Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination 10.3 [HY] Flashcards
Purpose of Stereotype
make sense of a complex world by categorizing and systematizing information in order to better identify items, predict their behavior, and react.
Difference between Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination
- Stereotypes are cognitive
- Prejudices are affective
- Discrimination is behavioral
Stereotype content model
-attempts to classify stereotypes with respect to a hypothetical ingroup
using two dimensions: warmth and competence.
- Warm groups are
those that are not in direct competition with the in-group for resources;
- competent groups are those that have high status within society
- Paternalistic + Admiration stereotypes are not competitive so high warmth
- Admiration + Envious Stereotypes are high status so high competence
Paternalistic stereotypes
those in which the group is looked down upon as inferior, dismissed, or ignored
Admiration stereotypes
those in which the group is viewed with pride and other positive feelings
Stereotype threat
concern or anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype about one’s group. This may hinder performance, which may actually create a self-fulfilling prophecy
an irrational positive or negative attitude toward a person, group, or thing, prior to an actual experience with that entity
the ability of people or groups to achieve their goals despite any obstacles, and their ability to control resources
Cultural relativism
recognition that social groups and cultures should
be studied on their own terms.