reflection Flashcards
——is the process when a person thinks antaylically about relating their professional practice with the intention of gaining insight and using the lesson
learned to maintain good practice or make improvements.
—- is a way of studying your own experience to improve the way u think and the skills that enables you to increase your confidence and become more proactive
—- allows us to understand the event or experience after it occurs
—- allows us to project that experience forward to the future events
describe the three steps of the Gibbs reflective cycle
1- description ( what happened )
2- feelings ( so what )
3- evaluation ( now what ) aka what was good/bad about the exepeircne
(rest of the steps are analysis —> conclusion —> action plan )
—- is the description of events or literature reports, No discussion beyond the description as well as not evidence of reflection
descriptive writing
—- this writing suggests there’s stepping back from events and action that leads to different level of discourse.
Allows the sense of mulling about/thinking about and the exploration of the role of self in events and actions. There’s consideration of judgement and possible alternatives for explaining.
dialogic reflection
—- is a form of reflection , shows evidence that learner is aware of actions and events may be located within and explicable by multiple perspectives but are located in and influenced by multiple contexts
critical reflection
– description of events but shows evidence of deeper consideration in relatively descriptive language. There’s no real evidence of notion pf alternative in use.
descriptive reflection
true or false:
1- reflection is recapturing our experience and evaluate them
2- reflection causes us to make sense of what we’ve learned , why we learned it and it helps us link 2 increment of learning to wider perspective of learner aka leading for the bigger picture
3- its not suffienct to simply have an experience to learn something
4- gernalisation allows new situation to be tackled effectively
all are true :3
The main approaches of reflection in medial education are:
1- reflective learning: exepeirnce alone is not enough to learn u need to integrate and interrupt into existing knowledge structure to become new or expanded knowledge
2- reflection in developing therapeutic relationships: its essential for professional practice. Guided reflection is particularly useful for this since beliefs and assumptions can be identified and c challenged
3- reflection in professional practice: development professional expertise is a complex integration of knowledge and skills that are appropriate to the unique situation that are they face, guided reflection can maximise this integration.
true or false:
1- reflective practice allows developemtnf of insight into professional practice in order to improve the standards of learning
2- reflective practice includes formal reviews through audits and outcome data
3- reflection also includes informal reflection on how personal values may affect communication w/ patients and colleagues
all true :3
true or false
most unique element of being a junior doctor is the density of decision making
true bc it helps you understand the mechanism for patient safety , collect and process info
The big P’s for medical council professionalism is
- partnership
- practice
-performance ( relfection)
true or false:
-in system learning reflective practice should inform organisational learning to help create system change and development.
-Health service organisation as HSE,NHS need to learn and improve by listening to the recommendations that result from person and team reflective processes and facilaiting and promoting system wide reflective learning
all true :3