OPS Manual - PPE / Respiratory Protection Flashcards
The tight fitting respirator we wear is?
Personnel may also be at risk for exposure to disease during Emergency Medical Service operations, as a result SDFD must operate under the OSHA guidelines for ________________________?
Aerosolized Transmittable Disease protection
Who is the Program Administrator for the Respiratory Protection Program?
The Asst Chief of Operations or designee
The ___________ shall be responsible for tracking all SDFD employees and ensuring compliance. The _______________ shall be ultimately responsible for employee tracking.
HR Division; HR Program Manager
If the employee OPTS out
The employee has been advised that within __ business days a respiratory fitness exam must be completed by the employee through the City of San Diego contract medical provider
A completed and approved Medical Respirator Clearance Form must be submitted to HR within __ business days or ______________ of the current calendar year, whichever occurs first
45 days or December 31st
What’s the calendar year for the SCBA Fit Test?
January through December
Any Operations employee that has not completed their _________________________ within the calendar year (January 1 - December 31) shall be considered out of compliance and can be subjected to discipline and/or removal from Operations until an exam has been completed and an approved medical respiratory clearance form is received in HR.
Medical Respiratory Fitness Exam
What type of respirator is the N100?
Negative pressure / tight fitting respirator
The ___________________ is the preferred device for respiratory protection.
positive-pressure SCBA
__________________________ shall be used when filtration of small airborne particulates are present.
Negative pressure respirators
Types of respirators we have?
An _____ shall be worn by rescue personnel when airborne petroleum products are known or suspected to be in the same atmosphere as the patient.
What type of filtration does the N100 provide?
What title and section regulates respiratory fitness exams?
Title 8, Section 5144
Any employee who refuses the annual respiratory fitness exam offered by the Wellness Center may have the exam performed by the City of San Diego contract medical provider?
True or False
Employee respiratory fitness exam records shall be retained only until?
the next exam is administered
All employees shall conduct ___ and _____ respirator checks as detailed in the Drill Manual.
daily and monthly
Any SCBA sent in for repair shall be tracked by the assigned fire station utilizing the _____________________ located in the Engineers Manual.
equipment transfer form
Personnel involved in _______________ of a known or suspected ATD patient shall don the appropriate level of P.P.E., including respiratory protection, prior to making contact with the patient.
direct patient care
Documentation and Recordkeeping
_______shall establish and retain written and/or electronic records regarding medical evaluations, fit testing, and all required training listed in the Respiratory Protection Program.
Protective Clothing Inspection Program
Battalion Chiefs shall formally inspect all personal protective equipment in _______ of each year. A secondary informal inspection shall be done in ________ of each year. The inspection form/record shall be kept for a period of one year.
March and October
All protective clothing should be routinely inspected to insure continued serviceability. This inspection should take place after _______________, and following any application where the clothing may have been ____________ or __________.
each cleaning; damaged or contaminated
Procedures for repair or replacement of PPE ?
Email shall be sent to the SDFD Equipment Manager with a carbon copy (CC) to the immediate and second level supervisor.
What’s the FASET program?
program designed to track an individuals PPE
Once the email is received from the equipment manager, how long do they have to respond?
one day
Once an employee has been notified that their PPE is available for pickup, the employee will have __________ days upon receipt of the e-mail notification to pickup items or they may be returned to stock and subject to reissue.
14 days
Light can _____ the PPE material and therefore reduce its effectiveness.
PPE shall be laundered?
If the turnout coat has a Drag Rescue Device (DRD), the DRD shall be removed prior to the coat being washed. If the DRD needs cleaning, it shall be placed in a separate mesh bag and laundered.
True or False
If repair cost are at or below the allotted amount ($_______ ,currently) the boots will be sent to the vendor for repair.
Once the firefighter receives the newly repaired boot, the temporary issued boot must be returned within ______ days.
7 days
___________________may issue a recommendation for a replacement wildland boot if they are needed as part of injury prevention or an ongoing
Risk Mgmt
The employee will only be reimbursed at the amount the department currently pays its existing contractor for wildland boots (currently $_____)
____________________________ shall maintain all Medical Respiratory Clearance Forms originating from the Wellness Center and/or the City of San Diego contract medical provider.
SDFD Human Resources Department (HR)
SCBA Technicians at 36’s are suppose to notify the members Flow and SCBA Fit Test no later than what?
no later than 30 days prior to start of testing.
Are employees suppose to contact their supervisor if their face piece no longer fits?
Yes. They should notify their supervisor.
Is the annual medical respiratory fitness exam on a calendar or fiscal year?
We could happen if an employee does not complete their annual respiratory fitness exam?
Subject to discipline and/or removal from Operations until an exam has been completed and HR receives a medical respiratory clearance form.
Is Wildland Operations considered an area of hazard to wear respiratory protection?
What’s a medical situation where we should wear a SCBA?
Patient has fuel all over them or there is petroleum products in the atmosphere
RESPIRATORS should NOT be worn
“An SCBA shall be worn by rescue personnel when airborne petroleum products are known or suspected to be in the same atmosphere as the patient.” Pg. 7 of 12, SI 14, Section 1
What fire prevention personnel should have an APR?
CEDMAT and Tech Services