupancy to utilize the elevator or common stairwell?
Tenant or Convenience Stairs
First alarm companies should access the know box?
True or False
The first alarm resources dispatched to a reported high-rise incident include?
5 engines 2 trucks 2 battalion chiefs 1 rescue unit 1 helicopter 1 ALS ambulance 1 PDS unit
Tactical functions that should be given a high priority include?
implementation of a search team dedicated to the stairwells, especially the attack stairwell (rapid ascent tactics).
Factors that will help define the priority assigned to key tactical functions include?
building type, time of day, occupancy load and size of the fire
What can be used to identify elevator, stairwell, Fire Protection Systems, and other important information in high rise?
Company Officers shall use Pre-Fire Plans (PFP)
What are some resources to assist the IC in managing the incident?
High-rise operational checklists and the Field Operations Guide (FOG)
All working high-rise fires shall include a request for what resource early?
Structural Engineer in addition to utilizing the building engineer
What is part of a continual assessment as an IC?
resource assignments and needs
fire progress
structural stability
fire loading.
Equipment that is not needed for immediate operations on the fire should be placed where?
Staging or on the floor immediately below the fire floor.
Appropriate hose line selection by company officers is critical.
If a small compartmentalized fire exists what should be used?
If a small compartmentalized fire exists, the 1 ¾ high-rise hose pack with a low pressure breakdown (Slug) nozzle is appropriate.
If a large un-compartmentalized fire is suspected, use what?
consider selecting a 2 ½ attack line equipped with a smooth bore 1 1/8 tip.
All personnel shall operate in teams of?
Multiple alarm incidents will likely require a minimum of _____ companies to achieve all the objectives of lobby control?
Lobby Control will collect ___________ from the Company Officer as a crew enters the building.
(diamond shape) tag
Personnel assign to non-IDLH assignments inside the building will be accounted for at?
Lobby Control
Accountability Form number?
Lobby Control will control all _______ and will designate specific _______ to be used with assigned fire department operators.
Elevators and Elevators
All elevator cars shall be returned to the lobby (Phase I Recall).
Individual cars shall be operated in the Phase __ mode?
Phase II
_________ will control all personnel entering and exiting the building.
Lobby Control
Lobby Control:
Utilize ____ and the _________ to assist with civilians exiting the building.
SDPD and Medical Branch Division
Lobby Control will initially facilitate the movement of needed gear & supplies to _____?
Issue available red phones and key sets, with priority to?
Stairwell search
Fire Floor
Shelter in place is generally recommended for occupants __________ floors below the __________.
3 or more floors; confirmed fire floor
The Staging Area is generally ___________ floors below the _______ fire floor as long as the atmosphere can be kept clear.
.two to three floors; lowest
There must also be an emphasis for searches to be done _____ floors above the fire floor and _____floors of the structure.
2-3 above the fire floor and 2-3 top floors of the building
Is total evacuation of a high rise desirable or least desirable?
least desirable
What is preferred a total evacuation or partial evacuation in a high rise fire?
Partial evacuation
What are some other options instead of evacuating people from a high rise fire?
Shelter in place
Movement to a safe refuge area
Rescue crews should ensure automatic unlocking stairwell doors are what?
Commercial high-rise building’s air handling systems will exhaust smoke from ________ upon activation.
the fire floor
The exhaust system will also pressurize the floors ______ and ______ the fire to effectively sandwich the products of combustion.
above and below
To vertically ventilate utilizing a stairwell, personnel should ensure that the ________ or ______ are open at the top of the stairwells?
doors or dampeners
Blowers can effectively augment stairwell pressurization/ventilation operations by placing them?
Bottom floor
Every 10 floors
Two floors below the involved floor
Blowers shall not be placed in the stairwells, they shall be placed ________ back from door openings directing air into the stairwell.
4-6 feet back
When multiple fans are used a _____________ placement shall be utilized?
“V” converging placement
Tempered glass are identified how in a high rise?
3” luminous white “T”
Where are tempered windows placed usually in high rises?
typically at the corners of the building and spaced every 50’
Avoid breaking windows on the ___________ side of the fire floor unless absolutely necessary?
The breaking of windows on the windward side of a high rise building may cause what?
blowtorch effect
Crews identified as Stairwell Support; do they need to give their oval shaped tag to the A/O?
NO, because they are in an IDLH
The Systems Control Unit Leader reports to?
IC or the Logistics Section Chief.
For fires involving floors above the tenth floor, what position should be assigned?
Stairwell manager
The Stairwell Manager reports to whom?
Ground Support
The Medical Unit Leader reports to the?
Who prepares the incident medical plan at a high rise incident?
Medical Unit Leader
Who has the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate unsafe acts or conditions when danger is imminent on a high rise incident?
Safety Officer which assigned to the command staff
Initial ascent of a high rise fire shall not be made with less than __ personnel?
8 people
Where can you find the unlocking feature of the stairwell?
on the alarm panel
What stairwells should not be utilized as a fire attack stairwell unless no other option is available?
Smoke Towers
The first ascending units shall place their personnel accountability box where?
in the lobby
All subsequent companies ascending the floors after the initial attack crews should leave what at the lobby for accountability?
Company ID tag on the box with the noted time of entry on form FD-901.
If you are not apart of the “Fire Attack Group” and you are ascending up the floors; where should you leave your accountability box?
put it in staging
Does two in/two out still apply if you encounter an IDLH up on the floors?
yes it does. You may void it for a known rescue
The Fire Attack Group Supervisor will notify the IC the following information once an elevator has been cleared for use?
a. Elevator location
b. Elevator identification
c. Elevator operator designation
NEVER utilize an elevator to carry firefighting personnel closer than ____ floors below the lowest level of the ____?
two floors; alarm
______ elevator shafts should not be utilized?
Fire conditions on floors within ____ floors of the upper termination point of a banked elevator shaft may affect the machine room; therefore they shall not be utilized for initial attack.
two floors
Elevator Operational Checklist is found where?
High-rise checklist packet
Maximum elevator capacity shall not exceed _____ personnel
(5) five
Once the scope of the incident is determined and the safety of elevator system is confirmed the ___ may approve the use of the elevators.
Prior to the use of an elevator system the ___________ shall be reviewed
alarm panel
If this fire helmet symbol in the elevator flashes ___________.
When in Fire Service Mode (Phase I & II) the Fire Helmet symbol within the car will _________?
illuminate solid
If the hoist-way and/or machine room are sprinklered you should expect a feature called _________?
shunt trip
Purpose of the “shunt trip”?
- activates prior to the sprinkler head fusing
* removes all power to the elevator
Stop every 5th floor using the elevator en-route to your destination and check the?
If the car is not responding properly immediately select _________?
call cancel
1) Conduct __________ door opening to ensure a tenable environment.
peek a book
If the elevator car is not responding properly immediately what are some options to stop it?
- activating emergency stop
- returning to phase I by turning the key off
Once on a floor and crews want to keep the elevator car they can place the key in the ______ position.
hold position
c. If the use of direct channels becomes necessary due to signal degradation from the structure, it is advisable to assign individuals at strategic locations inside to serve as _________?
Human Repeaters
The ______ company Engineer will locate and monitor the enunciator Panel. They will have an 800 MHz portable radio in their possession to communicate with the ascending companies.
If the crews encounter a working fire, the IC will request?
1st alarm followed by 2nd alarm
If, in the judgment of the IC, the incident will exceed the capabilities of the second alarm, he/she will request a ______?
third alarm
Reduced Response Ringing Alarm: Upgraded
The IC will order the engine company Engineer to charge the standpipe/sprinkler system and __________to assume Lobby Control.
Truck Engineer
The ___________ Engineer will determine a Base location and radio that information to the FCC.
Engine Company
To maintain adequate operational skills to manage incidents in high-rise buildings, all companies shall participate in ________ training exercise developed by an assigned Battalion Chief.
an annual
Who assumes RIC on a high rise fire?
Someone from the Second Alarm and they will stage at staging
Deploying a 2 ½ line requires sufficient personnel to be effective. Supervisors should plan on at least __ firefighters to deploy a single line.
Consider _________________ in center core construction to prevent wrap around phenomenon?
defensive line
Opening of windows should be coordinated with the _____ and ______
IC and Fire Attack
The highest priority area to search is the Attack stairwell above the fire floor. Ideally this search should be complete or well underway prior to ___________?
prior to fire attack taking place
Additionally, evacuation stairwells as well as the floors above the fire must be searched in a timely manner. There must also be an emphasis for searches to be done ________ above the fire floor and _________of the structure.
2-3 floors above the fire floor
top 2-3 floors of the structure
Effective use of the _______________ will facilitate use of the appropriate stairwell(s) and travel to safe refuge areas by evacuees.
public address system
If an area is deemed a safe refuge area crews should utilize a ____________________________?
CO detector
When should you establish RIC on a highrise fire?
Second Alarm - Reinforce the initial RIC with at least one full crew and establish a RIC Group.
In highrise firefighting, what are some factors that may have you commit the last three companies assigned to the first alarm once Fire Attack, Lobby, Staging - IRIC/AO has been assigned?
building type
time of day
occupancy load
size of the fire
What can the IC use to assist in managing the high-rise fire?
Fog Guide
High rise Operational Checklist
The Incident Command System defined in the high-rise ops manual?
a management system designed to ensure that sufficient resources are appropriately assigned and efficiently utilized to safely manage an incident.
The exterior location at which the primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered, apparatus are parked, and initial stockpiling of incident equipment is assembled during a high-rise incident. Base is located a minimum of ____feet from the building.
Ground Support functions?
- providing transportation of equipment and supplies to the incident floor
- refilling of SCBA air cylinders
- managing the Stairwell
- implementing the ground level traffic/movement plan at the incident.
****This may include marking safe access routes and zones. Ground Support reports to “LOGISTICS”
What is an IAP?
A plan that contains the OBJECTIVES reflecting the overall incident strategy for rescue of endangered occupants, control of the incident, and property conservation.
Who develops the incident medical plan?
Medical Unit Leader
For civilian injuries, the Incident Commander shall implement a _______________________under the Operations Section Chief to initiate a Mass Casualty Incident or Multiple Patient Incident plan.
Medical Branch
Who do we assign to monitor the building systems?
Systems control unit
What’s ideal about “Rapid Accent Tactics?”
Ideally this will be well underway or completed prior to fire attack operations. Stairwells need to be kept clear of civilians once fire attack operations have been initiated
How does the “stack effect” occur?
- When temperatures inside a building are warmer than outside temperatures the natural air flow inside the building will be in an upward direction creating a “positive stack effect”.
- When temperatures inside a building are cooler than outside temperatures the natural air flow inside the building will be in a downward direction creating a “negative” stack effect.
Explain the “stratification of smoke”
As smoke rises in a tall building it cools to a degree which is equal to or less than the ambient temperature inside the building. Once the buoyancy is lost the smoke stops rising and begins to spread laterally.
At a high-rise fire subsequent BC’s should arrive at the ICP with what?
- full PPE
- 800 MHz portable radio
- cell phone
- Field Operations Guide.
Subsequent arriving Assistant Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Staff Battalion Chiefs, and Staff Captains may be assigned as:
PIO Assistant Safety Officers Liaison Officer Medical Unit Leader Other management responsibilities as required
Fire Attack Operations:
If a search of the attack stairwell is not completed or underway when crews are ready to begin fire attack the IC shall conduct a ____________________
Risk/benefit analysis
- size of the fire
- time of day
- occupant load
Attack Hose Line Management:
If a large un-compartmentalized fire is suspected, consider selecting a _____ attack line equipped with a ________________
2 1/2”
Smooth bore 1 1/8” tip
If a small compartmentalized fire exists, the _____high-rise hose pack with a ____________________nozzle is appropriate.
1 3/4”
Low pressure (slug nozzle)
Attack Hose Line Management:
An ______________gauge shall be used if the company is so equipped.
In-line standpipe
Lobby Control:
Multiple alarm incidents will likely require a minimum of ___ companies to achieve all the objectives of lobby control.
Personnel assign to non-IDLH assignments inside the building will be accounted for at ____________accountability.
IC shall ….Utilize______and the ______________to assist with civilians exiting the building.
Medical Branch/Division
Shelter in place is generally recommended for occupants _______________________below the confirmed fire floor.
Three or more floors
When should a firefighter be sent to the fire pump?
When there is an indication of water flowing. Check and make sure it is functioning properly.
Who should the firefighter at the fire pump coordinate with?
Water group
Who does staging report to?
IC or Ops
Who is the liaison between the building engineers and the IC?
Lobby Control
People that are evacuated from a high-rise fire, should be evacuated to what location?
Minimum of 200’ away from the incident and away from the base.
Provide airborne thermal imaging and recording when equipped with a ____________________system
Forward looking infrared system (FLIR)
What is the Forward Looking Infrared System good for?
- fire brands are being thrown into/onto other structures.
- locating of occupants within the building that may not otherwise be directly seen.
If additional air support is requested, the coordination of additional aircraft will be managed by the _________________ or _____________?
Air operations chief
Can a request be placed to utilize the SDPD type 3 helicopter “ABLE” if both our helicopters aren’t up?
Who’s responsibility is it to shut down the airspace if needed?
Air Operations Chief or Pilot-in-Command
**it may be delegated to the helicopter coordinator if assigned.
Incident Communications Procedures:
Units assigned to fire and rescue activities shall remain on the _________tactical channel. This is designed to prevent loss of communications when additional channels are assigned. This channel will be identified as the __________Tactical Channel.
Units assigned to logistics functions shall utilize the ________tactical channel. This channel will be identified as the ___________Tactical Channel.
If the use of repeated radio communications becomes difficult inside a high-rise structure, _________is to be utilized as a default backup channel.
(FMard) 13P
Because communication in a High-rise fire can be challenging, it is suggested to do what as a plan to communicate?
Utilize at least one radio on Fmard (13P)
To maintain adequate operational skills to manage incidents in high-rise buildings, all companies shall participate in an ______________developed by an assigned Battalion Chief.
Annual training exercise
This training is to be provided and rotated quarterly so that at the end of the calendar year all companies on all divisions will have participated. The schedule will be developed so as not to impact IST and other daily department functions.
First Quarter – Battalion 1 and 2
Second Quarter – Battalion 3 and 4
Third Quarter – Battalion 5 and 6
Fourth Quarter – Battalion 7
Who’s responsibility for shutting down the air space?
Air Ops Chief or Pilot-in-command
Units assigned to logistics functions shall utilize the ___________________channel.
Secondary tactical
“Logistics Tactical Channel”
To ensure the ability to receive any traffic sent by personnel who have encountered this problem, it shall be standard procedure for at least one radio at the ICP to be set on ______________to continuously monitor for this condition.
FMard 13P
How often are we to provide high-rise training?
once a year, BC’s are to develop this.