Retrovirus Flashcards
Retrovirus family includes
Oncoviridae - HTLV 1,2
Lentiviridae - HIV 1,2
Which HIV is more common in India
HIV 1»_space; HIV 2
Features of HIV Virus
Unsegmented ssRNA
2 copies of RNA
100-120 nm
Reverse transcriptase activity
HIV 1 Serotypes
M - M/C
Subtypes of M serotype of HIV 1
10 subtypes - A to K
Which serotype of HIV 1 is most common in Worldwide and India
Worldwide - HIV 1 Group M subtype B
India - HIV 1 Group M subtype C
Circulating recombinant forms of HIV
CRF-AE : Combination of A and E Serotypes
HIV proteins are classified into
Non structural
Structural proteins of HIV includes
Env (Envelope)
Env (Envelope proteins) of Hiv
Envelope - gp160
Surface - gp120
Transmembrane - gp41
Gag proteins of HIV
Matrix - p17
Capsid - p24
Nucleocapsid - p7
Budding protein - p6
Pol proteins of HIV
Reverse transcriptase - p66
Non structural proteins of HIV
Tat (Transcriptional transactivator)
NeF (Negative factor gene)
ReV (Regulation of virus)
ViF (Viral infectivity factor)
Vpu/Vpx - unload/release of virus
Vpr - transport from cytoplasm to nucleus
LTR (Long terminal repeats)
Which non structural protein of HIV is responsible for Unloading/release of virion
Which non structural protein of HIV helps in transport of HIV from cytoplasm to nucleus
Attachment of HIV Virus is mediated by
Envelope proteins (gp129, gp41) - attaches to Macrophages or CD4 Cells and Coreceptor binding to Chemomine receptors
R4 strains - Binds to CXCR4 on CD4 cells
R5 strains - Binds to CCR5 on macrophages
Pathogenesis of HIV
Attachment - Endocytosis - Uncoating - conversion of viral RNA to DNA with the help of Reverse transcriptase - viral DNA transported to nucleus (Vpr) - Integration of viral DNA with host DNA mediated by Integrase enzyme - Transcription (RNA formation) - Protein synthesis - new viral particles formed - Release (by Protease enzymes)
Transmission of HIV
Sexual (0.1-1%) - Homosexual routes, Heterosexual routes, unprotected receptor anal course, vaginal intercourse
Blood transfusion (>90%)
Needle stick injury - 1:300
Needle sharing - 1:150
Vertical (30%)
Clinical forms of HIV
Acute HIV syndrome
Clinical latency
PGL (Persistent generalized Lymphadenopathy)
ARC (AIDS related complex)
Clinical features seen in Acute HIV Syndrome
Fever/weight loss
Skin rash
Clinical latency form of HIV
CD4 Count goes down
HIV RNA levels increases
Persistent generalized Lymphadenopathy form of HIV
Enlarged LN - two or more than 2 non contagious extrainguinal sites LN
AIDS related complex
When CD4 <200/mm3 - definition of AIDS
Opportunistic infections
Opportunistic infections when CD4 count is less than 500
Bacterial pneumonia
Oropharyngeal Candidiasis
Non typhoid Salmonellosis
Kaposi sarcoma
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Herpes zoster