biological cell membrane Flashcards
the components of the cell membrane include :
1- lipid bilayer : structural backbone
2- phospholipids : most abundant
- glycolipids
- chelstrol
3- proteins
- transporters
- enzymes
- signal trasductor
4- crabs attached to proteins and lipids
( check slide 4 )
the favoured strucure for the lipid bilayer is — since its head has —- for water and the tail —- water
the formation is —- process , the major driving force is —- and there are —– and —- bonding interactions brteeen polar head and water
- bimolecular sheet
- an affinity
- avoids
- self assembly + self sealing
- hydrophobic interactions is the major driving force
- electrostatic and hydrogen bonding attraction
majority of the lipids of the cell membrane is — which are — , these lipids spotnaously form bilayers in aqoues solution:
and they also have —-
- phospholipids
- amphilatic
- vesicles and micelles
- cholesterol
( check strucure )
—- are proteins that span the cell membrane sometimes once other more and either terminus maybe inside or outside the cell so basically they are permanently embedded within the plasma membrane
types include:
1- alpha helix: recognition and receptors
2- helical bundle: enzymes transporter and receptors
3- b barrel: transporters ( channel proteins )
—- proteins that adhere sometimes and temporarily to the biological membrane , they don’t enter the hydrophobic space within the cell membrane but can push into the peripheral region of the lipid bilayer and they attach to intergal membrane proteins
peripheral; membrane proteins
components of the complex molecules on the cell membrane :
- glycoprotein
- glycolipids
- proteoglycans
the carbs form a layer around the cell on the outside of the membrane called —
glycolyx functions as a —– between the cell and its surroundings and serves as a —– for the cell-cell interactions , it also — the cell membrane from the direct action of the physical forces and stresses allowing the membrane to maintain its integrity
- barrier
- mediator
- protects
the breakdown of —- that is involved in the development and progression of many diseases
a sheet like structure that forms closed boundaries , physical isolation and it acts as a barrier , hold molecules inside of the cell and allows the regulation of exchange in and out of the membrane as it also create an environment that responds to changes in the cell ( unique intracellular pH redox , response of it’s receptors ) also it provides strcural support for the cell
cell plasma membrane
( check slide )
the fluid mosaic model of the membrane states :
the membranes are — dimensional solutions of oriented globular proteins and lipids
—- is solvent for intergal proteins and permeability barrier
lipid bilayer
small amounts of — interact specifically with a particular —–
proteins can differ laterally but are not —– to —
- lipids
- membrane proteins
- not free to rotate
the unaided spontaneous movement of solute molucles —- their concentration gradient and the movement is from —– concentration , this continuous until the concentration of the molecules equilibrate across the bilayer and doesnt require —-
1- this transport is known as: passive diffusion
2- down
3- high to low concentration
- energy
is a carrier mediated diffusion which uses —- which it depends on and occurs — the concentration gardient and doesnt —-
- facilitated diffusion which uses integral proteins
- down
- doesnt require energy ( check slide 14 pls)
— transport refers to the movement — the concentration gardient and it uses — and the two forms are:
- active
- against
- energy
- primary and secondary active transport
Na+ /K+ -ATPase is an exmaple of —- used in —– transport
- intergal transport protein
- primary active transport
in primary active transport the Na+ /K+ -ATPase removed —- from the cell in each cycle in exchange for —- .
the movement of na+ is — the concentration gardient which means it requires —-
- 3 NA+ ions
- 2 k+ ions
- against
- energy
process of primary active transport :
- This is the process:
1. The ATPase binds ATP
2. The ATPase binds three Na+ ions
3. ATP phosphorylates the ATPase.
4. This induces conformational changes
5. Three Na+ ions are released into the extracellular fluid
6. Two K+ ions bind from the extracellular fluid.
7. The ATPase is dephosphorylated
8. The ATPase reverts to its previous conformation
9. Two K+ ions are released into the cell
in secondary active transport the — protein moves a specific substance —- its concentration gardient and it can make another substance at the same time .
The concentration gradient for one substance provides the —— for the carrier protein, the second substance gets a free ride lolz
- carrier
- against
- driving force
—- refers to cell eating
—- refers to cell drinking
- phagocytosis
- pinocytosis
(* Brings proteins/solid particles into (endo-) and out (exo-) of the cell (‘cyto’)
, receptor mediated endocytosis )