Drill Manual - Wildland Flashcards
Firewhirls indicate the presence of?
extreme fire behavior
Unburned indentations in the fire edge formed by fingers or slow burning areas?
Pockets of a fire
What’s one of the most commonly used, and safest methods of direct attack?
anchor, flank, and pinch the fire.
After being notified of a turn down what should you do as a supervisor?
Immediately notify the Safety Officer. If none assigned, notify the IC
Fire burning with a low flame and spreading slowly?
Creeping fire
The burn index reflects?
the changes in fine fuel moisture content and wind speed and highly variable day to day
Extinguishing or removing burning material near control lines, felling snags, and trenching logs to prevent rolling after an area has burned, to make a fire safe, or to reduce residual smoke.
Mop up
The diurinal wind in the coastal San Diego area is characterized as _________________?
a land and sea breeze wind
______________ operations may be performed without the approval of the I.C. or direct supervisor however, a notification of both is essential to avoid confusion regarding observed fire behavior on the incident.
Burn out
More than one emergency ________________ shall be established and shall lead to a safety zone?
escape route
When is the Fire Danger Pocket card most useful?
initial fire size up, initial attack, and extended attack
Follow-up tactic after passage of the fire front.
Involves searching for victims, perimeter control, hot spotting, and ember control
Fire Front Following
An additional concern regarding firefighting on steep slopes is the possibility of burning material __________________?
rolling downhill below you.
Weather is the combined factors of ?
temperature wind relative humidity atmospheric stability precipitation
The steeper the slope, the ______ the fire burns.
The burn index, or BI, is most appropriate for short-term fire danger and can be loosely associated with _________ by dividing the BI by __?
flame length; 10
As a general rule, the size, or distance separation of the safety zone should be at least _____ times the maximum continuous flame height.
How many emergency communication plans should be set up?
Back up
_______________ are boundaries that contain no combustible material and are used in an attempt to control wildfires.
Control lines
Resources use large volume fire streams to ex- tinguish structure fires, stop structure-to-struc- ture ignitions, protect exposures, and control embers
Anchor & Hold
What do we use to enhance our situational awareness from past experiences?
18 watch-outs = past experience
case studies = past experience
- mistakes from the past
One of the most useful pieces of information the burn index card provides is
that it allows you to compare the day’s index number with historical data from years past and to significant fire events.
Generally, the first-in engine company should begin a progressive hose lay up the ________ flank of the fire and subsequent arriving crews will attack the _________ flank.
most active; less active
Box canyons, also referred to as __________?
An extra roll of 100’ of 1 1⁄2” hose placed every __________ along the hose lay in the black to use when a hose ruptures or burns.
200’ to 300’
Type 1 strike teams are commonly used for _____________ and _____________ tactics
structure protection and direct attacks
Fire ignited outside the perimeter of the main fire by a firebrand?
Spot fire
Examples of medium fuels?
shrubs, chaparral, Manzanita, poison oak
*** 3 - 6 feet in height
A _____ is a more shallow upslope canyon than a box canyon
A canyon feature that funnels hot smoke and gasses upwards. Also used as another term for a box canyon
For every 1000’ in elevation gain, the temperature drops ___ degrees F
5.5 degrees F
Once the flanks of the fire have been extinguished, the two progressive hose lays on the “alpha” and “zulu” flanks shall continue until they join together. This action is referred to as?
Fuels are also categorized by their size and shape. In the wildland firefighting arena, fuels generally fall into one of three categories:
light = 0’ to 3’
medium = 3’ to 6’
heavy = 6’ and up
Resources remain mobile and continuously monitor assigned area after fire front passage.
Involves aggressive mop up around structures
Most structures do not burn until after the fire front has passed
Tactical Patrol
A one inch water thief placed every ____ in the hose lay for mop-up and rekindles�
200 feet
The part of a fire’s perimeter that is roughly parallel to the main direction of spread.
Flank of the fire
An _____________ is a layer of air where the temperature increases with altitude
inversion layer
_______ is the most critical factor affecting fire behavior, the most difficult to predict, and is the most variable
________________ are the most common method used for fighting wildland fires by engine companies
Progressive hose lays
Do not attempt a direct attack, consider indirect tactics with flame lengths?
11’ +
When should LCES be communicated?
prior to every operational period and updated as necessary as conditions change
Base Camp Expectations:
In _________ uniform while in the ICP, briefing area, dining area, or attending any other meetings�
Class B
Ladder fuels are located?
located above the surface fuels but still well below the top of the trees.
__________ are one of the most common indicators of unstable air
Dust devils
Resources move ahead of the fire front extinguishing spot fires and defending structures.
Extreme caution must be utilized
Bump & Run
Which type of fuel lies beneath the surface?
ground fuel
In San Diego, the local wind is considered a ___________?
diurnal wind
Upslope winds begin when?
just after sunrise
Attacking the Head of the Fire
Should only be used when?
This tactic should only be considered when a life safety hazard exists, or when the flame lengths are less than four feet providing that all safety measures are in place (LCES, Standard Firefighting Orders, etc.).
__________ tactics are used to support an offensive strategy�
Direct attacks
When does downslope winds begin?
just before sunset
Firewhirls are unpredictable, but often develop on the ___ side of ridgelines?
lee side
small and large scale temperature differences are referred to as?
pressure gradient
Indirect attack tactics are used to support a ________ strategy
Often times the anchor point will be the _____________ of the fire
point of origin
Type 3 strike teams are commonly used for _______ and _______ attack tactics?
direct and indirect
An ideal anchor point will have?
safety zone or large clearing nearby, good access for incoming resources, a water supply, and good visibility of the main body of the fire.
• Used for Threatened Non-Defensible structures
• Structure preparation can be safely completed prior to fire front impact
Remove small combustibles near structure (wood piles, furniture, etc�)
○ Close windows and doors and leave unlocked
○ Clear around LPG tanks and shut off fuel valve
○ Remove larger vegetation if time permits
○ Turn on sprinklers
• Potential fire activity is too dangerous to remain and/or there is no Safety Zone/TRA present�
• LEAVE before escape routes are compromised�
Prep & GO
Ten percent of the burn index number given represents the _______ flame length, in feet, expected at the _______.
minimum ; fire front
Thunderstorms create erratic and gusty ______ as well as strong outward and inward flowing wind?
Unstable air is the result of a _____ air mass over a ____ air mass?
cold over warm
Area of unburned fuel inside the fire perimeter.
As air temperature increases; relative humidity does what?
The burning index should NOT be used as?
fire behavior tactical tool
Cold front winds:
Where does the danger lie to firefighters with these winds?
pre-frontal conditions
Foehn wind speeds often reach _______ mph and tend to be stronger at night when they combine with the local downslope and land breeze
40 to 60 mph and stronger at night
When do you get downslope and down-valley winds?
How well a fuel will ignite and burn is dependent on its ____________?
moisture content
Where is the corridor that breaks the two micro climates in San Diego?
Upslope winds typically range in speed from _________ mph
3 to 8
When does inversion layers “lift” or break apart?
when the temperature of the day warms to a point where the air above the inversion layer is now cooler than the surface temp
A _____ is a more shallow upslope canyon than a box canyon
A _____________ is an area where a firefighter can survive without a fire shelter
safety zone
The long narrow extensions of a fire projecting from the main body?
Fingers of the fire
Used for Threatened Defensible structures
• Appropriate when a Safety Zone is nearby and TRA is present
• Adequate time exists to prepare the structure for defense prior to fire front impact.
○ Same as prep & go above
○ Put in hose lines
○ Pre-treat structure with foam
• Escape routes must be maintained
Prep & Defend
That portion of a fire spreading directly into the wind or down slope. That portion of a fire edge opposite the head. Slowest spreading portion of a fire edge. Also called heel of a fire.
Rear of a fire
Inversion layers indicate what type of weather?
calm, settled weather
Inversion layers commonly form ____ as cold air tends to settle in low-lying areas and valleys
at night
Leave enough slack, approximately ___ in between each coupling. Because not all rolls of hose are a true 100’, this slack allows for a shorter piece of hose to replace a burst section.
10 feet
_____ and ____ slopes are more directly exposed to sunlight, generally have sparser lighter fuels, higher temperatures, lower humidity, lower fuel moisture, and are the most critical in terms for the start and spread of wildland fire, Figure 13-24�
South and West
Upslope and Up valley winds begin?
What will the Fire Pocket Danger Card “NOT” do?
it will NOT provide site specific fire behavior predictions
Used for Threatened Non-Defensible structures
• Most appropriate action when no Safety Zone/TRA is present and fire front impact is imminent.
• Conduct rapid evaluation to check for occupants and eval- uate for follow up action�
• LEAVE promptly
Check & GO
What do we use to identify “safety rules” in wildland?
10 Firefighting Standing Orders
Firewhirls are generated by intense heat from fires and occur most often where ________________ of fuel are burning
heavy concentrations
In short, anything that protects firefighters from radiant or convective heat can be considered a __?
That portion of the fire with slower rates of fire spread and lower intensity, normally moving into the wind and/or down slope. Also called heel fire.
Backing fire
The three environmental components that influence wildland fire behavior are _______, _________ and __________?
weather, topography, and fuels
Fuels can be categorized into four major types?
Logging Slash
When should one of these be completed? SAFENET or SAFECOM form
unresolved safety hazard exists
unsafe act was committed
The side of the fire having the fastest rate of spread.
Head of the fire
When does down-valley occur?
around midnight
A decision to turn down an assignment should be backed up by?
10 Firefighting Orders,
18 Situations That Shout Watchout,
Risk Management criteria to document the turn down
The supervisor must notify the ____________ immediately upon being in- formed of the turn down.
Safety Officer
Stable air is the result of a _____ air mass over a _____ air mass
warm over cold
This cooled dense air is stable causing the downslope wind to be slower and more stable, with speeds ranging from ______ mph
2 to 5
Unit of measure in land survey, equal to 66 feet (20 M) (80 chains equal 1 mile)� Commonly used to re- port fire perimeters and other fireline distances. Popular in fire management because of its convenience in calculating acreage (example: 10 square chains equal one acre)
Wind direction is defined as the direction from which _____________?
the wind is blowing
The ________ wind in the coastal San Diego area is characterized as a land and sea breeze wind�
diurnal wind
When is the highest temperature of the day suppose to be?
between 2 - 4 pm
An extra roll of 100’ of 1” hose and nozzle placed every __________ along the hose lay to use as a lateral line
200’ to 300’