OPS Manual - Special Operations / Earthquake Procedures Flashcards
Earthquake Windshield Survey Plan? What is this?
Every fire company shall conduct a pre-earthquake assessment and develop an “earthquake windshield survey plan”
It is a plan designed to assist first responders with an organized route of target hazards to check on should a devastating earthquake occur with significant damage.
Should the DOC be activated? Who is responsible for activating this?
Yes, and the Shift Commander will activate this.
What do you do with the “earthquake windshield survey plan”?
carry on each apparatus and the “S” drive under earthquake information
The ________ or __________ will initiate a notification to all Senior Staff and activate the Department Ops Center?
Shift Commander or Duty Chief
Earthquake windshield survey should include?
Recommended routes to drive
Locations of critical infrastructure
What channels do you do earthquake roll call on?
Battalion Training Channels (zone 16)
What radio channel should we do a battalion check on?
Zone 16 (Battalion Training Channel)
Battalion 1-7 is in alphabetical order
16A = Battalion 1
16B = Battalion 2
After completion of the radio check, battalion chiefs will report their findings to ___________________
ECDC on Fire Admin
Where can you find the Windshield Survey Plan?
On each apparatus
“S” drive under Earthquake Information
Earthquake windshield survey should include what?
- Recommended routes to drive and conduct the survey of district
- Locations of critical infrastructure (schools, hospitals, water treatment facility, jails, etc)
- Locations in the district with the highest elevation and vehicle access (command post and vehicle may serve as a repeater)
General information that should be given in the radio check on what channel?
Zone 16 (respective battalion 1-7) channel 16A-16F
- any personnel injured?
- significant damage to the station or immediate area?
- can you respond?
- damage to telephones?
- What type of power is the station on? (Normal, generator, or power outage?)
Who determines when and if the fire crews can return to fire stations?
Shift Commander (Deputy Chief of Operations)
What is the BC responsible for?
- Ensure own safety
- Go to the training channel (zone 16 and respective battalion letter) and conduct a PAR of all stations.
- Report back to ECDC my findings on Admin (7A)
- If potential for major damage, have units tour their districts using the Windshield Survey Plan and report their findings.
- If communications are down I will relocate to the highest point in my battalion and serve as a repeater and ordering point for resources.
- Establish an Area Command.
My expectations for battalion crews after radio checks and possible damage to the area.
- Conduct a Windshield Survey of the first-in district noting Life Hazard first, and property damage second.
- Stay mobile in vehicle and in “triage mode”
When should I establish an Area Command?
If there is damage of significance to the area and establish it at the safest highest point of district.
This will serve two points: Increase the likelihood of better communication and better vantage points. (May even see a tsunami)
Consider using the copter for an aerial view.
In the event that a company cannot be contacted, first by radio, then by telephone, the ____________________ shall be responsible for a timely company status investigation.
Respective BC
If communications with ECDC is disrupted, battalion chiefs may establish ___________________________, serving as a single point for resource ordering and a clearing house of incident status recording/reporting within their administrative battalion.
An area command position