Strike Team Leader Manual (12/15) Flashcards
Task Forces defined as:
A group of resources with common communications and a leader, that may be pre-established and sent to an incident, or formed at an incident.
ICS defines “Strike Team” as:
Specified combinations of the same kind and type of resources, with common communications and a leader.
What are some things to think about being deployed on a strike team?
Strike Team Leader Trainee (STEN-T) available?
What items need to be packed?
All PPE needed? (Structural vs Wildland)—YES for us!!
Respond together or assemble at the emergency?
Where is the incident located? What route we will take?
Do I need an Incident Order Number and Request Number?
How will I communicate with my boss? Radio? Cell Phone?
Who should I contact if I have a problem enroute to the emergency?
On arrival, who do you report to?
Will you need to complete special forms?
Will a Cal EMA Agency Representative (AREP) be at the incident?
In any case of assistance needed who would you contact?
The closest fire agency for temporary assistance. It is EXTREMELY important that you notify your Operational Area Fire and Rescue Coordinator (dispatch center) if problems encountered on the road.
How is a Strike Team/Task Force Leader Trainee covered?
covered under the Strike Team/Task Force order-request number
identified on a separate Cal EMA F-42 if from a different agency than the Strike Team/Task Force Leader.
Who does the Strike Team/Task Force Leader Trainee check in with?
Incident Training Specialist.
A staged strike team is considered an available resource and must be able to respond within _______ minutes. Keep the Strike Team together in the staging area.
A staged strike team is under the direct supervision of the ____________________.
Operations section chief
A strike team responding directly to a fire assignment will report to a ___________________. The Strike Team Leader must report the Strike Teams arrival (by radio or in-person) to obtain their assignment.
Division/Group Supervisor.
Things to consider?
“Water Conservation”
- everyone taking water from the same main line?
- any adjacent water mains?
- firefighters or the public using garden hoses of your main?
- no pre-wet downs (instead use class A foam right before fire comes)
- use hand tools in conjunction with hose lines
- WATER TENDERS for areas without adequate water mains
- one or two TENDERS per strike team (conserve, conserve, conserve)
Civilian fatalities have occurred when private vehicles have been overrun by fire while exiting the area on _______________
Mid-slope roads
Rules of thumb:
Allow sufficient engines or water tenders and sufficient travel time to provide a constant supply of water:
What are these times?
2 min./mile for paved road
4 min./mile for unpaved road
15 min. for filling tank
Allow ________ minutes per 100’ of hose for a progressive hoselay. This includes suppression time. Remember that steep terrain, thick fuel, and personnel fatigue can reduce this production rate.
Four to five
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) will now reflect the name change, ___________, while
The Trainee will be covered under the Strike Team/Task Force order-request number and will only be identified on a separate________________if from a different agency than the Strike Team/Task Force Leader.
The Strike Team/Task Force Leader Trainee should check in with the ____________________?
Incident training specialist
The __________________should determine whether a Code-3 response is necessary.
Requesting agency
Immediate need response. How much time to do you have to respond?
30 minutes
Mutual aid resources respond to incident within __________from time of dispatch within operational area, adjacent or other operational area.
30 minutes
Planned need:
Planned incident arrival time determines departure time. Should be able to be en-route to rendezvous within ______ of request.
1 hour
The Strike Team/Task Force Leader reports to a ___________________ and is responsible for performing _______ assignments assigned to the Strike Team or Task Force.
Division/Group Supervisor
Repair of Cal OES (OES) fire engines, in excess of ___________, must have Cal OES Fire and Rescue Division approval.
Water tanks on Cal OES (OES) fire engines are not to be ________to facilitate a faster response.
Who do you contact for tire service on a major incident?
Ground Support
DO contact your fire department by phone once every ________. The person in charge of the engine should report to headquarters on the following information:
24 hours
DO notify your Cal OES Operational Area and/or Region Dispatch Center ________________?
On a daily basis
What pump is best for pump and roll?
Auxiliary pump
For primarily off-road pumping, it is generally best to use Type ____or ___ engines.
On arrival at the staging area, the Strike Team Leader must check in with Staging Area Manager and/or the ____________?
Check in recorder
A staged strike team is considered an available resource and must be able to respond within ___________. Keep the Strike Team together in the staging area.
Three minutes
A staged strike team is under the direct supervision of the __________Section Chief.
What does firing out mean?
“Fire out” (burn flammable vegetation) around structures where possible.
__________________is the sorting and prioritization of structures requiring protection from wildland fire. Triage can be required of anyone at any time on a wildland/urban fire incident.
Structure triage
Watch Out:
Natural fuels are within ____ feet of the structures.
What are the two different hose lays for wildland?
Simple and Progressive
Simple: laid dry and charged once completed
Progressive: laid wet on the perimeter. Lateral lines with tees every 200’
Rule of thumb for wildland hoselays:
Under average conditions assign at least _____ engines with at least ____ personnel per hose lay.
Allow ________________ minutes per 100’ of hose for a progressive hoselay
4 to 5
A current study of production rates indicates that well trained crews may lay as much as ___ per minute in the initial attack stages of a fire.
Burnout: (also known as burning out or _________?)
Firing out
Firing out an existing road to strengthen its conversion into a wider fire line falls into this same realm. These are _____________actions.
Backfires are normally conducted on a much _______scale than burning or firing out.
Backfire is considered
It is considered an __________ tactic
___________and ________ is key to a safe backfire.
Coordination and Timing
A maneuver of this scale is well thought out in advance and approved by the ___________Section Chief.
The __________________ is responsible for the preparation of the Demobilization Plan to ensure that an orderly, safe, and cost effective movement of personnel and equipment is accomplished from the incident. The Logistics Section is responsible for implementing the plan.
Planning section
ICS Form 221?
Demob plan
There are ___________ specific channels that should be preprogrammed into all VHF radios utilized by fire service agencies providing mutual aid in California
Seventy (70)
Type 3 apparatus must have a minimum of how much 1 1/2” hose?
The recognized engine types by Cal-OES are:
Type 1, 2, 3, 4
Being properly prepared:
Strengthens personal confidence and security
If calling the Cal EMA Fire and Rescue Division, Sacramento 24-Hour Number (916) 845-8911, ask for?
Fire Duty Officer
The Strike Team/Task Force Leader selected to command the strike team should be:
An experienced Chief Officer
Following successful completion of classes, individuals may be placed on a list as a Strike Team/Task Force Leader Trainee, if authorized by the Chief of their department and approved by:
Operational Area CICCS Peer Review Committee
Contact the ______________ for assistance with problems encountered on the incident, including mechanical, operational, or logistical issues.
Strike Team/Task Force Leader “lists” are normally maintained by the:
Operational Area Fire and Rescue Coordinator dispatch center
The Strike Team number consist of what?
3-letter designator, 4-digit number, and a letter from A-D
For INITIAL ATTACK or IMMEDIATE NEED, a code-3 response is generally warranted for response within an Operational Area or to an adjacent Operational Area:
To protect life or property imminently threatened by the event
Immediate need indicated that the strike team should respond:
Within 30 minutes
Cal OES Engine Log Books are to be carried on all Cal OES Engines. Record all losses, repairs, and maintenance. When completing the CAL OES Fire Report, attach all fuel delivery receipts and forward to:
CAL OES/Monthly
How many CAL OES regions are there?
Region II is split up by North & South.
Is a small TV or radio allowed?
What do we use for structure triage labeling?
ICS-231 has (WUI Placard)
Where should we post the structure triage card?
On a mail box or garage
** A place that is visible from the street
Who has the FINAL decision to protect a structure?
The assigned resource
Explain the form needed to stay in a hotel:
Color ink
Code of conduct and impact
Emergency Meal - Hotel Purchase Report (AO-341)
Signed by each member in BLUE INK — Daily
We are representing not only our agency but the fire service as a whole!
Be responsible and be NICE!
Can we eat away from Base?
Yes, but you will be responsible for costs.
The incident provides food, while you’re assigned to the incident
F-142A & F-42 should be filled out
Time Unit:
If NO OES AREP available what should one do with the F-42?
Have it signed by incident authorized representative.
Mail the white copies to OES HQ
Should we start a new OES F-42 if re-dispatched?
YES, start a new OES F-42
—incident name
—start date
—New incident order number
—New request number
What do we fill out on the F-42?
What color ink?
Box 1-4
5 (part of), 11, 12, 14, & 17
Blue ink (responding agency)
Red ink ( filled out by Finance/OES)
Terms to avoid on the F-42?
Structure protection/defense
Terms to use on the F-42
Approved personnel rotation
Comp/Claims notations
*****don’t confuse block 14 on the F-42 with your ICS 214
ICS 214
What do we document?
Major events
Food purchases