Administrative Regulations (2/2017) Flashcards
Department Sustaining Loss or Damage:
PW-999 form is what?
Work Request/Assignment” requesting repair work when appropriate. This is in regards to damage done from vandalism, etc.
immediate call to the Injury Call-in Center at 1-800- 427-7980 does what?
This call will initiate a Worker’s Compensation claim, including recovery of City’s costs by Revenue and Recovery, if appropriate.
Can a threat be direct or implied?
If you are threatened, who can you report it to?
A ___________________________ personnel action does not qualify as a Threat under this policy.
good faith non-discriminatory
Through regular fact-finding procedures, document what was said and what was heard when the alleged Threat or Bullying was made. Include the five “W’s”: ____________________________________
Who, What, When, Where and Why.
a. Who allegedly made the Threat or committed the Bullying and who else was present?
b. What was the alleged Threat or Bullying and what exactly happened?
c. When did the incident happen?
d. Where did the incident occur?
e. Why was the alleged Threat or Bullying made?
Information pertaining to employee discipline (if any) and information discussed during any appeal of discipline shall be kept confidential, except as required by law or if management or others have a bona fide need to know.
However, it is appropriate to inform the employee who was allegedly threatened or subjected to bullying that the incident is being investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
If a suspension pending investigation is provided to an employee, the Appointing Authority or designee will ensure that the fact finding investigation and any resulting disciplinary action should be completed within ____ calendar days from the beginning of the suspension.
30 days
AR 75.12—Vehicle and Industrial Accident Review, Reporting, and Prevention Program
To reduce vehicle and industrial accidents by:
- determining the cause and preventability
- recommending corrective action
- encourage safe operating practices
- ensuring adherence to city policies and procedures and State and Federal laws.
What’s a way to prevent and reduce Vehicle and Industrial Accidents?
Consistently enforce all City policies and procedures
AR 75.12
What are the two exceptions where employees under “training” or “testing” may not be held to the same responsibility?
- an employee/trainee is in a supervised training environment
- an employee/trainee is testing new Equipment under direct supervision
AR 75.12
What are the “severity of accidents”?
- -Preventable Category 1, 2, 3
- -Non-Preventable
- -No Vehicle/Industrial Accident
AR 75.12 - Vehicle and Industrial Accidents
Accident History last how long?
– (3) years
AR 75.12 – Vehicle and Industrial Accident
Who is charged with record keeping for all Vehicle and Industrial Accidents?
The Risk Management Department’s Safety & Environmental Health Division
AR 75.12 – Vehicle and Industrial Accident Review
Deliberate damage which occurs during an emergency response where upon review, it is deemed to be acceptable under the response requirements existing at that time of the accident (e.g. Police, Fire, and Lifeguard respondent).
Intentional Damage
AR 75.12 Vehicle and Industrial Accident Review
What is the Accident Report Envelope # ?
City labor, equipment, materials and supplies shall not be used for personal or private purposes, either on City premises or elsewhere, by City employees or others, unless specifically authorized to do so by _______________?
Council approval
All employees who violate this regulation are subject to discipline including termination and ___________________?
Criminal prosecution
In the case of a similar event resulting in Injury to a City employee, the employee’s _____________shall report the Injury via the _______________________, i.e. place an immediate call to the Injury Call-in Center at 1-800-427-7980.
What does this do?
Supervisor, City’s Injury Reporting Process
Activates a workers comp claim
It also recovers the city costs through the Risk Management
Threat Management Policy:
Equal Employment Opportunity Liaison (EEOL)?
A senior staff member identified by the department head who serves as a departmental/divisional liaison with the City
has received specific training in both the City’s EEO policies and procedures, and in completing effective fact finding investigations.
Equal Employment Investigative Office (EEIO)
Function and where are they located?
investigates complaints of discrimination in violation of State and Federal law.
Located within the Personnel Department, this office is responsible for the administration of the City’s internal program for the investigation and resolution of complaints or charges of unlawful discrimination based upon Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The EEIO acts as the City’s liaison and primary contact with all Federal and State compliance agencies.
Employee Development Program (EDP)
record, resolve and prevent violations of the City’s EEO Policy.
the focus of the EDP is on violation of the City’s EEO Policy
Equal Employment Opportunity Committee (City EEOC)
What is their role?
The EEOC will serve as the City’s working body for the review of City-wide EEO policies and procedures.
will educate and inform departmental and divisional EEO Liaison’s on EEO issues.
Personnel Department - Equal Employment Investigations Office (EEIO)
What is their role?
It is the responsibility of the Equal Employment Investigations Office to record, track, and, in conjunction with EDP, periodically review complaint filings to identify potential areas of concern with regard to the timeliness of investigation and the resolution of complaints by departments.
Deputy Director:
What is their role?
The Deputy Director shall be responsible for ensuring that individual reports of potential EEO Policy violations are processed and resolved consistent with this regulation.
Equal Employment Opportunity Liaison (EEOL)
The EEOL serves as an EEO resource for the department or division head with responsibility for implementing and coordinating EEO discrimination and harassment prevention programs and training, and, as directed, for reviewing policy violations, within a department or large division.
What’s their role in EEO?
Supervisors are required to monitor City workplaces for actual or potential violations of the EEO Policy and to take steps to stop actions contrary to these policies when they occur.
Does and employee have to report an EEO complaint through the C.O.C.?
No, they do not!!!
**If an employee believes that a violation of the City’s EEO Policy has occurred, she/he is encouraged to report these instances immediately to any of the following (the employee does not have to follow the departmental or divisional chain of command):
The State of California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)
How long does an employee have to file an EEO complaint with any of these offices?
one year from the date of the most recent alleged act.
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (US EEOC)
How long does an employee have to file an EEO complaint with this office?
generally 300 days from the date of the most recent alleged act.
The ability to complete an effective and thorough investigation is in part dependent upon the length of time between the alleged act and when it is reported. As a result, employees who report violations to any of the individuals in 1-5 above are strongly encouraged to do so within ___________ of the most recent alleged act.
60 days
Smoking policy:
This prohibition extends to all outdoor areas within ___ feet of entrances, exits, air intakes, or operable windows of all City Vehicles and City Buildings and Facilities.
25 feet
City Personnel are prohibited from Smoking, Vaping, or using Tobacco Products while wearing a _____________________________on paid breaks at City beaches and parks.
City-issued or City-required uniform
Accident Review Committee (ARC) - An independent department level committee appointed by the Department Head composed of a minimum of _________voting members who review all accident related documentation (note: the immediate supervisor of any employee involved in an accident is excluded from ARC consideration in that case).
Three (3)
An appointed City senior supervisor who presides over departmental ARC hearings. The ______________ will recuse him/herself from cases that involve a direct subordinate and find an appropriate replacement. The __________ will break a tie vote. Police and Fire follow Department Instruction (DI).
What’s this position called?
ARC Chair
ARC Chair
ARC Chair
Working Day Suspension – Is defined as _______ consecutive hours for full-time, __________ consecutive hours for half-time, or _______ consecutive hours for three-quarter time employees.
Eight (8)
Four (4)
Six (6)
Reporting of Vehicle/Industrial Accidents – Driver/operator/employee/volunteer must follow instructions on the _________________________?
Accident Report Envelope RM–361.
In any injury collision, keep the Vehicles ___________________until instructed by law enforcement.
In their position of rest
For property damage collisions (PDC) (no one is claiming injury), then Vehicles ______________ (ONLY IF NECESSARY) for safety reasons or to relieve traffic congestion. You MUST stay at the scene of the accident until law enforcement has completed their investigation.
Can be moved
_____________________are not authorized to make the accident determination.
Drivers and Operators
If more than one Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer or City Vehicle/Industrial Equipment is involved or contributed to the accident, all parties involved shall complete a separate _______________?
Within ________________hours of the accident, all RM–1551 forms must be completed by the Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer and turned into his/her supervisor, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
24 hours
The department must send a copy of the RM–1551 to RM within ________ calendar days of the accident. The supervisor has ___________ calendar days from the accident date to complete all required documentation and submit the accident package (including RM–1555) to his/her Appointing Authority and/or Management Designee, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
(10) ten, Seven (7)
Within __________ calendar days after the accident, the Appointing Authority and/or Management Designee has the responsibility for making a preliminary finding as to whether it was preventable, Non-Preventable or a No Vehicle/Industrial Accident as defined per section 4.7.
Those accidents screened by the Appointing Authority or Management Designee which are found to be preventable, must have the preliminary finding (including the category designation) forwarded to the Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer and his/her supervisor via a copy of the RM–1555 within ___________ calendar days of the preliminary finding. The ______ days are recommended guidelines to be used in meeting the _________ day completion requirement.
Seven (7), Seven (7), Ninety (90)
If the Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer disagrees with the preliminary finding, he/she must notify the Appointing Authority or Management Designee (with a copy to his/her supervisor) of his/her disagreement, in writing, within ___________ calendar days
Fourteen (14)
Such disagreements will result in an ________________?
ARC Hearing
A Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer requesting an ARC hearing will be provided all of the documentation regarding the vehicle accident at least _________ calendar days prior to the hearing.
Seven (7)
The Appointing Authority shall ensure the employee is informed of the results of the accident review and associated discipline, within __________ calendar days from the date of the ARC hearing. The _______________ days are recommended guidelines to be used in meeting the ______________day completion requirement
Fourteen (14), fourteen (14), ninety (90)
If the employee presents new evidence to their Appointing Authority within _________ calendar days of the issuance of discipline, the employee may be given a new hearing before the department ARC.
Fourteen (14)
Failure to complete the process (excluding a request for a rehearing, a rehearing and/or appeal) in a total of ninety (90) calendar days (from the date of the accident) will result in a ____________________ and end all investigation and discipline.
“No Accident Ruling” (NAR)
All ___________________ are recorded in the employee’s file.
Preventable accidents
All departments must schedule the Vehicle/Industrial Accident prevention classes and mandatory behind the wheel testing within ____________ calendar days after the final report/appeal is completed.
Fourteen (14)
The Driver/Operator/Employee/Volunteer has ____________ hours to send RM-_____ regarding a Vehicle/Industrial Accident to his/her supervisor, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Supervisor has __________ calendar days to complete RM–________, submit all documents to the Appointing Authority and/or Management Designee unless there are extenuation circumstances.
Seven (7), RM 1555
All paperwork regarding the vehicle/industrial accident will be submitted to RM within __________ calendar days of the accident (except in the case of a request for a rehearing, a rehearing and/or an appeal).
Ninety (90)
The final discipline shall be administered and documented on the RM–_______ at the conclusion of the employee’s hearing, rehearing or appeal.
When using the Matrix of Discipline, first locate the number of the accident in the last consecutive __________ period (LCTYP) on the left side of the chart, then locate the Category assigned to the accident on the top of the chart. Where they intersect on the Matrix will determine the discipline for that offense.
3 year
The Chair is a voting member of the ARB for the purposes of ____________________?
Breaking any tie vote
A __________ shall not constitute Bullying, unless especially severe and egregious.
Single act
All perceived Threats or Bullying, even those made in a _____________, will be taken seriously and will be investigated.
Joking manner
If a City employee becomes aware of an alleged Threat or Bullying to self or others, the employee SHALL IMMEDIATELY notify his or her ___________________?
Supervisor or division management
**employees may also notify HR
The City also offers the _________________ (for classified represented employees and members of the Deputy City Attorneys Association) and the Equal Employment Investigations Office if the difficulties are due to issues of harassment, discrimination, or other unfair treatment in the workplace.
Grievance process
A.R. 95.60 12/2017
Policies and regulations governing the conduct of City employees appear in?
California Government Code City Charter Municipal Code Council Policy Manual Administrative Regulations Personnel Manual Departmental Instructions
A.R. 95.60 12/2017
This administrative regulation does not supersede what?
City’s Ethics Ordinance or State Law
A.R. 95.60 12/2017 Conflict Of Interest And Employee Conduct
Nominal Value is what?
Monetary value of $25.00 or less
What if we can’t give back a Gift, Gratuity, Favor, or Entertainment?
It should be donated to a public charity (501(c)(3), the City of San Diego, or other governmental agency within (30) days of receipt.
What form needs to be filled out if one is seeking outside employment or outside business activity
A.R. 95.60 12/2017
Do we need approval to have collateral or outside employment?
Yes, we need “departmental approval before accepting such employment via Form HR-9”
Can one engage in tobacco products while performing services for the City at City beaches or parks?
Can one engage in tobacco if they are on a paid break,NOT, wearing a City issued or required uniform at beaches/parks?
YES, they may. If they are wearing any City issued uniform or City-required uniform then NO they may not.