introduction to Gp Flashcards
the structure of healthcare system is:
self-care —> primary care —> secondary and tertiary care
—- is an approach to care that includes a range of services, designed to keep people well, from promotion of health and screening for disease to assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation as well as personal social services.
primary care ( aka GP or family medicine )
the —– services provide first level contact that is easily accessible and has a strong emphasis on working with communities and individuals to improve their health and social well-being.These include:
primary care
they include: GP, nurse/midwife, health care assistant , home help , physiotherapists , occupational therapist , social worker , recipstionidt , administrator , podiatrist , community welfare officer , community pharmacists , dentist , dietitian , psychologist and therapists , speech and language therapists
The access of healthcare in Ireland for primary healthcare includes
1- medical cards: ( 2nd most)
- means tested some discrentiary cards based on exceptional medical needs
- free GP care includes out hours
- free primary care services ( but waiting lists and some services are not available )
free medication ( small fee , prescription charge )
2- GP visit cards ( general )
- means tested 8-69 can apply
free GP care includes out hours
- pay for primary care services as physio
- pay for medication ( max: 80 euros/month per family = drug payment scheme )
3-GP visit cards ( specific )
- under 8 and over 70 carers
- expansion to certain categories of population
4- private ( most ppl are private )
- pay for GP 45-70 euros per consultation
- pay for other primary care services
- pay for medications max 80 euros per family = drug payment scheme
most Gps work in —- practices with GP clinics as surges , primary care centres , purpose-built buildings or converted houses
characteristics for primary care indeed by barbes startfield:
1- first contact
2- continuous care
3- comprehensive care
4- coordination
GP dept teaching in year 1 and 2 , professionalism includes:
Year 1 and Year 2:- -communication skills
- examination skills
- early patient contact
- intro to prescribing and clinical decision making
Year 3:
-Student selected components
Year 4:
-GP module
- 6-week rotation
communication skills in year 1 includes:
1- format: lectures and small group tutorials
2- content: Calgary Cambridge consultation model and formal history taking structure
3- resources: system folders and patient scenarios
examination skills in year 1:
1-format: lectures and small group tutorials
2- content: BMF ) knee and PNS exams ) , CVS exam , RESP exam
3- Resources: system folder and task lists
assesemnt in Year 1:
1- knowledge: knowledge checks and progress rests
2- clinical skills: clinical skills evaluation and OSCE
3- PPID: clinical skills and evaluation and OSCE
why’s early patient contact is important?
1-Develop an appreciation of the ‘difference’ between study and experiential learning
2-Understand how important it is to considerpatient’s experience oftheir illness
you will learn to put yourself in the patient’s shoes (compassion andempathy)
3-Learn thepower of listeningto patients
4-The importance ofdoctor’s professional responsibilities and learning about your own professional identity
5-Learn the importance of the patient-doctor relationship and patient-centred care
6-Your duty to be respectful and professional, at all times
7-Understand the importance of managing your own emotions and thoughts and caring for your own health; meeting patients can be challenging.
Health care syposia ( HCS) includes:
- patient living w/ chronic condition pr patient representative
- experiences of health care system and the impact of illness on their lives and their families
- opportunity to ask questions and learn more about these patients lives
- respect patient confientiality
- don’t record videos or audios during the sessions
true of false in EPC ( illness experience ) understamdimf the patients experience of illness is a key component to a successful practice of medicine
The Calgary Cambridge model to communicate w/ patient states :
1- ideas : beliefs
2- concerns : worries
3- expectations : anticipation
4- effect : effect of the illness on the patient life
in epc the doctor patient relationship includes:
trust , respect , healing , self awareness , compassion , continuity