When a San Diego Fire-Rescue Department employee is seriously injured or killed in the line of duty, the ______________________________________________________as soon as possible through the Fire Communications Center.
The Battalion Chief or Incident Commander shall cause the Fire Chief to be notified
The _____________________________________will respond to notify the next of kin.
The Fire Chief, whenever possible or designee (Duty Deputy Chief)
If the Fire Chief cannot be notified in a timely manner or is unable to respond after notification, the ______________ will be responsible for notifying the next of kin.
Duty Deputy Chief
The Fire Communications Center shall also notify the _____________________________________________________________(Revised 2/99)
- Health and Human Resources Officer
- Department Chaplain
- Critical incident stress counseling provider. (Revised 2/99)
Employees are prohibited from giving the name of any employee seriously injured or killed at an emergency to all _________________________, until the information has been received by the next of kin
News disseminating agencies
Emergency Care:
Anytime a SDFD employee becomes injured and requires ambulance transportation, the patient shall be transported to the ___________________________________?
most appropriate emergency medical facility.
Contagious Disease:
Any employee who is exposed to a contagious disease while off duty ___________________________________________________________________________________?
shall obtain medical advice and have the attending physician notify the Department before reporting for his/her next tour of duty.
Accidents resulting in injury or death, ______________________,involving work vehicles (or machinery), that are in use as industrial equipment (such as graders, backhoes, and water trucks), are classified as industrial accidents and must be reported.
On public or private property
The fire officer of the responding fire company responsible for fire incident reporting is also _____________________________________________________________?
charged with the collection of data to properly notify CAL OSHA of a serious injury or illness.
The Captain/ IC will be responsible for reporting this information to the ________________________________________________________on their 24-hour telephone number (619) 767-228
California Division of Occupational Health and Safety Administration
The Captain/IC will use the ______________________to gathering and report the required information. This form can be found inside the forms folder located in the S-Drive. Company Officers should print and maintain the reporting forms on each apparatus for use at these incidents
CAL OSHA Reporting Form
The primary reporting of industrial accident deaths is the responsibility of the ________________________?
Police Department