introduction to psychiatry Flashcards
define psychiatry —- and it includes ——–
- branch of medicine related to understanding, assessment, diagnosing, and treatment of disorders of the brain
- includes mental well-being , mental illness , mental health , comorbid mental and physical illness
true or false:
mental health and wellbeing are central to reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases such as : diabetes, respiratory, cancer, cvc
cardiovascular, diabetes , cancer , respiratory diseases are commonly co-occur with :
common mental disorders as depression and anxiety and severe mental disorders as syschophenia and bipolar
Risk factors of NCD common to both and cluster in people with —-
Types of risk factors are non-modified as —- and modified as —-
- mental illness
- non-modified as: age,gender, genetics , family history
- modified as: smoking, physical activity, diet , alcohol use
—- is a care that evidence support intergation of mental health treatment into primary care
collaborative care
—- care is the awareness of mental illness and physical illness comorbitlity levels to improve outcomes and reduces costs
secondary care
—- is a multidispinscary work and inclusion in medical curriculum at early stages as —-
- professionalism
- spirlling
depression and anxiety can be managed by —– care
primary care
symptoms of depression includes :
biological as —- and more severe as —–
- low mood that is preqsistanr most of the day , more days than not
- disturbed sleep , altered appetite , low energy , altered cognition
- altered thinking og hopelessness and suicidal thoughts
( depressed mood , dysphoric mood , dysthymic mood )
depression is associated with — as it — the symptoms
- anemia
- mimics ( low energy , low concentration , hypoxia , altered cognition )
depression is relevant to conditions like —- or —– as depression is associated with chronic —- of —- response
- inflammation or sepsis
- low inflammatory response
( check slide 14 for more details )
symptoms of anxiety may include:
1- biological :
2- physical somatic feelings
3- cognitive symptoms:
1- agitation, irritable , restless , fatigue , disturbed sleep , wound up aka increased appearance of energy
2- stomach aches , headaches , sweating , trembling , pins and needles
3- altered cognitions as hard time concentration , paying attention , memory and feeling impending danger or doom
anxiety has a —- association with anemia as it causes —-
- bidirectional
- fatigue m weakness, hypoxia m mood changes etc
Mental state examination model consists of:
initiating a session –> gathering info —> physical examination —> explanation and planning —-> closing the session
mental state examination is a snapshot of patients ——- at —- which helps identify —– and its a — format but its during —–
- thoughts, emotions , and behavior
- at the time of observation
- presence and security of the condition as well as the risk of presence of any other condition
- structural format
- patient talking
the content of mental state examination includes
1- (appearance )
2- (speech )
3- (behaviour )
4- thought form
5- (mood and affect) ( aka climate and weather )
6- (thought content )
7- perception
8- cognition
9- insight and judgment
10- risk assessment
biopdychosocial factors includes :
1- biological as genetics, physical health and physical disabilities
2- psyoclogical as coping , beliefs , personality , mental health history , Current symptology
3- social as family dynamic , quality of social support and community engagement
effects of comorbidity :
ppl living with chronic physical health conditions are — likely to have poor mental health . People with severe mental illness have —- and —- which leads to —— and is —–
- earlier morbidity and mortality
- worse outcomes and increased costs
- under recognised and treated