City Correspondence Manual Flashcards
What’s the font style that should be used in writing letters?
**Open Sans for headlines, but CAN also be used for the body of a document. Page 49
What’s the font size?
10 point. Page 49
What justification is required?
left justification
What are the margins required on letters, memoranda, and reports shall be, as a minimum?
1” top (except for page 1 for letters and City Council Reports)
1” bottom
1” sides
Page 49
Distribution of documents - when sending letters and memos what format should they be in? (Final signed document)
PDF document (Final signed document)
- not as a word document
Page 49
The City of San Diego standardized letter style is what?
Block letter with mixed punctuation.. Page 49
Where does the dateline need to be placed?
Eight lines below the last line printed letterhead.
*****if the letter is short, center it on the page so that it looks professional. Page 49
When “PERSONAL” is written on an envelope what does this mean?
Only the addressee can read it.
Page 50
When “Confidential” is written on the envelope or letter, what does this mean?
Only the addressee or authorized people can open and read the information.
Page 50
When writing “confidential or certified mail”, etc. on the letter/envelope what font do you use?
All “Caps” and flushed left.
**four lines below the date line. Page 50
Where does the body of the letter begin?
two lines below the salutation or subject line (if used)
Page 53
Whats the correct spacing between paragraphs?
Page 53
If you have additional pages for your letter, how do you start the page off?
1” from the top and far left
Page 2
Mr. John Doe
January 1, 2010 (single spaced remember)
The complimentary closing is typed ____ lines below the last line of the body of the letter
The signature block is typed at least ___ lines below the complimentary closing, in initial caps. The title of the person is typed immediately below, in initial caps.
How should the first part of a Memo be written?
The heading is NOT to include any reference to a specific department, division or program. (THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO is in Times New Roman 12 point, small caps and first letter upper case; M E M O R A N D U M is in Times New Roman 14 point with two spaces between each letter and all caps.)
HEADING - The heading of a memorandum is to appear as follows:
City Seal
The City Of San Diego (12 point Times New Roman)
M E M O R A N D U M (14 point Times New Roman)
Where does the date line go in a M E M O R A N D U M?
The DATE line is typed flush left, 3 to 4 lines below the word “MEMORANDUM
What letters or M E M O R A N D U M don’t get the 1” margin from the top?
page 1 for letters and City Council Reports)
When sending memos and letters electronically, the final signed document is to be?
scanned and sent as an attached PDF document, not as a Word document.
What does the Date Line consist of?
Month, day, and the year (January 1, 2016)
**Abbreviations and ordinals (1st, 2nd, 24th) are NEVER used!!
Page 49
Paragraphs are what spacing?
Single-spaced. Page 53
If the letter is long enough to require a second page, at least________must be carried over to the next page?
Two message lines. Page 53
What does the Date Line consist of?
Month, day, and the year (January 1, 2016)
**Abbreviations and ordinals (1st, 2nd, 24th) are NEVER used!!
Page 49
Paragraphs are what spacing?
Single-spaced. Page 53
If the letter is long enough to require a second page, at least________must be carried over to the next page?
Two message lines. Page 53
City Logo:
The clearspace for the seal should always be a minimum of _____ of the overall height—as shown here.
City Logo:
In order to maintain the integrity of the seal, the minimum diameter size should be ___ inches for print or _______ for digital applications.
.75 inches
116 pixels
The City seal was designed by __________________________and was originally used to legitimize or validate documents.
Carlton Monroe Wilson
FONT STYLE – The standard font style for text is________________. _____________is to be used for headlines, but can also be used for the body of a document. Reference the Visual Style Guide for headline font sizing.
Open Sans
Remember to use page numbers beginning on the _________page.
USE OF PROPER TITLES ON LETTERS AND MEMORANDA - Consistency should be used when affixing titles to letters and memoranda. For elected officials (of any jurisdiction), the word “Honorable” should precede their name. Official titles, not “working” titles, should be used on documents. The title should generally read in this order: ____________________?
Name, Title, Department